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Which faction did you side with?


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I haven't even done the whole main quest. It keeps crashing on the final missions.

If I was going to be truly committed to beating the game, I'd probably go Mr. House or Independance.


Mr. House - Not much constant work, secretive, robots, annoying voice, greed.

NCR - Like being in the army, cool uniform, 'pride' aspect, wants everything, reckless.

Legion - Medieval (oh yeah), language, 'loyalty', woman slavers, skirts, ugly.

Independance - No siding, take over Vegas, war, not much freedom, all major factions hate you.

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I aligned with Yes Man in the end, even though i was a big fan of the NCR in the beginning, but they looked more and more incompetent to me.


They are to weak and to much into beraucracy to be the leaders of the Mojave. You gotta have a good relationship to them anyways, because many sidequests suck if they're your enemies.


Ceasar was out of question, but maybe I'll align with him one day if i just want to have had the whole experience this awesome game has to offer ;)


I was really really sad when I killed House - he was a genius and he would've been a great leader for the Mojave, but when I was in that bunker with all those robots waiting to be activated by me and I was able to make them all follow my orders...i wasn't able to resist - understandable, right?

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Well i just spent an hour reading through all this and might as well spend another hour making a long post explaining all the pros cons of the factions.


NCR: First stop comparing them to current government. This whole "They complain about taxes but we have taxes so they must be good" thing doesnt work. NCR are only similar to America and not the same plus America isnt near perfect. Not going to get deeper into that though. The NCR obviously had a very good history and i had first joined the NCR initially during my first play through for 2 reasons: 1 I liked the armor and that probably made a lot of people go with NCR. 2 Im a classic Fallout fan and wasnt aware of how much the republic has changed. After a played through i became disgusted in the way the NCR do things when i met Colonel Moore. I getting yelled at every time i solve a problem peacefully is...well its just wrong.


The NCR doesnt have many pros they cant provide security, they cant provide freedom and they cant provide wealth of resources. If you think they can do any of these things you have not paid attention:


Security: If its not another frontier line to hold then its a piety band of raiders in California moving the troops out of where they are needed most. Or its a peeing contest between 2 branches of the army, an example is General Oliver hiding away the NCR's elite rangers in the baja instead of the Mojave where they are needed the most.


Freedom: Taxes, bureaucracy, and all other kinds of crap. I doubt anyone in the mojave would even be allowed to vote for a large expanse of time. Chem trade which is illegal in the NCR is actually very important in the mojave and it keeps groups like the great khans afloat. Sure addiction has its problems but most of the time its the rich people who can afford the stuff in the first place that suffer.


Resources or Wealth: Dont be fooled the NCR has plenty of resources in food and other things the issue is it just isnt moving. Its the damned bureaucracy and backroom peeing contests thats clogging the system. The NCR can help the mojave but they wont. Why? Look at camp Forlorn Hope. No supplies to the troops they are out of ammo and food and its not supply lines getting raided by legion just look at camp McCarren and other NCR camps. They have a vast overstock of food and ammo. Plus add on top of this they are trying to push anyone trying to help the people like the followers out of their territory.




Caesar's Legion: I actually agree with about half of what Caesar does, its the other half thats the major issue. Caeser's methods arent pretty but neither is the wasteland. Its a violent land requiring violent means to tame it the issues start with the other items Caesar took from the roman empire. Im pretty sure the whole "they mount each other just as much as they mount their woman" thing is just a rumor constructed by the NCR as other account show Caesar having a completely different policy as to homosexuality placing you on a cross. The woman having no rights is a big issue the general slavery bit not as much again due to the nature of the wasteland. Caesar doesnt have an err(cant spell this word so forgive me) to the throne no prodigy and when hes gone the legion will either collapse or become another kind of problem all together as seen the the Legate endings.


Overall the legion provide good security and stability but not in a long term sense. The cons are obvious personal liberty issues. Its not that hard to read the legion but still they go deeper then a giant band of slavers.



Yes Man: A totally different kind of problem. Its hinted that Yes Man takes over New Vegas and so could end very very badly but assuming you stay in control it all bowls down to your character and cant really be said but i stay away due to the hint at the end and the issue of you can just as easily end up like Benny.



Mr House: Remember when i said i agree with half of what Caesar does? Well Mr. House is that half and more. Hes incredibly smart and has the most long term potential out of all of them. Contrary to popular belief House is not a fascist dictator trust me. He will be law and order and nothing more he isnt doing this for profit and if you think that you either havent been talking to him or havent been listening. He controls New Vegas's casinos out of necessity he needs money everyone needs money and this was the best way to get it. He isnt sitting in that tower counting his caps all day he actually uses that money.


Concerning the situation in Freeside: Mr. House isnt neglecting Freeside purposefully you need to realize he isnt the kind of man that just goes helping everyone willy nilly he has more important things to worry about like oh i dont know the NCR and the Legion? Mr. House didnt tame the Three Families and renovate The Strip to make it some kind of palace where he could look down upon everyone from he did it as a way to keep the NCR from taking over Vegas and again as a way to get him funds. Before the Courier's arrival Mr. House didnt have the means to help Freeside either the securitron force is small and only enough to protect the strip and send a scout or 2 around and as if you think Mr. House can use the Three Families again you havent been paying attention. The white gloves, the omertas, and the Chairman are their own factions with their own interests. The deal was they run the casinos get security wealth and healthcare and in turn Mr House gets 50% of all earnings they arent his loyal henchman as from the quests with these factions everyone one of them is trying to kick Mr House of his thrown.


Continuing: House's method of help me or get out of my way is no different from any other faction and is quite effective. Mr House in rule means security and the most personal liberty. Money doesnt matter to him and it just isnt the point the point is his vision returning humanity to Pre-war state and beyond. Autocracy is the best form of government in the post nuclear society so in some sense Caesar was right but Caesar will not last and Mr House will.


This whole thing is mostly scattered and messy so to sum it up: Mr House rule=Highest level of freedom and personal libery+highest level of technological development+ highest level of stability considering the abilities of his securitron army=Last, Best hope for Humanity.


Also there is one final reason to join Mr. House: He saved your life.

Edited by ModelV
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I don't think I could phrase it better than ModelV did. that sums up my views perfectly.


Mr House's Right-hand-woman ftw :)


he even has a kinda personal charisma going, I found I didn't want to disappoint him, his orders were always very generalistic, and he never seemed to rely on me even when he did. like if I'd said no and refused to power up his army or whathaveyou, he'd just find another way to do it.

I felt by the end of the game that he stood the best chance of going somewhere interesting, and I would be swept right along with him as his best lieutenant.

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I sided with Yes Man, but I guess it's not really different from Mr. House b/c Yes Man says he's going to upgrade to become more assertive...so basically he's not going to listen to you and he's going to be running things his own way.


The NCR and the Legion, they were the same imo. They both would kill and go to the extreme to get what they wanted but it was just that one side was more brutal than the other...They both provided something however to people like the Legion keeping the roads clear and the NCR....I can't really think of any good they do. They couldn't provide security and they would have ruled with an iron fist while the Legion would just rule with a bloody one. If only the Legion would get together with Mr. House...maybe they could have come up with something, something good.

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really, the original or true faction of fallout, is the brotherhood of steel, they've appeared in every game, they;ve been on the cover of 3 of the games ,and all games exept new vegas and fallout 2 has the brotherhood as the main faction.


the only faction to beat them was the NCR, and they NCR war with the brotherhood ended with MASSIVE casuallities for the NCR. the only faction with better technology, training, and communication systems is/was the Enclave.


yesman is a F***ing robot


the legion is the weakest faction related to the main story in the whole fallout story, if the NCR destroyed Navarro and beat the Brotherhood, how the f*** are they having trouble with a bunch of advanced tribals.


Mr House isnt that amazing, "But warkiller, hes been alive for 200 years!" so have the entire population of vault 112, and most ghouls. the only robot army tbig enough to take over the world was the robot army from vault 0 and, was defeated by the Brotherhood.


the indipencence of new vegas isnt going to happen. the NCR already controls it at the begenning of the game



honestly, in the end there will be 2, possibly 3 factions:


The Brotherhood of Steel/Midwest BOS

The Enclave could possibly make a comeback.


and of course if one has to win, both bethesda and interplay would chose the brotherhood.



and if you look at it, fallout NV isnt a main story(canon) game, every game so far that isnt named "fallout #" (# meaning 1 2 3.. etc) is considered to be mostly non-canon. the wiki states that fallout NV is a SEPERATE PROJECT by obsidian. FNV is no more canon that Tactics or FBOS.

Edited by warkiller75
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Ironically enough, the current CEO of Obsidian was one of the lead designers of Fallout 2 and J.E. Sawyer was one of the lead designers of Van Buren (the cancelled game that was supposed to be the sequel to Fallout 2). Don't know about the rest of you, but I feel that if anything Fallout related should be considered canon, it should be a game developed by these people.


Bethesda simply swooped in after Interplay finally tanked and bought the rights to the Fallout name and the result was Oblivion with guns Fallout 3. Not that I have any particular grudge against Bethesda and its band of merry men but they should stick to what they know best, the TES games.

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My main aim, before I started playing my first game, was to play lots of games and try each of the different endings (NCR winning, Legion winning, Yes Man winning, etc) But no, I just couldn't do it for one overwhelming reason that made all other considerations pale into insignificance.


And this is it: If it wasn't for Mr House and his robot, I wouldn't be alive today. I know, I know, it's just a story, albeit a very involving story, but each time I play through a new game, I feel compelled to support him for that reason! I don't want to feel like I'm betraying him. And as for killing him, well, that is definitely out of the question! I owe him my life, when I'm playing one of my characters, so I haven't ever supported any other faction but him and his robots.


(I play on XBox, because my PC copy keeps crashing to desktop on start-up, for some reason. But that's all in another thread.)


Moonlight Over Water

(Smita Chand)

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