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Guest deleted156886133

Unless that loan shark offers fair payment plans, I'd opt for the lesser house. And with no money worries, I can focus on improving the house more to my liking.

Would you rather watch the news, subsequently spending countless hours fact-checking sources, or just give a middle finger to the whole stressful, insane process and base your world view upon personal observations?

As an aside, I suppose you could just watch the weather report. That does seem to be consistently more accurate. 


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I always go with personal observation.  No need to wonder if the people who report their area's unless I get notified on the Mobile unit there's a chance of a bad storm.   Ended up driving through one two days ago.  It almost got to the point it could have swept my vehicle off the road.

Would your rather smoke the lame version of marijuana that is sold in the U.S.A. that has gotten so the CBD is nearly none existent; that gave those old people a good buzz and made them get extremely hungry?

(This is back when during the depression and through to the 1950' no one realized it was good for anything; but for prisoners on the Chain Gangs.  They occasionally got some of the female buds while they were chained together working and walking along the roads.  The poor guys on the chain gangs picked the hemp most of the time while they were working on the roads in the Bible Belt to give them something to smoke.  Only the Rich prisoners had any tobacco back in those days.)

Or would you rather suck on an old sock inhaling model airplane glue fumes through the cloth so you don't get any on you skin like children did back the 1950s?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest deleted156886133

Well, that's a no-brainer for me. I'll pass on the headache inducing glue huffing and grab my rolling papers while asking that you kindly pass me some of that lame American weed. I'll smoke it if you won't. Besides, all of my old socks are queued for bicycle grease duty. I use them to clean my chain.

Would you rather ride a bull elephant along Broadway Avenue in New York City or a Husqvarna FC 450 motorcycle across the Serengeti Plains of Africa?


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I would rather ride a Husqvarna FC 250.  Since i can't find one with a 450; first I would have to buy a 250 and get it bored out so it was a 450.  While I look for an old machine shop where I could do that; the Serengeti Plains of Africa will have to wait.  I know where I can get some Legal CBD that you can soak your socks with to burn with the lube you use to clean your bicycle chains.  Mingled with the high content of your local legal merryjane THC it would give you a bitchin high so high you could ride your bicycle across the clouds and rainbows in the sky. 

Would you rather hold your breath to beat the longest held breath time or race in the cross country bicycle race in California Sierra Mountains after they put out all the forest fires.


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Guest deleted156886133

Well, considering that the current record for holding one's breath is 25 minutes 37 seconds, I guess I need to start training for the race. 25 MINUTES! Wow! How is that person not dead?

Which of your five senses would you rather have enhanced?

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I'm going to go with knowing when to duck, tuck, and roll.  Which ever one that is that needs that enhancement.

Would you rather spend the day peeling bark off of trees, or learning to cast duo magic powers to use at the same time with your left and right hands.

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