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Change of Ad Provider


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Wait, there is something I don't understand. Why would you need other users to report that there were bad ads? Sure if there were only a few, but considering the extent, all you'd have to do is visit nexus without an adblocker yourself, wouldn't you?


I used to whitelist on my favorite sites to help with revenue. But after getting a few viruses, and after all the bad ads that autoplayed and would be obnoxious, I completely gave up.


I'm all for donating to my favorite sites instead. Haven't yet on Nexus but I will soon, haven't been using this site too much recently.

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I honestly wanted to browse with ads enabled because I thought that ya'll would earn more over time from that than if I purchased the one time "no more ads" supporter subscription, but I just could not take it. The ads were truly irritatingly bad. I'm happy with being a supporter and I applaud your efforts to find some other way to serve less annoying/disruptive ads. Good luck!
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Way to go! In response to this article, I disabled my ad-blocker on this site and the difference is already clear. I'll happily browse the Nexus without an adblocker from now on as long as the ads continue to behave properly.


Thanks for being proactive and addressing the issue. It means a lot to me.

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I actually have to use ad-blocker on this site. I can't browse it without ad-blocker because there is an ad on every page that uses shock wave player. My browser just stops working when that plugin comes out. I can't even report the ads because chrome crashes.
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I'm truly happy to hear about this, as I tend to have youtube on when I browse the nexus and a good 98% of the old ads that played for me would blast me with audio. Considering I listen to loud music, i tended to almost go instant-deaf. I almost changed my stance on adblock just to fix this glaring problem I was having.


But now the issue (and many others) have been fixed by you and your care for the community as a whole. So for that I thank you and you have my continued support as a user (and possibly a support/temporary premium user if I can work out my funds) into the foreseeable future.

Edited by Helmetzid
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Wait, there is something I don't understand. Why would you need other users to report that there were bad ads? Sure if there were only a few, but considering the extent, all you'd have to do is visit nexus without an adblocker yourself, wouldn't you?


I used to whitelist on my favorite sites to help with revenue. But after getting a few viruses, and after all the bad ads that autoplayed and would be obnoxious, I completely gave up.


I'm all for donating to my favorite sites instead. Haven't yet on Nexus but I will soon, haven't been using this site too much recently.

Not everyone all over the world sees exactly the same thing on the internet. An ISP will change some features based on things like local language and local culture. Did you really think that people in France saw the internet in English only? Sites such as Nexus will be in English though. But advertising will be in French. Ads are targeted. That means that one of the things those ad companies are looking at is where you are. They don't want to show an ad for a product only sold in Korea to a person from Argentina. They know a lot of other things about you as well. Things like approximate age and sex, They know you play games because you are on a game site.


They may even have access to some of your personal information even though they claim not to collect it. The more information the ad companies have the more targeted the ads you see will be. You will still get some broadside ads that are not really targeted to anything but language though. Actually, the less they know about you the worse the ads will be because they don't know what interests you.

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  • Community Manager
In response to post #37799880.

rslayer wrote: Wait, there is something I don't understand. Why would you need other users to report that there were bad ads? Sure if there were only a few, but considering the extent, all you'd have to do is visit nexus without an adblocker yourself, wouldn't you?

I used to whitelist on my favorite sites to help with revenue. But after getting a few viruses, and after all the bad ads that autoplayed and would be obnoxious, I completely gave up.

I'm all for donating to my favorite sites instead. Haven't yet on Nexus but I will soon, haven't been using this site too much recently.

All ads are geotargetted to your location. So a user in South Africa doesn't see the same ads as a user in the United States.
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Wow, this took me completely by surprise, never ever had a problem with ads on this site, might just be a region thing. but never got ads with audio or anything usually i pass them by completely and only see them when they were interested, seems really shocking to me people were having problems with it, pretty sure its a region thing though. havent really used nexus since 2014 until now, so i dont know.


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