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Okay, this has gone far enough.


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The fact of the matter is, this entire family of sites is owned by one person, who can and has banned people for speaking out of turn. Forgive me for wanting to toe the line.


Now, if you are here to 'debate', then do so.


Otherwise, /thread.

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Last time I checked, you need to click some links to download a mod. Also last time I checked, you have a choice which links you click. As for search results or similar lists of links ... I personally only click those that catch my interest.
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*Looks at the thread name*


This should be interesting...


*Grabs some popcorn and reads the whole thread*


*smacks some of the people here with a baseball bat*


What a funny thread, I especially like this kind of threads...

It is true that there are a lot of skimpy outfits, that can't be denied, but it is also true that if you want something done for your tastes you might as well move your lazy ***** and start learning how to do it, if you don't have time for modding, well, too bad my friend.

Just remember that people create stuff for themselves and not for you, you should be grateful to have so many cool outfits around here.

Edited by Darigaz17
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I resent the lack of historical accuracy when speaking about "medieval realism". The medieval times were before the enlightenment that's why they are also called the "Dark Ages". Read some Chaucer, there was a lot of bawdy sexuality, bare behinds, skimpy clothing, and general superstitious behaviour going on.


In fact, does anyone know how May Day was originally celebrated (called the Beltane Fires) a fertility celebration. The Dark Ages were a transitional period between pagan rites and the Roman conversion, and Latin was the standard written language out of the reach of the majority of people. At one point there, French was the state language of England. And there was so much corruption in the Vatican that priests were sent out to collect tithes, who had nary a penny invested in learning Latin, so they made it up. The vogue among many of their congregations was for the priest to wear his robes above his waste to show off his 'blessings'.


And then there are the long pointed shoes worn by the upperclass to emphasize the noble "manhood". Do you even know what a codpiece is?





On another note, if I had to play vanilla flavored Oblivion, I would have moved on long ago.

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"I resent the lack of historical accuracy when speaking about "medieval realism"


I think what many people think of as medieval realism is actually 19th century Romantic interpretation of Thomas Malory, by way of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (and subsequently Hollywood).


In any event, surely Oblivion is more sword & sorcery than 'medieval', so tin bikinis and big effing swords are entirely acceptable, being part of the genre's tradition. :biggrin:

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  On 7/25/2011 at 4:36 PM, myrmaad said:

I resent the lack of historical accuracy when speaking about "medieval realism". The medieval times were before the enlightenment that's why they are also called the "Dark Ages". Read some Chaucer, there was a lot of bawdy sexuality, bare behinds, skimpy clothing, and general superstitious behaviour going on.


In fact, does anyone know how May Day was originally celebrated (called the Beltane Fires) a fertility celebration. The Dark Ages were a transitional period between pagan rites and the Roman conversion, and Latin was the standard written language out of the reach of the majority of people. At one point there, French was the state language of England. And there was so much corruption in the Vatican that priests were sent out to collect tithes, who had nary a penny invested in learning Latin, so they made it up. The vogue among many of their congregations was for the priest to wear his robes above his waste to show off his 'blessings'.


And then there are the long pointed shoes worn by the upperclass to emphasize the noble "manhood". Do you even know what a codpiece is?





On another note, if I had to play vanilla flavored Oblivion, I would have moved on long ago.


As with all generalization, including this one, it's kinda inaccurate.


Cod-pieces for example reached the peak of their emphasizing genitals in the middle of the 16'th century, which is hardly what I'd call the dark ages any more. The "Dark Ages" commonly refers to the early middle ages, which is to say, until 1000 AD. The mid-1500's is over half a millennium out of the "Dark Ages", and in fact out of the middle ages completely. It's well into the Renaissance. In the "Dark Ages", in fact even all the way through the 14'th century, men would be covered by a tunic going down all the way, so a cod-piece was not needed nor would it be visible. Cod-pieces started to even exist in the 15'th century, but back then basically just a triangle of cloth to cover the genitals, not to emphasize them, and basically had a rise and fall as a dick-emphasizer in the 16'th century. It did get ridiculous, but that was also the cause of its going out of fashion rapidly after its peak, because basically a whole Europe woke up to realize how ridiculous they looked wearing those oversized steel condoms. At any rate, we're talking a Renaissance fad, not Dark Ages, and one that was in and out of fashion within the same single century.


Chaucer is late middle-ages, borderline Renaissance, too. At any rate, he's even born more than 3 centuries too late to be representative for the Dark Ages.


Some of the other things are accurate, though. The church did abuse its power, and on the topic of Latin we even have internal church letters complaining about priests not knowing it. So there is that.


They also did have a lot of prostitution and screwing around, and obviously didn't have the modern day hangups about "cussing" or "bad language". They dropped the F-bomb even in ballads and hardly anyone even saw anything wrong with it. What can I say? Most people were really a bunch of teenagers. Depending on the zone and era, you'd have a life expectancy of 20 to 25 year even among the well-off, and were considered an adult at 13. According to church decisions, kids were considered mature enough to consent to marriage at 7. (Yeah, that's a bit of a cringe.) So if you look back and get the impression that they were acting and talking like a bunch of teenagers, well, that's really why.


But on the topic of clothing, no, they didn't dress in the bikinis or body suits we see in the mods that people complain about. We have plenty of artwork about how they dressed, from book illustrations to tapestries to whatever, and catwoman suits are right out. Most women wore a dress going all the way down to the ground, not chainmail bikinis, nor leather catsuits.


Mind you, I'm still saying it's a game, and basically each modder does what he/she wants, because they do it for free and in their free time. I could tell a modder what to do if I pay them a wage, but otherwise, if they feel like making chainmail bikinis, that's that. But if we're talking historical accuracy, that's really what the Dark Ages were like.

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The medieval period is commonly considered to encompass a wider period than you suggest.


As for these other quibbles, I expected as much, so you don't have to believe me: regarding codpieces: this and this and you forgot the shoes.


That there were internal complaints of corruption does nothing to erase the facts of the corruption of the papacy.


I chose Chaucer because he's a well-known early witness to his times at a time when there are scant other well-known writings in that vein. The Renaissance coincided with and perhaps led to the dawn of the Protestant and later the Puritan movements which led to 'covering up'.


I forgot to mention that bare breasts were another vogue, probably due to ease of breast feeding.


The Beltane fires were celebrated by having sex with anyone you met at the bonfire, in hopes to please the Gods of fertility. And the ages of the revelers is really not that relevant to my beef with the thread, which is to quit claiming you want historically accurate clothing when that's not at all the case.

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  On 7/25/2011 at 12:07 PM, chakaru11 said:

How tired I am of this discussion. I did not read all the comments, so feel free to crucify me if what I am going to say has already been said.


First and foremost everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - posted and uploaded on the Nexus is a matter of personal taste. Period. You don't like it, don't look at it, the end.


And who gave you the right to say that a shop mod is "not enough"? Who are you to say that it is worth less than the "proper mods" you speak of, which you do not elaborate any further by the way? What kind of "proper mods" are you talking about? Following your line of argumentation, only mods with male clothing are "proper mods"?


To be honest, I don't see all that many "skimpy" mods in the featured section. What do you classify as skimpy?


I am female and not a fan of the next best chain bikini masking as actual armor either. But you are talking like there are no male armosr AT ALL. Which is not true at all. You might have to search for them a little harder, but they are there.




I am sorry if I am a bit harsh, but your thread name and opening post were obviously purposely written to provoke reactions like mine, so here you go.



If you want to know what I view as proper mods they are things that improve the quality of the game. Things like patches that fix and edit errors and glitches that can disrupt or even ruin the fun and immersion in the gaming experience, they are things that can change an aspect of the gameplay making it better, smoothening out the visual attack movements and core mechanics of battle and all other engines that define the gameplay initself, mods that make looking at the midnight sky a fantasy rather than just something one does now and again, gripping at-the-edge-fo-your-seat story questlines added to the game leave you brethless wondering what will happen next, new worlds full of vibrant life, colors, peple you cannot easily forget and endless discoveries underneath every leaf and around every corner. A mini quest to save a small town that could turn into a grand adventure and end with new friends, a giant castle with you the new owner and a town with shops and commercial revenues you can manage, new races and characters you can start out as that relate to the game in itself and extend the diversity. Mods that are inventive and creatively unique the likes of which no one else had even thought of yet, better looking graphics and world aspects makeing gameplay that much better. These are what I consider to be proper mods, things that if faced with mod conflicts andyou have to give something up you sit there for at least an hour unable to decide because all the mods and changes are just that good. I am trying not to make this personal interest, I am trying to accurately describe the world of modding I first envisioned when I got my first gaming pc. It's hard to do honestly, I feel like there is nothing more I can say and yet it feels incomplete because everything I have said up to this point does not describe the modding community I see entirely. It describes maybe ten percent of it, that being the ones who deserve to be recognised. Do you know I searched and added almost thirty mods out of one hundred to my fallout 3 and it wasnt until two months after I bought fallout 3 on steam that I found this mod where someone tried to add a minecraft aspect to the fo3 game as a form of making your own ingame items with few limits. Here was this concept no one else had thought of, inspired from a game I had only heard a littlbe bit about but was enought to make me wish I could try it myself, and surroundingths one of a kind mod was hundreds of mods that I could download if I didn't know I was going to remove it in a day maximum. It feels ike were holding back, because the mods I saw at that time were all so repetitive and common. I ask where is the flair and life I see in the few mods I just now redownloaded after installing oblivion again, it just finished twenty minutes ago. Besides mods like texture overhauls and huge over-my-head mods requireing other such mods tec.t etc. what exactly are we trying to do with the mods we are creating in bulk. Just what aspect are they trying to push? I mean besides lust, what else do these things offer?

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