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Where will the next Fallout be?


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My guess has been fro all fallout games which i've played from #2 til Vegas is, each story is not continued but advancing a set of years before the character would be up to do their work on the location & all. Mainly it's about a character leaving a vault, but it seems like Vegas had shown us all this new one wasn't from a vault or were they?! I'm guessing they will try to think what story line to come up & see if it would be combined mabey to a final showdown of all clans & stuff.
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Us making those propositions, that won't change Bethesda's choice if already made. But some have pretty good ideas !


So then they are people who want it in NY, some of them want undergrounds, others, not. Like me. Russia or china would be kinda nice, but Ceasar's Laegion or even BoS aren't there .°/ Except if they migrated, or one of BoS or Ceasar's L. took a plane there before the bombs, survived, had kids, tough the kid his ways of his clans, etc. etc.

Some other places in the US would rock too, like Seattle, Kansas, New Orleans,...


But who went too see a picture ? Why not south America ! In the deforested Amazon forest or Buenos Aires !

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Southern Tip of Florida, have a trades system with Mexico., You guys covered my ideas. and i had the BoH and enclave work with NCR, so itss good. Edited by M4z0ra
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I'd love to see the next one on the west coast with the major enemy being the commies, yes, the reds are back and they're ghoulified and they're coming from the ocean in junkyard ships and scrap metal machines, backstory being america is the only fertile(ish) land left and the survivors of asia are invading . Main quest focusing around uniting forces with supermutants, NCR etc... to repell the invaders as they spread onto the land and destroy their fleet. They could make excellent use of ship launched drop pods and a general feel of the movie "District 9" imo
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I'd personally would like to see the old fallout towns again, after many years .. could make the Shi as enemies as their technology rivalled the NCR and even was going to the Enclave/BoS borders .. But I'd just love to see all the old cities now and see how everything would've progressed :)
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