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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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It's not the aesthetics that keeps me coming back to this site several times a day, every day - It's the community, and the ease of use. Everything you need is right in front of you, and easy to find! But most of all, as I said, the community.


So, no matter how the sites looks, I will keep coming back, just as much as now, and just like with the current Nexus, I will be able to adapt to the new one, and make that my new home on the internet.


Now, there is one thing about the ease of use regarding the new Nexus; one thing I would very much like to see is the possibility to add some sort of "bookmark" to the Welcome Bar. Just a few pre-defined links that can be toggled on or off depending on whether you are a modder, a "photographer" or a mod user. Pages like "Manage your files", "Add new file", "Latest Files", "View Images", "Manage Images", "Add Images", and possibly a few others that are frequently used. The space on the bar is there, though I do not know how much coding this requires. Just a thought I had to make things more accessible and easier to use.

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One of the things the current sites do now that the new one utterly fails at is that they tell you where you are almost instantly, without having to read anything. I load up New Vegas Nexus (where I spend most of my time lately) and I instantly see a Ranger Veteran, the Pip-boy mascot, an Eyebot, etc and I know that this site is about Fallout New Vegas. If I log onto TESNexus I seem similar images related to The Elder Scrolls.


What does the new site have? A crappy logo that really doesn't tell me anything about the site or the subject.


Gotta say, I agree with that.

The new site kiiiiiiiinda looks like 'just another random game site'.

Nothing about it really screams 'Nexus' even...

Nexus has always had its own 'character', like a flavor that made it unique and you could see it was distinct from 'other game/mod' sites.


I'm gonna miss that.

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One of the things the current sites do now that the new one utterly fails at is that they tell you where you are almost instantly, without having to read anything. I load up New Vegas Nexus (where I spend most of my time lately) and I instantly see a Ranger Veteran, the Pip-boy mascot, an Eyebot, etc and I know that this site is about Fallout New Vegas. If I log onto TESNexus I seem similar images related to The Elder Scrolls.


What does the new site have? A crappy logo that really doesn't tell me anything about the site or the subject.


Gotta say, I agree with that.

The new site kiiiiiiiinda looks like 'just another random game site'.

Nothing about it really screams 'Nexus' even...

Nexus has always had its own 'character', like a flavor that made it unique and you could see it was distinct from 'other game/mod' sites.


I'm gonna miss that.


This is exactly how I'm feeling with this new design, it looks like a generic gaming blog or I don't know what... I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I don't really like this new design.

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One more thing I'm noticing about the front page is that the bar below the hot files section displaying the pages of news is misleading. Its location indicates that it affects the hot files bar, while it really only affects the news section. Moving it down below the bar that has filters for the news would make it more clear as to what it does.
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I think the redesign is very good, except for the following complaints:


Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the imageshare one of the most popular features on the site? If so, shouldn't it be more prominent on the front page (like it is in the current design) instead of buried in a button on the top?


Also, if I go to the Image Library (via Images > View Images), I see a lot of wasted screen space under the boxes for Top Images and Latest Images boxes. Normally I wouldn't mind so much but it really bugs me now that half my screen is already wasted in the new design.


Also, I think it would be more intuitive to have the Tag Search and Advanced Search functions near the search bar instead of in the files menu.


I agree that the thick orange bars are big and garish. If they were thinner and less in-your-face (like in the current design), I think it would go a long way to appease the complainers.

Edited by documn
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urbex said:


Well, after reading the through the thread and checking out the new design, I've come to a few conclusions.


- The orange is too bright.

- The new logo (which I'm assuming is just a placeholder) & button design makes the site feel more like a torrent tracker than a modding community.

- I like the inclusion of the Contest & Wiki tabs, they're pretty cool and most members don't take notice of them.

- Please, don't use the Car :: Computer analogy.

- The fixed with is way too low. The majority of us are PC gamers with over-sized monitors. It doesn't have to be dynamic, just considerably wider. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8791719/meh.png

- The tabs are unaligned in opera.

- Not sure that we really need a re-design. I'd like to see a dedicated morrowind section and a better organized category setup before anything aesthetic.



I totally agree, and I'm also on 1920x1080 @ Opera Next and the new design wastes my screen space. I also feel that the new design doesn't feel so responsive as this one.

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