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Player only body mesh?


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I see in Fallout 3 and Fallout NV that there is mods that let the player use a unique body mesh vs what the NPCs in the game will use, for example i would like the HGEC Fighter body shape for my character but would like the rest of the NPC females to still use the standard HGEC body. Is this possible with Oblivion and if so has anyone made a mod yet to support it?


This is the Fallout NV version of what i am looking for - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35196


Thank you in advance for any help with this. :)

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Note: FO3(and FO NV, though I don't have NV..) allows you to assign different body meshes per race, but Oblivion doesn't. If you want unique body mesh for certain race, or player-only body replacer, you have to rely on 'wearable body part trick', which requires scripted body parts that are non-playable equipment.
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The more modern and recently updated version of the mod evestargw linked above is electrro's BBB Designer body spell. With it you can set your player character to whatever suits your fancy and leave all NPCs at whatever body you've installed as a default, or go wild and set various bodies for different NPCs as well as yourself. It's really nice for matching the body mesh and textures to the armor or clothing you want to use.
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