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Transgender Our rights as opposed to those who look the part.


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Despite what you might think of our current president, the record shows he has kept more of his campaign promises than any president in our entire history. Unfortunately he's not perfect, and as a senator he knew better than anyone the limitations on a few of his promises, e.g. closing Guantanamo etc. But compared to any president in the last half century he's been night and day better with regard to consistency of his positions before and after taking office. Ronald Reagan had us all waving flags as the exportation of our labor force and middle class began in earnest in the mid-80's etc -- and massive manufacturing expansions began in China, India and elsewhere.

This is a red herring. It doesn't deal with what I stated and you have no idea how I feel about President Obama.

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Bing bing we have a winner imo.


As a younger man I used to divide our country into Democrats and Republicans. Now I understand the actual two groups are smart people who understand it makes no substantial difference between the two, and stupid people who can't understand our two-party political cartel keeps itself in power almost exlusively by pointing fingers of blame and yelling at each other -- and keeping as close to half of the American people as possible doing the exact same to the other half. After so many decades of intentional polarization, on every issue, I'm amazed anything at all remains of our country politically.


EDIT: I just read the last page of this thread and yikes, you're right. Apply the above to transgenders somehow. :smile: I'll stop now and sorry for the OT drift. I was responding to it. What were you expecting or hoping for in response to this topic? I tried agreeing with and supporting your cause, you seem hellbent on hostility. I don't take it personally as you seem that way toward most everyone else here too. So my parting shot in this thread is that life is too short to spend it being a hostile victim to complete strangers online. In my cosmology the only person it's possible to be hostile at is oneself. So find out what your own problem is will ya? You will catch far more flies in life with honey than vinegar, even though both are really good in salad dressings. :smile:

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Bing bing we have a winner imo.


As a younger man I used to divide our country into Democrats and Republicans. Now I understand the actual two groups are smart people who understand it makes no substantial difference between the two, and stupid people who can't understand our two-party political cartel keeps itself in power almost exlusively by pointing fingers of blame and yelling at each other -- and keeping as close to half of the American people as possible doing the exact same to the other half. After so many decades of intentional polarization, on every issue, I'm amazed anything at all remains of our country politically.


EDIT: I just read the last page of this thread and yikes, you're right. Apply the above to transgenders somehow. :smile: I'll stop now and sorry for the OT drift. I was responding to it. What were you expecting or hoping for in response to this topic? I tried agreeing with and supporting your cause, you seem hellbent on hostility. I don't take it personally as you seem that way toward most everyone else here too. So my parting shot in this thread is that life is too short to spend it being a hostile victim to complete strangers online. In my cosmology the only person it's possible to be hostile at is oneself. So find out what your own problem is will ya? You will catch far more flies in life with honey than vinegar, even though both are really good in salad dressings. :smile:

Why would anyone want to attract flies? (maybe we should start a new thread for that?) :D

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Bing bing we have a winner imo.


As a younger man I used to divide our country into Democrats and Republicans. Now I understand the actual two groups are smart people who understand it makes no substantial difference between the two, and stupid people who can't understand our two-party political cartel keeps itself in power almost exlusively by pointing fingers of blame and yelling at each other -- and keeping as close to half of the American people as possible doing the exact same to the other half. After so many decades of intentional polarization, on every issue, I'm amazed anything at all remains of our country politically.


EDIT: I just read the last page of this thread and yikes, you're right. Apply the above to transgenders somehow. :smile: I'll stop now and sorry for the OT drift. I was responding to it. What were you expecting or hoping for in response to this topic? I tried agreeing with and supporting your cause, you seem hellbent on hostility. I don't take it personally as you seem that way toward most everyone else here too. So my parting shot in this thread is that life is too short to spend it being a hostile victim to complete strangers online. In my cosmology the only person it's possible to be hostile at is oneself. So find out what your own problem is will ya? You will catch far more flies in life with honey than vinegar, even though both are really good in salad dressings. :smile:

No one is targeting you and no one is hostile. This is a debate forum where different views are expressed. If you wish to discuss the topic at hand, then I am game. If not then I wish you well wherever you end up

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Lets face it, women have had it rotten since the time we marched out of the swamps and started walking on two feet. They have been put in the background and forced to wear clothing that excentuated their bodies, instead of their minds. They have endured demeaning themselves to gain the affections of men, who are far less mature and have had to feign ignorance and inability to do things on their own so that they can appear these delicate little flowers so they can pamper and placate they glass egos of boys who have never grown up to the adult bodies they reside in.


They have been raised to be servants of society in the roles that our culture has given them and have endured the spitfullness of an unforgiving public when they acttually make it in life. Just ask yourself why men with 3 girlfreinds is a stud, but a women with 3 boyfriends is a flirt. Ask yourself why men get to exult their genitalia, why women need to keep that stuff in the dark or they will be looked down on. Ask yourself why men who don't like to fight are called cowards and pussies and women who do like to fight are tomboys and acttually arouse many men as if she was something for them to conquer like some wild stallion. Then after all that ask yourself why women are the ones that have a % of their income removed just because they are considered non-breadwinners for the household.




- Women have had it rotten? Overall I would say women have had it pretty good. Sure you could come up with some examples from various time periods where bad stuff happened..but why is that blame put squarely on all men's shoulders, rather then a statement that humankind is inherently evil/ flawed or better yet holding said individual(s) responsible for their actions?


man with 3 girlfriends = stud & woman with 3 boyfriends = flirt? Simple; A key that opens multiple locks is a master key, a lock that is opened by many keys is a crappy lock.


- Finding a good servant is hard to come by, especially now. Besides what ever happened to cheerful service. Everybody works for somebody in someway.


- Historically it has been and continues to be the male's job to fight when needed, and the job tends to get easier if you can enjoy it or aspects of it. Also male jeering and joking is part of male bonding...you either get it or you don't. Also in the event of war, the loss of males was minimal compared to the loss of a female. You have 20 women and say 5 men, you could make civilization work, but if you had only 5 women and 20 men the odds are not in your favor.


As for fighting women arousing men...I'll chalk it up to curiosity and surprise, they may sleep together, but I wouldn't bet money on them forming a family unit.


- I don't know where you got that % "fact" about women losing money because they aren't the "breadwinner" but if its from some feminist website and can't be found elsewhere its dubious. As for a % of money being taken from your paycheck its called taxes, and social security which everyone has deducted and no one likes to pay.



OP, I don't get it, what's your point? Are you referring to medieval times or something? Transgenders didn't appear yesterday, they were in human society from day one, but the term appeared or evolved, well who cares? If you are living in civilized country, I don't think you should have any real concerns, otherwise... uhm, good luck.


agreed, its nothing new and in today's society you got it good. If you lived in an Islamic country where Sharia law reigns supreme then you will have major problems....like...death.


I mean we're all bigoted in some way or another, and part of being an adult in society is coming to terms with that, and challenging your prior beliefs. So I don't see the need for such outrage on your part when I merely say that something comes from bigoted thinking.


And it does. As I said, trans men are men and trans women are women. If you accept that a person who identifies as a man is a man, then it's really just that simple. It's only confusing if you've internalized the bigoted notion that trans men are really women.


- If we are all bigoted then why its only directed at more conservative, traditional people. I've yet to see the left acknowledge their bigotry, in regards to how they see others of a different political view then themselves. Just like how later in the the debate Harbinge says the term "SJW" and you label him as an alt-righter and then claim he has/uses/ produces child porn, how is that not bigotry on your part?!?


Do I mold all people who are on the left as crazy regressive SJW's who are trying to bring down Western Civilization? No, I don't I just think many of them are misinformed and/or well meaning but putting their anger in the wrong place for the wrong reasons.


- Trans women may be women, and in some cases I have seen some killer trans women that put biological women to shame. I've been tricked in bars only to find a surprise when I went back to "her" place. With that being said, they can take all the hormones they want and dress how they want, but none of that can change their genetic makeup and give them a XX on the chromosome chart (or vice versa) nor will they have the magic ability of being able to create life within themselves and give birth to babies.


- On a final note and in regards to other comments not copy/pasted in my reply;


Going from a patriarchal society to a matriarchal society would be folly. One it goes against what each gender/sex etc. has the gifts and traits to do. Male and Female are Ying and Yang, complementary halves to make a whole. Also show me a matriarchal society that has advanced civilization and made a name in the annals of history....you can't. Only one I can think of is that village in China that was run by women and it was stuck in the Stone age.


Also...think throughout history at groups that have been oppressed and or claimed oppression. Now have any of those groups that were the low man on the totem pole, who rose up to be the chief and have the power...were they a benevolent force or were they just as brutal as those who oppressed them? You might say karma etc...but the groups who suffered were not the same individuals who then rose to power later. Often it was a different generation, one who held to past grievances that they themselves did not experience or witness and they in turn committed the very same acts of oppression and evil that their ancestors were so against.


Food for thought.


Trump for President 2016

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Amazing. Every time you think the level of discourse couldn't get ratcheted any lower, you're surprised!


This forum is such an open sewer. I have no idea why Dark0ne keeps it open.


Well if you want to hear your ideas echoed back at you without any difference of opinion then try your local safespace. A debate forum isn't one.


But instead of replying to any points I raised or points of yours I questioned , you reduce yourself to passive aggressive behavior and an appeal to authority to solve the problem.

Edited by modder3434
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> tfw the 13yo boy who just came into the thread out of literally nowhere goes all JV debate team



So what's your point? That you are superior when it comes to finding Youtube videos to accent a reply to an anonymous poster whom you feel triggered by? Again you still haven't responded in any way to the debate other then to insult me....which by the way is a popular tactic used by SJWs.


But judging you based upon a few posts on a forum doesn't give me enough evidence to declare beyond a shadow of a doubt that your a SJW, so I just assume that you have special needs.




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