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The Lone Soldier


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This is a story I am currently working on that I just thought I'd share with everyone, I am calling it The Lone Soldier for now, however, I think I can come up with a better title, feel free to suggest any after reading the story.


If enough people ask, I will post more of this story including the prequel and the sequel to the current writing.



It was a lonely night within the Firefly Dragon Tavern of Dragoon City. Thunder rumbled as lighting struck the ground, rain rapidly splashing against the asphalt of the city streets and sidewalks. “What's wrong stranger, something got you down? You look like you've been through hell.” said the bartender to the patron.


“Yes, I'm fine, I just found out my entire squad was ambushed last night while I was out on a supply run...”


The bartender tilts his head up just enough to barely make his eyes visible under his hat. “You say you lost your squad... may I ask what Military Entity you belong to?”


The Patron looks up at the bartender “Yes, I lost my squad and I -” … “Gallows! We have a problem, some not-so-friendly-looking characters are approaching the Northern Barrier, You need to get down to the bunker, now!” A soldier yell over the radio.


“Roger that, Gallows out!”


“Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what the hell is going on?!” says the patron in panicking voice.


“You know about as much as I do, come on, we need to get to the bunker!” says Gallows as he motions the patron to follow him.


“Wait, you're taking me with you to the bunker?!” said the patron with a hesitant voice.


“Yes, I am not going to leave a stranger behind to die, this is my city and it's my job to protect it's inhabitants, besides, I am interested to hear more of your story.”


A beam appears from the right eye of an Angel statue behind the bar and Gallows begins to scan his left eye. Moments later the bar rack behind the counter elevates downward and hatch seals it underground. It revealed an opening in the wall to a maintenance tunnel. As the two walk into the small room, the bar rack quickly elevates back to it's former position and a 10ton steel blast door closes, sealing the two safely inside the room. After a few moments of gazing at the blast door, the patron notices Gallows standing near an elevator door watching the floor meter. The patron walks up next to Gallows, not saying a word. “So... what is your name, stranger?” The patron did not respond.


“Hey!” Gallows says in a raised while lightly tapping the patron his left shoulder.


“Huh? Oh sorry, my name is Chad” said the patron.


“Good to meet, though I wish it was through more pleasant means.” Gallows said in a pleasant voice as the two shake hands. The elevator bell sounded and the two enter the elevator.


“So... uh, where we headed?”


“To the command center, 5,000FT underground, we constructed this bunker in response to the increased presence of unwanted characters. All barrier commanders are to report to any suspicious and/or dangerous characters to me directly-” “Gallows, have you entered the bunker yet?!” said a frantic voice, over the radio.


“Affirmative, about to exit the elevator now, status?” Replies Gallows, talking into the radio.


“These guys are definitely Takoman Mercenaries, I sent a commando team to quickly dispatch them in hope that they don't report and/or become knowledgeable of our presence here.”


“Roger, keep me posted as time progresses, and let's hope we don't have to resort to contingency plans over and out.”


“Contingency Plans, what is going on here, Gallows?” asked Chad in a panicking voice.


“I would elaborate, but I have to oversee the barriers at the moment. I have arranged a room for you, talk to my assistant Wadsworth, he will escort you to your room, you look tired.” said Gallows in a slightly worried voice.


“Yes, I am rather tired as I have traveled quite a distance with no sleep. Listen... thanks, for everything, Gallows.” said Chad as he smiled. “If there is anything I can do to help you fight against whoever it is... you are fighting against, just ask.”


“No need to thank me, kid. It's what I do, and yes I am pretty sure we could use your help, but go on and get's some sleep, as I said earlier, you look like you have been through hell.”


The patron smiled and went to Wadsworth, who then proceeded to escort the patron to his room, and finally the patron slept soundly in the safety of Dragoon City's Command Center.


To be continued...

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A good start! Interesting. Keep going. Kudos! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Edited by Maharg67
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