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Amy Winehouse dead?


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Yep, just read it all over the news.


Another member joins the "forever 27" club. Other members of that club:


Jim Morrrison


Jimi Hendrix


Kurt Kobain


Brian Jones


Janice Joplin


All died age 27

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Rausheim, I'm not sure that I understand the point of your post. You start out with the words, "not to be rude", and then you are not only rude but incredibly insensitive. These people died at a very young age, and I seriously doubt that your personal opinion of their talent is of any relevance to them now. Nor would it have been when they were alive. I too have personal opinions of the talent of each of these individuals, but for me I believe I will just once again send out my best wishes and thoughts of comfort to Ms. Winehouse's family, friends and fans and hope that she finds peace wherever she is.
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hey guys, i just noticed, -on the old world blues dlc- that when you start talking to the crazy robot scientists, you might eventually hear one of amy winehouse's musics playing :blink:




well, at least it really seemed one of amy winehouse's songs, can't listen really right when there are ambient noises and mad scientists talking to you at the same time


(btw, i did not disable the signal that was coming out of the dlc radio, music could be coming from pip-boy radio, not background or lab...)


now a little more serious talk...



about Rausheim's comment...

AND grannywills

analyze all sides, i say

i see people dying around me, or eventually in front of me, almost every freakin' day, that have half the age,or LESS, much less, that amy winehouse had, yes, kids, being killed by crime, drugs, and even police, or they own parents...

and they didn't have a choice, amy winehouse was an great talented person, but had a weak personality, so she got involved with alcohol and drugs, that's mainly her own fault, because many of the ppl that die here were strong, hard working people that were taken down by the impunity that my country is choked on

they did not have a choice, did they?

amy winehouse could have been strong and resist the addictions, and if she did she would probably be alive today, and for quite a long more

she had the choice of living long or dying quick. too bad she picked the short life

but hey, let's not continue on this one, because if i do i might get banned and probably take a bunch of amy winehouse fans with me :pinch:

Edited by DragonSlayer667
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DragonSlayer667. You know I was not a particularly big Amy Winehouse fan. Let's get real here. I'm a 65 year old grandmother. The point I was trying to make was that people die, for lot's of reasons. What I was trying to say had nothing to do with her talent as compared to others' talent. Rausheim said he did not want to be rude, and then he was rude. If he wanted to be rude (which he was) then he should just have gone ahead and been rude.


You have apparently not read any of my posts on this forum (which is fine with me), or you would know that I am perfectly aware of the fact that lots of people die for lots of really sad and, in my opinion unnecessary reasons that have nothing to do with their addictions and their demons, etc. Yes, this young lady did have lots of those. Of course I personally have never walked a mile in her shoes; nor in yours, for that matter, so I will not make any judgements on how or why she came to her end nor why you have the opinions that you have chosen to express here.


I will not apologize for wishing to comfort those people who might have desired a little comfort due to the death of a loved one; regardless of your opinion of that particular loved one.

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My daughter and I were playing her Rehab song recently on rock band and my comment was, "Well there is one that will be dead soon." Not in a mean way but as I have a Father that is a recovering alcoholic and worked for many years with addicts...you learn to spot those whose bottom...is 6 feet under.


I feel really bad for her Father....he is hurting badly.


And yes there are people all over dying every day but as a PARENT I feel bad for her Father and those who personally knew and loved her. She was after all, once someone's little girl.


So Dragonwhatever...yes you have a right to your opinion but you don't have to be a douchbag about it either.

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@GrannyWils: When you are telling a fact that might offend someone, you usually start with the phrase "not to be rude". Just another way of saying "Personal, I....."

Of course, her family is most likely in shambles, but people die every day and as a music lover, her music was terrible. Terrible voice etc. Only song that was "listenable" was Rehab, most likely cos it was about her and what most likely happened in real life and as a person trying to be of good morale, against drugs and stuff, think it's fascinating how people tend to ruin their lives.

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