PyroToaster Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 (edited) Hey all! I thought it'd be a cool idea to make a forum post detailing and showcasing the WiP of my first ever mod! Ill be updating this post with new features implemented along with screenshots, gifs, and videos as well as explanations to go with it! Feel free to skip the backstory excerpt if you want to discover it for yourself in the game! Backstory: Xanthys has been around for a long time, Like First Era long time. He was an still is one of the most deadliest mages out there. He was always behind the scenes of things and or under the radar so to speak which is why only a few people know of him. His weapon of choice? Fire. He loves his fire magic, along with his deadly axe. Is he a well adjusted individual? Like I said he's been a round for a LONG time and most of that time was in Skyrim. Would you not be mad if you lived in Skyrim and had to witness every single war, kill every person that tried to kill you, unlock the secrets of the universe, be granted immortality, have run ins with your fair share of Daedric Gods, dealing with ally an enemy Dwemer and annihilate an entire race of elves and succumb to a severe case of Pyromania? Thats what Xanthys is. "Mad". He is not your typical follower or a typical Mage. He doesnt just carry your burdens just like that. You have to earn his respect. You earn his respect after you save his life an conquer that dungeon, after all that he refers to you as "Master" after all he senses greatness in you, your the god damn DRAGONBORN. He is transcended up there with Shalidor and Manni. He can transform into what you need, enchant what you need. But most of all...He will burn what you need. Since Xanthys is along the lines of your typical Nord he likes mead, fighting, honor, fair wenches and killing bandits. At first you would think he's a well adjusted individual but when it comes to fighting or just exploring with him over time you can tell he's a sadistic pyromaniac. Since he's immortal and lived since the first era to the present he's seen a lot of good an horrifying things which made him numb as well as pretty much knowing everything be it dwemer, ruins, giants as well as being majorly perceptive of people an betrayal. It also made him very knowledgeable about places an things and he'll even spout historical facts such as the time when he knew harkins family before molag bal turned them into vampires. As to why he's so infatuated with the player it's because he's Dragonborn. and that never seemed like such a big deal in the game to me but it is for Xanthys. I always felt Dragonborn are supposed to be fast learners, strong, smart, and can learn magic very fast and were very respected in Xanthys's time. As a Nord and a person that was saved by the dragonborn, he feels very obligated the help the player to the very end. Will Feature:500+ Custom Voiced Idle Dialogue! (50% done)He can actually wear almost all the armor in the game! **DONE**Location Aware Dialogue (75% done)Quest Aware Dialogue (20% done)Inventory Aware Dialogue (0% done)1 Quest (0% done)1 Dungeon (55% done) **UPDATE 6/13/2016**Will interact with certain Npc's (0% done)Perfectly balanced leveling system for him despite any perk overhaul mod you might use!**DONE**Custom Spells and Shouts for him to use! (75% done) will post video by friday 5/27 **UPDATE 6/13/2016**Comes with his own custom Axe courtesy of Destero!**DONE**When the player reaches a certain level he can turn into a ridable horse**DONE**When the player reaches a certain level he can turn into a ridable horse (90% done just have to add the custom horse model)**DONE**When the Player reaches a certain Level He can enchant any weapon, armor, ring, etc for you!**DONE**When certain Requirements are meant you can have him go From Pyromancer to Pyromancer Priest on the fly (85% done) **UPDATE 6/13/2016 DONE JUST CURRENTLY EXPANDING ON THIS FEATURE**When the player Reaches a certain level he can transform into a ridable flyable skeletal atronach that the player can use to travel throughout Skyrim and any other modded world (90% done) **UPDATE 6/13/2016 DONE JUST CURRENTLY EXPANDING ON THIS FEATURE**Has Dialogue focused towards Custom voiced Followers such as: Inigo, Sofia, Hoth, Celestine, maybe others? (0% done)????? What is Currently Implemented:*NEW* You can give him items to sell for you and he travels to general stores to sell them and meets back up with you and he even gives you the Gold!!!*NEW* As you discover holds an other locations He can then teleport you to it!!!*NEW* He can randomly transform into one of the 3 mountable bone creatures!!!He can actually wear almost all the armor in the game!Perfectly balanced leveling system for him despite any perk overhaul mod you might use!Custom Spells and Shouts for him to useComes with his own custom Axe courtesy of Destero!When the player reaches a certain level he can turn into a ridable horse (90% done just have to add the custom horse model)When the Player reaches a certain Level He can enchant any weapon, armor, ring, etc for you!When certain Requirements are meant you can have him go From Pyromancer to Pyromancer Priest on the fly**UPDATE 6/13/2016 DONE JUST CURRENTLY EXPANDING ON THIS FEATURE**When the player Reaches a certain level he can transform into a ridable flyable skeletal atronach that the player can use to travel throughout Skyrim and any other modded world **UPDATE 6/13/2016 DONE JUST CURRENTLY EXPANDING ON THIS FEATURE**WiP Armor Showcase: Thanks to lifestorock as well for his AWESOME ARMORED SKELETON MODS Weapon:Courtesy Of Destero Please check out his Draugr Weapon mod! Its so professionally made it should have been in the gameThank youso much forletting meuse it in this mod:Custom Spells For Xanthys:Thanks to the terrific talents of LumTum he made this reallly awesome healing spell orb that inspired this spell that he also made for my mod! You can check that out here thanks a lot man!PyroClasm: Feature Video Showcase Page loaded in: 1.086 seconds Edited September 5, 2016 by PyroToaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DanielHodge Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 Damn, already got a voice actor. Oh well. Really like the design. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyroToaster Posted May 11, 2016 Author Share Posted May 11, 2016 (edited) Damn, already got a voice actor. Oh well. Really like the design.ACTUALLY STOP RIGHT THERE. I looked at your work on your youtube page and the type of voice your able to do is not only awesome it's exactly what I need! I've been doing the voice an they come out to my liking but at the cost of my throat which hurts like hell when I do it I dont have a natrual rasp voice. Would you still be interested if I pm you more details?? If so I dont want to guarentee anything but I would love to do some samples with you and see how it goes from there! Edited May 11, 2016 by PyroToaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mlee3141 Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 Looks very interesting. Mind sharing some more of his backstory/ quest plots? I'd be quite interested to read/ learn more about him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mlee3141 Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 Also, we seem to have very different perspectives on what time/ immortality, and being an eternal sentinel will do to a person's psyche. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyroToaster Posted May 11, 2016 Author Share Posted May 11, 2016 Looks very interesting. Mind sharing some more of his backstory/ quest plots? I'd be quite interested to read/ learn more about him.Sure Ill add a bigger post later tonight Also, we seem to have very different perspectives on what time/ immortality, and being an eternal sentinel will do to a person's psyche.I'm curious on your thoughts about this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mlee3141 Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 Indeed. I would think that being immortal, one would have time to learn through trial and error; even lost in the depths of the darkest abyss. Thus, Xanthys would likely have already stood too many times in the role of both a hero and a villain, and knows what it is like to be a monster, a tyrant and a destroyer of worlds. Yet, by contrast, these actions would only urge him to filter his own behavior more precisely, by adding another layer of perspective, and ensure that ultimately, he's less likely to stray from the path into darkness. Also, I don't think that time will fray a person's mind, since the same is a catalyst of experience. Anyway, I'm getting too philosophical here! Write his character out however you wish; I'm just glad to see more interesting companions are being made. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyroToaster Posted May 11, 2016 Author Share Posted May 11, 2016 (edited) I agree 100% and what you said definitely sparked my creativity to flesh him out more as a character. and I appreciate it I too am getting sick of all these busty barbie dolls taking up space. I know I didn't include much in the Backstory but there was a time where yes he would reflect and try to stay on the right path but, Well I see it as everyone different and everyone has a different agenda as well as no one will act the same in a situation, and its because of the type of person Xanthys was. He never wanted or decided to become immortal, he didn't care about unlocking the secrets of the world, He didn't want to involve himself with Molag Bal, he didn't want to live on past his entire family, it's the people he met through his lifetime both friend an foe has made him the person that he is like Mannimarco, Erismo, and Tiber Septim. He always gets swept into other peoples agenda and retaliates if some thing doesn't fit with his code of honor. Now before he met the Dragonborn he just stopped caring about right or wrong, whats ethical, and whats moral. He became a pessimist and was just focusing on himself and just having a good time because why be miserable an go through a constant struggle, why filter his behavior? He's immortal so might as well enjoy it. Burn some bandits, loot them,join the companions, join the college of winterhold, join wars to fight and burn soldier to experiment on better spells, get drunk, indulge in pleasures, do skooma, bed fair wenches. He feels that once the hero dies its right back at square one and he refuses to be that hero,it's to annoying, to much pressure, and to many to make people happy because their all gonna die anyway and if he makes more friends he'll just be hurt when they eventually die. Edited May 11, 2016 by PyroToaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyroToaster Posted May 12, 2016 Author Share Posted May 12, 2016 (edited) Thanks to the terrific talents of LumTum he made this reallly awesome healing spell orb that inspired this spell you can check that out here heres is an upcoming spell just for Xanthys. This spell Has been dubbed Pyroclasm by him. Its finished as far as it goes now I just have to make Xanthys be able to use itwe made this spell the way it is because I feel Xanthys would pair very well with encounter mods such as sand of time, skyrim immersive creatures, organized bandits in skyrim, and genesis and I play with all those mods and I feel Xanthys should have a few helpful/defensive spells to help attack some of the more cluttered encounters. This spell scales with Xanthys's level but does minor damage over time just to help the Dragonborn deliver the killing blow. Edited May 12, 2016 by PyroToaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyroToaster Posted May 12, 2016 Author Share Posted May 12, 2016 (edited) I actually forgot a few more armors to implement when I took a fourth look at all the armors woops. Sad part is sometimes on certain armors just dont make the cut because of the robes just becoming completely incompatible with the skeleton model which results into ugly animation clipping as well as having the armor stay stuck to the ground so unfrotunately the Mythic Dawn Robe did not make the cut for this mod but I'll upload other pics of the armor I forgot when their done. Edited May 12, 2016 by PyroToaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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