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Transgender Our rights as opposed to those who look the part.


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Not all 'Trans' people are pervs or pedos, and if one understands transsexuality they would know it is more likely the other 98 - 99 percent of the population who have a higher majority of people with distasteful curiosities.

I don't see the other 98% or so trying to use the wrong bathroom.



While I'd say 'wrong bathroom' is obviously subjective, that wasn't the point you originally implied (i.e. the remaining 2% being the pervs/pedos) which was what I was trying to clarify.


But back to the point made about why the government is imposing such a law when it probably should have been devolved to the individual facilities, outside it being a malicious attempt to s***-stir public opinion, it is probably a way to support a minority, failing miserably, which I think is also a part of government policy (especially 'free western' USA policy). As stated, people are already protected by numerous other laws, not to mention good old fashioned vigilantism, and so there is no real threat (to the 98%) introduced by such legislation. It is more likely that it poses a threat to the minority who are now a target of people's general insecurity and anger.

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It may be true that among non-passing trans people, there is "no drive" to use the bathrooms of their identified gender. I doubt that's the case. But I wouldn't really know, I guess.


The thing is, these laws that the radical right-wing are trying to shove down our throats? They also affect passing trans people, who have been using their identified genders' restrooms all along. And those people, I know, are pissed, and quite rightly so.

Please stop using radical to describe people who want to keep the status qoe. There is the far right as there is the far left and then there is the massive middle, who lean either to the left or to the right depending on the issues.


The issue here is who first made this an issue to begin with and why. How many arrests or instances of anyone being evicted from a bathroom do you think have happened in the year before all this political crap ever appeared?


I just Google that and haven't found anything at all, except a hoax that was caught as a hoax.


These NC laws were not passed until the government that it a lucretive deal to make it an issue and thereby turning the spotlight and peoples scrutiny on their fellow citizens. The NC law is one of those lawsw created to put people at ease with all of this political promoted pandering that was not even asked for by the community the government says they are protecting.

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HeyYou, imo you have a real knack for typing but not reading.



Our larger group is already protected, by myriad sexual assault, sexual harrassment and other laws. NC's law is for the convenience of the majority, not their protection.

I think that's a matter of perspective. Personally, I don't want my granddaughter asking my why that 'lady' over there has somethin' swingin' between her legs. Nor do I want some perv/pedo using it as a cover, so he can go into the girls bathroom and get his rocks off.


In all reality, in many ways, I agree with the law, use the bathroom for the physical sexual characteristics that you have. If you have the twig and berries, use the mens/boys room. Why is that so hard for people to get?


If the choice is between explaining the facts of life to kids, or forcing many or most transgenders to embarrass themselves in public restrooms, imo NC's law has no chance of surviving legal challenges. It's already partially failed its first test.


As for public sex and assault etc, as mentioned, dozens and probably hundreds of state and federal laws already prohibit these activities. Also as mentioned, no protection is afforded to the public by NC's law because no enforcement provisions are contained in it. Enforcement is therefore impossible (surprise surprise) and I doubt the state is planning to install birth certificate nannies in all public restrooms. So NC's law amounts to legal harrassment for transgenders and nothing else.

If larger groups are ostensibly already protected, why are folks rights being violated by having some perv/pedo in the wrong restroom?


I don't recall reading anywhere you have a right to not be embarrassed. If you are male, use the men's room. That is what it is for.


I am seriously tired of society pandering to the least common denominator. If you are uncomfortable with the equipment you were born with, don't use a public restroom. There is zero reason to put everyone else in an uncomfortable position, because someone has delusions of being the other sex. We have become far to politically correct for our own good. I think the world will be a much better place when our society finally implodes on itself from such idiotic behavior.


Has it ever occured to you that this did not come from the transgender community. It came from the Government and a desperate left wing. There was a need for a new cause that would excite the Democratic base and send them to the poles. Hillary Clinton is about as interesting as a moose booger . That's why she couldn't put Sanders away and the powers that be knew that. That's why the DNC had to go after Sanders, but they couldn't get his supporters unless they could give them a cause to rally around and since Gay Marriage was off the table, they pulled this out of their hat.


The right bite like a trainedfish on their line with this NC thing and the media pounced on them right on cue. WAll Lah, we have a contrivercy and something for the left and the right to rally around. The authors of this rediculious feasile are hoping that the Republican's will stay hom because they don't like Trup and Hillary will kill him in the poles.


This is not going to exist after the elections because the Government only wants to use the transgender community as it uses the illegal alien community. Why don't you think we haven't fixed our imigration? It is because if the Government fixed it they would have less issues to demonize others in the eyes of their constituents.


So the dems are organizing the LBGT community to protest, etc? Hhhhmmm....... Not sure I buy into that one......


They don't just get the lgbt community. They get all those who live for the right to demonize the right in every way known to man. You've got to understand. the mating call of social activists are the sound of prejudice, even that which is fabricated. Why do you think so many instances of racism are being found everywhere.. It's being looked for everywhere by those people who think if they find it, it will validate their ideals.


We are being played by the elites on this one.


Well, that wouldn't be anything new under the sun. It will be interesting to see how many of these issues disappear after the election..... I would not be surprised in the least to see your suspicions validated. :D Don't have that much longer to wait either. Quite frankly, I will be happy when it's over and done with. (and then my nephew will stop spouting on about how obama is going to declare martial law, skip the elections, and declare himself dictator.... or whatever..... :D)


It's strange what people think when they are told what to believe and despise the opposition enough to know in their heart of hearts that they would do such a thing.


I don't just despise the opposition. I despise BOTH parties. :) Neither one has the best interests of america in mind, only their own best interests. In all reality, I would like to be able to vote "none of the above", and when that category wins, they all go home, and we start over.


I will watch the news, and I tend to gather viewpoints from both sides of the aisle, and a few other places as well, and form my own opinions. Some would say that I am prejudiced, or bigoted. That is likely true, and ya know what? I just don't have a problem with that. :) Mainly because the terms have been overused so much, as to be pretty much meaningless. At worst, it simply implies that you have a differing opinion than the person assigning those labels.


As for the discussion at hand, I think I am pretty much done here. I have made my points, even though there are a few that refuse to see them. We have different opinions/perspectives on things. That does not come as a surprise. I am not going to convince anyone to change their views, nor is anyone going to convince me to change mine. It was an interesting intellectual exercise, which I suppose, is really the point here.......


In closing, let me just say, that I really couldn't care less about someones lifestyle. How you live your life is your business, and no one elses, so long as no one is violating others rights/space, and using it as a stage for their cause, it just doesn't matter to me. Try and shove it down my throat, and yes, I AM going to have issues with it.


Ya all have fun. :)

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“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

- C.S.Lewis

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Exactly. God save us from radical right-wing politicians forcing unnecessary new laws down our throats to "protect" us from transgender people.

Oh, that's cute.


I was deliberately not taking sides in a race I don't have a horse in. My point was that both sides in this debate are up on moral high-horses trying to save us from nonexistent problems. If the past couple of years have taught us anything it is that the left wing can be just as dogmatic and intolerant as the worst of the moral majority.



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Exactly. God save us from radical right-wing politicians forcing unnecessary new laws down our throats to "protect" us from transgender people.

Oh, that's cute.


I was deliberately not taking sides in a race I don't have a horse in. My point was that both sides in this debate are up on moral high-horses trying to save us from nonexistent problems. If the past couple of years have taught us anything it is that the left wing can be just as dogmatic and intolerant as the worst of the moral majority.




Pretty much how I feel. I have no love loss for the leadership of the right, but the leadership of the left is no friend to the transgender community, either. They are like the politicians who start wars from the convenient comfort of their cocktail parties and then send others out to get tore up in the fighting. They will be unaffected by any of this, but the transgender community who was not even on the rights radar screen are now, ground zero for an irritation bomb that we did not ask for or use.


I'm not a liberal or a conservative, because they both are pretty much the same. They want to fight the so-called "Good Fight" for the rest of eternity instead of coming to a meeting of the minds that would benefit all. I'm a progressive and I know one thing for sure. Society can't progress unless we all move foreword together and neither of these groups want that because they will loose what they truly desire and that is the control over the people who think they need them to get anywhere.


The right isn't holding the transgender community down. The right is reacting to the lefts sinister little shell game. They want to change the narrative from their unpopular candidate and the fact they just screwed over their own constituents by sabotaging Bernie Sanders run for Hillary clinton. They needed to get that out of the minds of the college kids they disfranchised by their own tyranny and replace it with a fabricated issue that served no purpose but to alleviate their self inflicted wounds.


Trump and Clinton will go down in history as the two most disliked candidates to ever via for the office. I couldn't care less for either of them, but I litteraly dispise those who used the transgender community as a red herring. It shows just how much they really care about any of us.

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Exactly. God save us from radical right-wing politicians forcing unnecessary new laws down our throats to "protect" us from transgender people.

Oh, that's cute.


I was deliberately not taking sides in a race I don't have a horse in. My point was that both sides in this debate are up on moral high-horses trying to save us from nonexistent problems. If the past couple of years have taught us anything it is that the left wing can be just as dogmatic and intolerant as the worst of the moral majority.




Pretty much how I feel. I have no love loss for the leadership of the right, but the leadership of the left is no friend to the transgender community, either. They are like the politicians who start wars from the convenient comfort of their cocktail parties and then send others out to get tore up in the fighting. They will be unaffected by any of this, but the transgender community who was not even on the rights radar screen are now, ground zero for an irritation bomb that we did not ask for or use.


I'm not a liberal or a conservative, because they both are pretty much the same. They want to fight the so-called "Good Fight" for the rest of eternity instead of coming to a meeting of the minds that would benefit all. I'm a progressive and I know one thing for sure. Society can't progress unless we all move foreword together and neither of these groups want that because they will loose what they truly desire and that is the control over the people who think they need them to get anywhere.


The right isn't holding the transgender community down. The right is reacting to the lefts sinister little shell game. They want to change the narrative from their unpopular candidate and the fact they just screwed over their own constituents by sabotaging Bernie Sanders run for Hillary clinton. They needed to get that out of the minds of the college kids they disfranchised by their own tyranny and replace it with a fabricated issue that served no purpose but to alleviate their self inflicted wounds.


Trump and Clinton will go down in history as the two most disliked candidates to ever via for the office. I couldn't care less for either of them, but I litteraly dispise those who used the transgender community as a red herring. It shows just how much they really care about any of us.


Politicians only care about your vote. They will say whatever it takes to get you to vote for them. They will sell their souls to the devil to get enough money to make sure their message gets out. Of course, once elected, nothing of what they promised ever comes about....... at least, not in a way that you would appreciate. Obama promised 'hope and change'..... and here we are, all hoping for some more change....... as what we have now really isn't what any of us really wanted. Well, except maybe, for the rich folks.

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Despite what you might think of our current president, the record shows he has kept more of his campaign promises than any president in our entire history. Unfortunately he's not perfect, and as a senator he knew better than anyone the limitations on a few of his promises, e.g. closing Guantanamo etc. But compared to any president in the last half century he's been night and day better with regard to consistency of his positions before and after taking office. Ronald Reagan had us all waving flags as the exportation of our labor force and middle class began in earnest in the mid-80's etc -- and massive manufacturing expansions began in China, India and elsewhere.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Despite what you might think of our current president, the record shows he has kept more of his campaign promises than any president in our entire history. Unfortunately he's not perfect, and as a senator he knew better than anyone the limitations on a few of his promises, e.g. closing Guantanamo etc. But compared to any president in the last half century he's been night and day better with regard to consistency of his positions before and after taking office. Ronald Reagan had us all waving flags as the exportation of our labor force and middle class began in earnest in the mid-80's etc -- and massive manufacturing expansions began in China, India and elsewhere.

My biggest complaint with his campaign promises was where he said the public would have a chance to review/comment on bills in congress before they came up for a vote. It was a nice idea, and he even started doing it, but then, it just kinda fell by the wayside, and it stopped happening.


He also promised jobs. Which I don't see. Granted, he was elected just as our economy was going to hell in a hand basket..... but, the 'massive growth' he implied never did materialize.


His handling of Syria was woefully shortsighted, and continues to be.


His foreign policy (apologist in chief?) ain't the best either.....


Obamacare has turned into a nightmare, and broken almost every promise that was made about it.


VA healthcare still sucks.


Many, many issues with his presidency. But, that isn't anything new either. One thing I DO know, I most certainly do NOT want Hilary on the follow through......


But, this is so far off-topic as to be in another friggin' galaxy. :D

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