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Another CTD fest like Skyrim


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I've played less than one hour today and had 3 crashes.

Are you sure your mods are updated for the last patch?

Did you remove any kind of heavy mods?

How big is your save file?



Hi, Boombro,


What do you mean by heavy mods?


To be honest I don't update my mods religiously unless I find that a mod has stopped working and I need to investigate why, or if I read about an issue concerning performance/stability, or if the author has added something I would like.


My Survival Mode autosave file size is around 9 megs usually, and I keep only around 15-20 files in the saves folder at any time.


My game has started doing this sort of thing much, much more frequently since the 1.5(6) update, in particular while playing the new Survival Mode.


My mod list looks like this - if there are any here you know are 'must-update' mods, I would very much appreciate your input. I also never once used LOOT, or needed to manage my mod order, NMM has done right by me so far.








Snap'n Build.esm=1



Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1

extendedLightsWS - No shadows.esp=1



Safe SSEx.esp=1




More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp=1



Remove Interior Fog.esp=1



Snap and Build - Modules.esp=1

Snap and Build - Patches.esp=1





Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1

DD_Dont Throw Stones.esp=1






AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp=1

AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp=1

SnB - Windows.esp=1


CCOFO4 - Traits and More Perks.esp=1


Business Settlements.esp=1



Wasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.esp=1




Armorsmith Extended.esp=1

Armorsmith Elianora Extended.esp=1

Armored General by Hothtrooper44.esp=1

Armorsmith Hothtrooper44 Extended.esp=1



JC-Shirt and Jeans.esp=1


Eli_Fixed Dressers.esp=1




Snap'n Build - Immersive Modular Doorways.esp=1

Snap'n Build - Roofs.esp=1

Northland Diggers.esp=1

Insignificant Object Remover.esp=1




Eli_DLC Paintings.esp=1


AES_Renovated Furniture.esp=1




The Rebel.esp=1










Clear Underwater View.esp=1






Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp=1



GaussRifleMk2 - AWKCR.esp=1

Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp=1


Crafting Workbench.esp=1

Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1

Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp=1

Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp=1

Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp=1

Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp=1










Vault-Tec Rep and Sheffield Dialogue Fix.esp=1



Eli_Apocalypse Attire.esp=1




















DV-Very Durable Vertibirds.esp=1



Quick Save.esp=1

Dogmeat's Backpack.esp=1



Armorsmith Unoctium Extended.esp=1

Scavenged NCR Armor.esp=1

Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - V81.esp=1

BoS Pilot Outfit Fix.esp=1



Hoarding for Dummies +60.esp=1



Beautiful Settlers.esp=1



Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Prydwen.esp=1

Better High Tech Lights.esp=1



Give Me That Bottle.esp=1






Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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I've played less than one hour today and had 3 crashes.


1 while trying to build my settlement at Red Rocket. "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered".


reloaded from start menu


next 1 in Sanctuary (couldn't be bothered doing all I had just done at Red Rocket all over again). Accidentally scrapped a house-part and when I quickly reloaded my last save - Instant CTD.


reloaded from start menu


next 1 in Concord - doing some looting - walking out of the building with the expert-locked safe upstairs - Game suddenly frozen - not responding - CTD.


not interested in playing anymore. Gonna work on my mod instead.



This kind of experience makes me absolutely bitter. I rarely enjoy playing now. F##k this piece of S##t game. Seriously. So over it. (apologies for the expletives.)

I was experiencing something similar and then I got lucky. I had noticed that the CTD were specific location related which made me suspect a texture was corrupt. At one point in the game I made a save, took two steps and CTD. I reloaded that save and the CTD was repeatable. It took about 45 minutes (and dozens of CTD's) to track it down to one corrupt texture file.

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Hi, Boombro,
What do you mean by heavy mods?
To be honest I don't update my mods religiously unless I find that a mod has stopped working and I need to investigate why, or if I read about an issue concerning performance/stability, or if the author has added something I would like.

Building mods, mods that add scripts or new areas, npcs, new creatures. A lot of stuff.


That is a bad idea since the game is still patching. Look through your list, some mods do break when the game updates and may not be noticeable expect when doing something like using a crafting station, existing into an area etc.


You should use loot.


I'm would be okay with looking through your list, but I have been playing smite the last two months and thus outdated on what nots.

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Hi, Boombro,
What do you mean by heavy mods?
To be honest I don't update my mods religiously unless I find that a mod has stopped working and I need to investigate why, or if I read about an issue concerning performance/stability, or if the author has added something I would like.

Building mods, mods that add scripts or new areas, npcs, new creatures. A lot of stuff.


That is a bad idea since the game is still patching. Look through your list, some mods do break when the game updates and may not be noticeable expect when doing something like using a crafting station, existing into an area etc.


You should use loot.


I'm would be okay with looking through your list, but I have been playing smite the last two months and thus outdated on what nots.


So we must stop installing scripted mods until the last patch and consequent mod update are out. Is that what you mean?


The last Skyrim DLC was released in december 2012, so we must expect that the last Fallout 4 DLC will be released in dec 2016. We must be patient as zen...

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Hi, Boombro,


Well, I get what you're saying, but like I said, everything works. (Jesus, I sound like Flodd Howard).

I get no CTD from doing specific things. I get no repeatable CTD from visiting particular areas. It's all way too random to know anything for sure. The only bizarre thing I noticed recently is the top category in the Armorsmith workbench has no heading, and seems to be a duplicate of the accessories category beneath, and is impossible to exit once entered unless I use console command to COC. So I just leave that alone now. Other than that, "everything just works".


These CTDs though are so random, sporadic, spontaneous, and unwarranted, to suspect severe coding issues. I am diligent with intalling/choosing my mods and this is why I don't get conflicts that are notably detrimental. But then again how would I know in such an environment. LOOT does what exactly? It will rearrange my mods when they are, right now, working? Why would I want to take a chance that it sets me further back? Not to sound rude, but I know the perils of modding. And when I seem to be doing OK, I rarely like to venture into uncharted waters. You know what I mean?

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I was experiencing something similar and then I got lucky. I had noticed that the CTD were specific location related which made me suspect a texture was corrupt. At one point in the game I made a save, took two steps and CTD. I reloaded that save and the CTD was repeatable. It took about 45 minutes (and dozens of CTD's) to track it down to one corrupt texture file.


Hi, Whodat1,


It wasn't in any of the areas I mentioned was it? Around the Red Rocket / Concord Worldspace region?

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So we must stop installing scripted mods until the last patch and consequent mod update are out. Is that what you mean?

I meant removing mods, and they will still be a problem till the game is 20 years old since it all about the leftover scripts.


My answer in the second line was not a a fallow up to the first line, but a replay his answer that he does not updates his mods that often.



CTDs though are so random, sporadic, spontaneous, and unwarranted, to suspect severe coding issues. I am diligent with intalling/choosing my mods and this is why I don't get conflicts that are notably detrimental. But then again how would I know in such an environment. LOOT does what exactly? It will rearrange my mods when they are, right now, working? Why would I want to take a chance that it sets me further back? Not to sound rude, but I know the perils of modding. And when I seem to be doing OK, I rarely like to venture into uncharted waters. You know what I mean?

Mods can cause random CTD.


If you know how to sort your mods and loot has not been updates for a long while (relevant with the mods versions you are using.) then do what you wish. If you have almost no idea, loot is very trusted software. You can also copy the load order before and after to arrange back to what it was.


The best thing you can do now is remove all mods, one by one, and see for yourself what causes what.

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The best thing you can do now is remove all mods, one by one, and see for yourself what causes what.



There is literally no way that I would be able to tell if the removal of a single mod, or mods, had any impact on my rate of CTD, as this game is totally bugged as it is, and the CTDs, as I said, are utterly random.

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So we must stop installing scripted mods until the last patch and consequent mod update are out. Is that what you mean?

I meant removing mods, and they will still be a problem till the game is 20 years old since it all about the leftover scripts.


My answer in the second line was not a a fallow up to the first line, but a replay his answer that he does not updates his mods that often.



CTDs though are so random, sporadic, spontaneous, and unwarranted, to suspect severe coding issues. I am diligent with intalling/choosing my mods and this is why I don't get conflicts that are notably detrimental. But then again how would I know in such an environment. LOOT does what exactly? It will rearrange my mods when they are, right now, working? Why would I want to take a chance that it sets me further back? Not to sound rude, but I know the perils of modding. And when I seem to be doing OK, I rarely like to venture into uncharted waters. You know what I mean?

Mods can cause random CTD.


If you know how to sort your mods and loot has not been updates for a long while (relevant with the mods versions you are using.) then do what you wish. If you have almost no idea, loot is very trusted software. You can also copy the load order before and after to arrange back to what it was.


The best thing you can do now is remove all mods, one by one, and see for yourself what causes what.



I think LOOT doesn't work properly for now. I usually use that program every time I Install a new mod and it doesn't sort the mods anymore, only sort the well known mods like unofficial patch and most endorsed and popular mods. Almost every time I use that program the last mod installed appear at the end of the mod list and the "Apply" button doesn't appear. I think we have to wait much longer until it works just as well as in Skyrim.


Hi, Boombro,


Well, I get what you're saying, but like I said, everything works. (Jesus, I sound like Flodd Howard).

I get no CTD from doing specific things. I get no repeatable CTD from visiting particular areas. It's all way too random to know anything for sure. The only bizarre thing I noticed recently is the top category in the Armorsmith workbench has no heading, and seems to be a duplicate of the accessories category beneath, and is impossible to exit once entered unless I use console command to COC. So I just leave that alone now. Other than that, "everything just works".


These CTDs though are so random, sporadic, spontaneous, and unwarranted, to suspect severe coding issues. I am diligent with intalling/choosing my mods and this is why I don't get conflicts that are notably detrimental. But then again how would I know in such an environment. LOOT does what exactly? It will rearrange my mods when they are, right now, working? Why would I want to take a chance that it sets me further back? Not to sound rude, but I know the perils of modding. And when I seem to be doing OK, I rarely like to venture into uncharted waters. You know what I mean?

The randomness of the CTDs is what bothers me, I'm playing with uncertainty and discomfort. I never enjoyed Skyrim in its fullness because of that and I thought that would be different in Fallout 4 after 3 years optimizing and improving "Creation Engine", but I see it is all the same and I'm very angry. I think Bethesda are simply inept in the field of programming.
Edited by Narfiam
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