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Where will the next Fallout be?


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Id like to see an entire state done. Like NY. From Plum Island up to the Adirondacks would be fun. Thered be a lot of varying terrain and settings to make it interesting.


What not more fun than sitting there frolicking through a field in your underpants with a horde of Ghouls trying to eat your brains?

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totally fake ! not believing that trailer ! good job whoever made it, however


Bethesda and FO4 while Skyrim drops in 2 months... plus assuming Skyrim would have DLCs coming outperiodically in 2012 like FO3 and NV have...and subsequently Oblivion did...


and anyways SF was in FO2...



Montreal !

somewhere East Coast (somewhere between Raleigh and Boston)

Miami !

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