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Skyrim and Steam


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I'm sorry, but if you would prefer not to have internet in 2011 you might want to go back to 2001. Not even the poor people in my country can go without the internet for a day. The internet has become an extension to everyone's daily activities yeeeears ago. It's time to catch up.




What country are you in, and what poor people have you been talking to?




Here in the United States of America, most of the poor people I know would much rater have something to eat and a warm, dry place to sleep than the ability to "Tweet".

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What country are you in, and what poor people have you been talking to?


Here in the United States of America, most of the poor people I know would much rater have something to eat and a warm, dry place to sleep than the ability to "Tweet".


Obviously I don't mean hobos and bums. :/


And I'm from South Africa. Might wanna look that up on a map sometime.

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What country are you in, and what poor people have you been talking to?


Here in the United States of America, most of the poor people I know would much rater have something to eat and a warm, dry place to sleep than the ability to "Tweet".


Obviously I don't mean hobos and bums. :/


And I'm from South Africa. Might wanna look that up on a map sometime.



I'd prefer not to turn this into a flame war.


First of all, I know where your country is located.


Secondly, I am neither a bum nor a hobo.


I work for a living. I pay my bills by the sweat of my brow.


It might be difficult for you to understand as you're sitting in your college class, but not everyone in the world has had such privileged opportunities.


I hope you do well with your education and enter a lucrative career so that you might continue to be blissfully ignorant of such things.

Edited by Herculine
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Thanks for misunderstanding my post. Now I'll merrily move along my way, because I don't have the time for this. Got college to run to etc. (Pay my own internet bill, btw. And food and electricity for that matter).


Oh, and protip, I wasn't calling you a bum or hobo. Maybe read that part again. I was saying obviously they aren't worried about internet, but the lower income bracket people (y'know, those who can actually afford a plate of food each night.) can't even go without internet nowadays.

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Oh, and protip, I wasn't calling you a bum or hobo. Maybe read that part again. I was saying obviously they aren't worried about internet, but the lower income bracket people (y'know, those who can actually afford a plate of food each night.) can't even go without internet nowadays.


There are a lot of people, some of them highly paid, doing dangerous and important job every day who can't - in big part because of their job - get internet access good enough, if any, to use Steam to play single-player games in their "off time". Time they desperately need to have.


Soldiers on duty in war regions are such a group, as are scientists in far-away places like Antarctica.


The downright perverse thing about it is that these people are marked as not worthy of playing many modern games not even by some cowardly paper-shuffler in his cosy and secure office, but by an automated computer system. And there are even people who defend this cold, calculated and inhumane decision.

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Well, isn't this a great Steam discussion?


We're meant to be bad-mouthing steam, not each other guys.


That is indeed where the problems come in. Some people don't like it when other people DON'T badmouth Steam. I'm all for making Steam optional, but really, some of us like it and have never had problems with it.


And there are even people who defend this cold, calculated and inhumane decision.



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And there are even people who defend this cold, calculated and inhumane decision.




Think about it:


You're a soldier on duty, stationed in some war zone. You risk your life every day, to keep your family fed, your people back home safe, your country independent. The little internet you have you use mostly for some quick mails between you and your family. Your cousin tells you about this great new game (say, Civilisation 5, or Assassin's Creed 2), and how he enjoys it, and manages to even send you a copy.


Only ... you're not allowed to play it.


Not because it's against your orders, against the law or anything like this. Not because playing games when you have free times is not allowed; in fact, your CO encourages you to have a nice hobby like this, to wind down from the hard work.


You're not allowed to play this game because you risk your life for your country in the far away Shitholestan.


That is what makes the Steam system, and really every kind of DRM which requires you to be online for anything, not only a problem, but also potentially inhumane - if the publishers don't offer alternatives.

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Inhumane? L O L. You know what was inhumane? The holocaust. Calling being unable to play a game inhumane is just downright :/. They're in a war, killing each other for some half-assed reason, and you're worried about them being unable tp play a game? It's so ridiculous, that it can barely be laughed at.


Maybe their countries should consider pulling them out so they can actually stand a chance of seeing their families again. THAT would be humane. Besides, being unable to play a game is probably the least of a soldier's worries. How about being able to see the sun rise the next morning?


No offense, but that's just the most far-fetched, downright worst argument I've ever seen against Steam. Besides. They'd probably have consoles for the soldiers, if they have any form of gaming entertainment.

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