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The Game the Intro Promised


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I've made very little bones about the fact I feel I flushed 90 bucks down the toilet with Fallout 4, and would gladly take a full refund. So no amount of fanboying is going to get me to like this game as shipped. I'm even pissed at the technology retrograde of the pop machines, I liked them when they looked modern.

But there's a real question in here: obviously what the intro promises the game to be, a moving, personal tale of survival, is not what we got. But was there ever a chance we could have gotten the game the intro promised? Because that game could have been moving. It could have been awesome. But I guess there's another issue: if Bethesda had given us a game thematically and emotionally true to the opening, would you have wanted to play it?

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Ya, the "fanboy" over sell was indeed that: OVER SELL.


I waited until Feb. 2016 to get the game hoping that the bugs would be squashed, only to find out no it had bugs just getting the game to install. I was glad to find 1 post that had the solution to the exact problem I had and I expressed serious kudos to him.


I was sad to see that they could not even get that Mom-Nature would have done some serious regrowth in 210 years. I mean seriously ... I was sad at the lackluster visual of the game.


I mean rickety old building that should have fallen down in the first 100 years that were still standing. I was amazed, I mean totally amazed at that.


Then, SPOILER, I guess... are there people just getting this game???






The 10 year old Shaun. WTF were they thinking? Who in their right mind would think morally or ethically to allow an AI that thinks it's human to keep living knowing it would forever be 10 years old. At some point, the kid would be begging, please shut me down! I do not want to be 10 years old the rest of my life!




Then some of the characters they gave some depth to and others, I wanted to NUKE right after I had them as followers - AKA - STRONG.


I understood they would not do a repeat of Faux or Granny ... but seriously, you had to make the most annoying Mutant you could? I sent him to the furthest Settlement from me I could!


I shortly also sent Curie thinking, ".. they will kill each other for me, or the settlement will kill them for me..." I was wrong on both accounts. :P


I like Nickie V. They developed that character and loved the random encounter / dialogs that he had with NPC and the dialog about the Mysterious Stranger. I loved that Nickie sees him and wants to know where "he" went. That was just a lot of fun.


Deacon, love this character too. But I did have to get a mod to stop the stupid "Flash" change of clothes. Sorry Deacon is NOT "The Flash".


I would have loved to have some of his stories about being in the Capital Wastelands.


Strong, as stated, I could totally do without and in fact my attempt at this play through, I am just leaving him in the building and I'm not really sure I'm going to have Curie follow me either. My first playthrough I started calling her Curie the Nag. :|


I have to admit, I was expecting a little more visual, like with Skyrim. I actually thought, wrongly that they would have something more than just flat empty wasteland. I found a couple of mods that fixed that and made the game a little more visually fun.


But the storyline and plot .. well I hope Far Harbor will get my attention, I really do. Other wise, unless the MOD COMMUNITY does some serious rescue of this game ..... I see it dying a slow and painful death.

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Well, I agree with you on a lot of that. Mods will fix a lot of the visuals, the lack of weapon variety, the lack of settlements, the green sky over the Glowing Sea, but it would be a lot of work to overhaul the dialouge system, much less give choice and character for the vanilla quests. Nor can the ruined city be easily fixed. I'm all for a ruined city, but not Boston, Boston being spared nuclear bombardment and serious pollution should be at least on the level of New Vegas.




Since the synths are essentially fully human except for their brains, it would not surprise me if Synth Shaun was fully capable of growing up, and per special directive, able to have children.That said, if I ever do a fanfiction, I'd have real Shaun's brain implanted in the Synth body and memory wiped to age 10 as punishment for being director of the Institute


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Well, I had no trouble installing, 3 separate times. Worked great. The game is incredibly stable on both PC's thus far.

That said, there are certainly story areas that should've been expanded much further. There is a lack of story content overall compared to past titles, and that is very upsetting.

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I don't really see it as real Fallout game. And neither was FO3. My reason - The storytelling and humor so prevalent in FO1 and 2 is sorely lacking. FO4 especially feels very much like a mix between Sims and a FPS to me. Very shallow. To me NV is the REAL heir of the Fallout throne. Partly because of the setting out west. Partly because of the complexity of the story.

That was the negative part. But....... I've played FO4 since christmas and I am still in awe of the graphics compared to earlier games. Of course my game is heavily modded and that adds a lot of course. Writing fanfic I tend to actually think about what I am doing and trying to come up with explanations on this and that - whicah really cannot, and never was- meant to be explained. That leaves me with quite a suspenseful experience in which I leave out all of the settlement building which I have no interest in. The NPCs are pretty good - though not on par with -at least some- from the earlier games. Again - we have a mixed basket of apples. And I haven't met that many yet. To me Nick stands out as in a class of his own. And Codsworth is a lot of fun - which I had not expected. I am lookiong forward to get to know more.

What really botheres me about this game is not so much the gameplay - or lack of....... But the pleasing of the console crowd as far as the controls go - to mention one thing- is really nagging me. I have a powerful rig and yet I have to "Make do" with something meant to be played with a controller instead of mouse and keyboard. That is surely awkward to me. Of course there are mods out there - and I use them. Still....... Right I'm getting carried away. Better stop here!

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I'm amazed how so many people say that the best FO game was NV..... I thought it was ok but I much preferred FO3 especially the ruins and the subway system tunnels. I couldn't stand the NV strip or the total map as a whole. To me it was totally lacking and pretty empty. Sure it had a decent storyline but that was about it. Mods did improve it quite a bit but vanilla it was just ok. I actually got more into Tales of Two Wastelands because you got a great mix of both FO3 and FONV along with all of the great mods for both FO3 and FONV. As far FO4 goes I really don't mind it all that much. Maybe because I grew up in the Boston area so playing a location I'm familiar with is sort of appealing. But overall I am willing to hold off total judgement on it until we see what mods get developed to see how it gets improved.

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I'm sure a lot of you don't remember it, but back in the day even Fallout 2 got backlash from a vocal minority for 'not being a true Fallout' and ruining the franchise.


Tactics was pretty much complained about across the board.


Fallout 3 got 4x the backlash Fallout 4 has got.


New Vegas was kind of the opposite actually, it has a small cult following that worship it, but the gaming world as a whole and basically anyone not on the Nexus thought it was full of bugs and very much behind its time.



Long story short... Everyone is a critic these days...


Not enough people making the art and too many people judging the art like they think they know it all.

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Yeah - NV was fuill of bugs. And so was FO3. I - kind of- got used to the CTDs. But it really WAS very annoying. My personal reason for liking the wide open spaces of NV is because I HATE dungeons :D Boreing perhaps.

But a snipers paradise. As for gameplay I am one of thiose who actually like Tactics. I had a lot of fun playing it though it deviated quite a bit from FO1 and -2. To me the world and the factions/enemies still had the right feeling.

To be honest I really like a lot of things about FO4. One can always find a lot of things to complain about. But having a game that runs for hours on end with no CTDs is a pretty awesome experience pending FO3 and NV.

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