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Where do you get your news?


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I've known for a long time that most of the news agencies in America have a certain bias, as far as their reporting, I'[ve seen them sensationalize and pander to their core audiences. I was wondering where you guys get your news from and also what do you think about the level of reporting in today's media. Do they try to inform the public or indoctrinate the public, into their own philosophy
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Colbert Report and the Daily Show. It's about as slant-free as you can get in America. And it's not even news. :rolleyes:


Dear God the nation is doomed.......

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Try Reuters

But be sure to expect biases there as well but in my experience they mostly have the facts straight if you know how to read around the biases and a loot of news groups buy their stories too and sell them modified for their own customers (hint try looking at the source of each news you read)

Here in Germany I have found some journalists that have their own blogs because they cant publish all the things in the news they work for (still biased but at least a bit more honest) Found them going further into the matter by looking at each source and the writer of the news I read.

In my opinion you have to think up for yourself what and who you believe and why reading a lot helps sometimes but knowing only the political believes of some one that publishes news isn't a 100 % indicator sometimes high Commercial treaties have to be taken into account too.

The solution is in web a mix of Blogs and selected news and some critical thinking.

(edit had my typo mania again sorry)

Edited by SilverDNA
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Colbert Report and the Daily Show. It's about as slant-free as you can get in America. And it's not even news. :rolleyes:



Colbert Report and the Daily Show. It's about as slant-free as you can get in America. And it's not even news. :rolleyes:


Dear God the nation is doomed.......


Actually, he has a point...... Jon Stewart as well...... While they might give a humorous slant to the news, they at least report facts..... unvarnished. :D


I usually hit Yahoo News, and read what they have listed. They get news from multiple agencies, so, you can get the news from both slants, and then make up your own mind.

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I watch CNN sometimes. I also watch MSNBC and Fox sometimes to see both sides. Not really fair to consider Fox the entirety of the right though. One of the reasons I wish fox would change.


Of course the mainstream media can't always be trusted so I will also read news from online sources.




Your pretty much right with bias. Your news source needs to have as much information as possible even if it has a bias with wording. As long as you know there is a bias and can read around it, your fine.


@draconix, Aurielius, HeyYou


Using the the Daily Show and the Colbert Report as a main source of news is not the best idea. I wouldn't consider anyone doomed due to doing that, but it is definitely not the best of ideas.


They are both left wing clearly, and you won't ever see the other side if you use that as a main news source. They only have a certain time allowance for every show so you won't be able to get as much information as other places.

Edited by marharth
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Various sources, I try to avoid the obviously bias outlets like the BBC, Fox, PressTV, Guardian, Sun and Daily Mail. Reuters are good, Russia Today seems balanced when not addressing Russian issues, Al Jazeera are excellent for middle eastern news, Sky news is good when Kay Burley isn't on. Blogs are also an excellent source of news, also if you follow the right people Twitter can be too. I think you need to look at a wide variety and then make your own mind up on things.
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I learnt to take it all with a pinch of salt many years ago, but for light reading online, the Daily Telegraph, after that whatever. The headlines themselves aren't usually too far wrong regardless of outlet, it's when politically motivated journalists with huge egos and a colossal sense of self righteousness add supposition and guesswork to pad an otherwise vague story out that one can begin to think "oh really??"


Then you get to see some of the whackjob reader comments of course and can really see just how screwed we are :facepalm:


If I'm in the mood for some blatantly partisan/idealogically slanted giggles then I'll occasionally watch a few clips from the Fox opinion shows / Daily show. As for Colbert :wacko: He's like Jon Stewart minus any semblance of comedy or genuine satire.

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Colbert Report and the Daily Show. It's about as slant-free as you can get in America. And it's not even news. :rolleyes:



I do have to admit i watch it to :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


hes probably most none biased out of all of them.



Especially his hatred for fox.


Or like :teehee: :teehee:



Edited by Thor.
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My homepage (comcast.net)

Or here normally. I don't watch the news. It normally shows the bad things going on, rarely the positive.

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