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Explain your avatar/sig


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My avatar is my attempt to make a character who looks like me in RL and the 24 hours sign in the background was perfect for the kind of schedule I keep. My sig is just for mods cause that's the reason I'm here :D
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Hey, Tom Waits! I have a bestie who's a huge fan of him. Ya know, I always thought Heath Ledger based his Joker in The Dark Knight on Tom Waits.


Hey, that's a pretty cool idea about the joker. Never thought of that before but I think maybe you're onto something.

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Yeah I am on a My Little Pony kick lately (oh who am I kidding I have been on a kick since I was born in 84)... so my Avatar is pretty obvious and my quote is from the MLP friendship is magic... cause its f***ing awesome!
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I can't tell about my username without destroying it's meaning, it actually is when whole: Nosisab Ken Keleh which "sounds" in my idiom something like - "Is not known who he is"...


The avatar pretends to be true to the username...


The sig, well, I imagine that's so :)

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@Kevkiev: It's more evident when Tom Waits is speaking, not singing: Link Heath's Joker even does the sexy lip-smacking that Tom Waits tends to do. By the way, that track is so far the saddest thing to make me laugh. XD


@Quetzlsacatanango: For those not aware, Slurms McKenzie is from the show Futurama. As is the "40% dolemite" tag under Q's avatar, albeit the tag and the character are completely unrelated. It leads me to believe he's a huge Futurama fan, but he failed to catch the origin of my reference of "I used to be a little blonde girl named Virginia" said by a female ghoul child. Which leads me to believe I'm a bigger Futurama expert than him. Maybe we should throw down some time. XP


@Nivea: Woot! I caught the attention of one of my Nexus forum heroes! (The other is Llama, of course) I saw a clip of the new MLP show. The ponies were preparing for an expedition to a scary mountain, and one was complaining to the one in your avatar that another one was afraid of her own shadow, which was quickly proven true in the literal sense. Thing was... I totally recognized the voice of the pony in your avatar. And it's killing me that I can't remember where I've heard her voice. Is the new MLP show good? And are there any male characters? Or is it like Touhou, where the only men are non-humanoid (or in this case, non-pony) animals or only mentioned in passing?

Edited by Cyberweasel89
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