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I'm wondering if others are experiencing this, but I have adds that pop up that not only play sounds, but also drag me away from the screen I am looking at. It isn't a popup, but really a drag down to the bottom of the page to view the add.
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When I have as many as 4 ads play while I'm trying to watch a single video, I just shut down the page and go do something else... like check other sites for mods. But if you got 8500 complaints in 2 months, how many people didn't complain and just went elsewhere? Most people view the complaint function to be as worthless as the "your call may be monitored for quality assurance" we get from TWC.
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In response to post #39109145.

titanbass1 wrote: I'm wondering if others are experiencing this, but I have adds that pop up that not only play sounds, but also drag me away from the screen I am looking at. It isn't a popup, but really a drag down to the bottom of the page to view the add.

I experience this as well, on almost every page I open here. It's frustrating, to say the least
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But, did you report them using the report button? Without the info from an actual report complaining is just complaining. Not everyone sees the same ads.

What a lot of people can't seem to get their mind around is the Nexus does not supply the ads, just like every other site the ads come from third party sites called ad providers.

Nexus does supply a place for the ad providers to place their ad and they pay Nexus for that space - that is what pays for all the servers and operation costs here. (running a large site is not cheap)


Not everyone sees the same ads. If you live in the US, you see different ads than people who live in England. And people who live in France see ads in French instead of English. Some targeting is even down to specific cities. And if you have given up your personal info to a site like Facebook, they can even target you specifically with some ads ( That is how FB makes their money - by selling your personal info to the advertisers, and anyone else who is willing to pay for it.)


The ad providers have a set of guidelines for what kind of ads they are supposed to provide.


When an ad provider violates those the only way we will know is if someone reports it using the report button. Because WE NEVER SEE THOSE ADS as they are not targeting us. Just complaining without using the report tells us absolutely nothing about where that ad came from and we CAN NOT do anything unless the ad is reported properly. That does not mean we are not doing anything. That just means we cannot act on your complaint unless you actually use the report.


BTW. I just saw that Facebook has started their own ad hijacking following FB members to other sites with their own ads. :rolleyes:

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But, did you report them using the report button? Without the info from an actual report complaining is just complaining. Not everyone sees the same ads.

What a lot of people can't seem to get their mind around is the Nexus does not supply the ads, just like every other site the ads come from third party sites called ad providers.

Nexus does supply a place for the ad providers to place their ad and they pay Nexus for that space - that is what pays for all the servers and operation costs here. (running a large site is not cheap)


Not everyone sees the same ads. If you live in the US, you see different ads than people who live in England. And people who live in France see ads in French instead of English. Some targeting is even down to specific cities. And if you have given up your personal info to a site like Facebook, they can even target you specifically with some ads ( That is how FB makes their money - by selling your personal info to the advertisers, and anyone else who is willing to pay for it.)


The ad providers have a set of guidelines for what kind of ads they are supposed to provide.


When an ad provider violates those the only way we will know is if someone reports it using the report button. Because WE NEVER SEE THOSE ADS as they are not targeting us. Just complaining without using the report tells us absolutely nothing about where that ad came from and we CAN NOT do anything unless the ad is reported properly. That does not mean we are not doing anything. That just means we cannot act on your complaint unless you actually use the report.


BTW. I just saw that Facebook has started their own ad hijacking following FB members to other sites with their own ads. :rolleyes:

So I'm just "complaining" then? This problem will not be solved cause the ad that is doing this is impossible to determine and hit report on, fine then I'll not use this site to mod anymore until people who have had this problem report that it is gone, It's sad that you cannot find a decent ad provider nor figure out who is doing this bullshit.


Even so, no staff have experienced this problem before? no staff are in America or on the east coast to be specific? This problem has happened in the past before how is this not on a preparedness list of sorts?

Could you at least tell me that someone on the staff is looking into this? Please?

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Even if the staff were next door they could be getting different ads served. That is what targeted ads means. I live on The US east coast, but not in the same area. As an older male, I would expect more Viagra, drug and cruise ship advertising and less game and movie advertising than someone in the teens or twenties. Age and sex are two of the big targeting factors. If you visit porn sites, then you will likely get more porn ads as they track where you go also. If you look at cars, you will get more car ads. If you look at movie sites you will get movie ads.


And if you cannot use the report, HOW are we supposed to know anything about the ads that only you and a very few others seem to be seeing?

BTW, we have many other members living in the same region as your IP shows and using TWC as their provider. Probably thousands as it is a heavily populated area. I haven't seen any other complaints that match yours from that region. And no other reports of ads blocking the report button. :psyduck:


You are not seeing the ads from the Ad provider that Nexus uses. But ads from some other provider that is replacing them. This is called hijacking and can be done at several places in the chain. But most of the time it will be something you downloaded inadvertently not knowing that it would hijack the ads. JRT removes a lot of these, but like any security program it is not perfect. When you run JRT you should get a report telling what it found, what it removed - AND what it found that it was not able to remove.

Ad-Aware is another good malware remover, but it will take a lot longer to run

Spybot-Search and Destroy is another that I have used in the past

SuperAntiSpyware is another that is very popular

Try them all. One may find something that another one doesn't.


The kind of places I have found that put a hijacker on your computer are:

FREE game sites that have a lot of kid games. Especially those that require you do install their proprietary installer to play the games.

Coupon sites

Porn sites

social media such as Facebook (Usually in links to some video or opening a chain letter post) FB also sells your personal info to the ad companies.

Some music download sites

And even some ligit sites that have themselves been hijacked.


Most ad blockers do have a function to identify the ads they are blocking. Blocking ads does not stop them from tracking you. But there are browser add ons that can do that also.

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Unfortunately, all the ads today are dynamic and animated. on a quad 3.8GHz, just enabling ads in this very page flings up the cpu usage across all cores from 0-2% to 20-60% (firefox). i keep em blocked... since i usually have quite alot of tabs open and i dont want 100% cpu all the time for just browsing the web :(
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In response to post #37617910.

SpookaXX wrote: At times like this I'm glad I have a premium account. I've not had any experience of the quality of the ads on this site as a result.

oops...wrong place Edited by Ashenfire
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It really sucks, when another country is actually TRYING to stop spyware, bots, and worse-

virtual stalkers. Privacy matters. I expected USA to treat privacy seriously, stopping

these stalkers.


I will never turn off adblock, ever. I have built my firefox up with so much protection,

I rarely to never see ads. I never have to use spyware programs to remove intruders.

I have trained it so well because in the old days I spent days on end trying to get

my browser to do what I WANT IT TO DO, not what these jerks make it do.


I am literally poor, relying on a kind person to keep me off the streets. I would absolutely donate to nexus mods and pay for the server for a year, or even donate to security.

I know for a fact, nexus is on my short list, of business/people to donate to.


Thanks for switching servers. I hope your homework shows chances for better ads.

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