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The Snow Arena


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Malchik clone is perfectly happily getting soused on schnapps when he is aware or loud noises coming from dinosaurs.


Where had his parallel universe drifted to now? Dinosaurs were extinct, weren't they?


He observes the fine red mist that had been Abu beginning to coalesce into something that looks remarkably like Hilary Clinton. Surely no one could call that pillar of society a cat?


Unsure what might have gone wrong in his universe, he teleports to another quickly. He cannot possibly stay in one where the next potential US president has the brain of a cat. That the current one had no brain at all was at least understandable. But Abu for president?


Sadly this new universe has no schnapps and he is obliged to make do with a mixture of absinthe and methylated spirits.


It has a similar effect - only quicker.

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Now moloch finds a book of unknown age and power. As he reads the words a huge bang can be heard from lightyears away. A new planets has been formed. Not one made of soul and water but of metal. A evil hord has been summoned. Metal skeletal creatures have been formed. There name is Necron. Many people have heard of these beings and fear them. Now they are heading in there ships to there new master..... Moloch.


The Vulture is not afraid of the Necrons, his Vulture army attacks but not with weapons, but their crap, the crap freezes the joints of the Necrons causing them to shut down, they are still alive, and cannot be resurrected, The Vulture walks up to The Necron Lord and squishes its head with its talons. THe Necrons have been defeated. The Vulture hears something off in the distance, it is Moloch begging for mercy. He allows Moloch to join, pitying the poor fool.


p.s The Necrons suck in Dark Crusade anyway

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Unfortunatly for Peregrine, Abu's soul left his body before the snow ball was teleported to the inside of his head. He occupied one of his other bodies he created. He escapes the universe just before the world came to an end due to anti-matter touching matter (at least that's what Abu heard was going to happen. He flees to Abthearian, the realm he created where no mortal may touch him without his will. He also teleports Abir there to create his own realm, separate from any mortal realm. He crafts all sorts of dangerous weaponry, all varying in size, type, color, etc. Nothing may happen without his will. He is the only one who may move around in his paradise (for now), and he is the only one who can move anything, if he wants to. No mortal or imortal means my hurt him or his realm. He also takes out anything that will unmake his paradise, and adds humans and life to it. He lets the citizens of Abir move around on their own free will, and then the cats. However, he will allow The Vulture to come there as a safe haven, and forms a new moon around Abir for The Vulture and his army. He adds a copy of Canada to the moon, and forms a new planet, which Abu sends off on it's own orbit around the Great Ball of Abgutia, the sun in Abu's realm.
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Fortunately for Peregrine, he is not a mere mortal. A flick of a wing summons an ice cage around Abu, enchanted so not even a soul can pass through its bars. A few moments later, another anti-snowflake appears in the center of Abu's head.


Once again, Abu's head splatters all over the walls, this time with no escape for his soul. With the delusional madman dead, his imaginary realm collapses on itself, removing all trace of its bizarre presence from the universe. And once again, there is peace.

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OK. Let me make this clear to everyone.




The cage is disinigrated as soon as it enters Abu's paradise, and the anti-matter snow is teleported back to Peregrine's head. There's enough room in Peregrine's head without Peregrine exploding due to the fact that he sniffs glue and permanent markers every day.

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Slightly irritated at the mere mortal's continued defiance, Peregrine re-writes the laws of the universe, stripping Abu's Paradise of its protection. Because gods just do that sometimes.



A few seconds later, a spray of anti-ice shards impales Abu. He has barely enough time to scream in pain before the matter/antimatter reaction vaporises him, along with his entire realm.




(What's wrong, it isn't so much fun when you're on the recieving end of these kind of posts?)

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Marxist male without a father is told to vulk off by M'aiq the Liar because he is taking his job.

M'aiq the Liar becomes a prominent lobbyist for immigration reform. He is penalized 3 turns for soft funds.


Everywhere, and Nowhere

Game physics changed to "quantum." For the next 25 turns, players may gain a 250 XP bonus for acquiring the grand unified theory.


Now moloch finds a book of unknown age and power.

The book is a used copy of How Stella Got Her Groove Back.


Unfortunately for Peregrine, Abu's soul left his body before the snow ball was teleported to the inside of his head.

Abu's body is transformed, for that moment, into a Kafkaesque existential nightmare, not fit for this world or any other.


Pop pop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is! Abu's soulless husk of a body is penalized 1 turn.


He flees to Abthearian, the realm he created...

Sadly, because his universe creation skill is 0, the new universe is an exact copy of the old one, with the exception that Al Gore won the US 2000 presidential election.


Abu is penalized 10 turns for assessing the impact of his space-fleet on universal warming models. He gains an envelope with calculations written all over the back.


Meanwhile, his engagement rings have arrived.


...Where no mortal may touch him without his will.

Abu now has +1 roll against rape. His immaculate conception attribute remains unchanged.


He crafts all sorts of dangerous weaponry, all varying in size, type, color, etc.

Abu's weaponry store is a success, and he now gains 5 gold per turn!


And once again, there is peace.

Admiral Aleksi sar-Ryskin is penalized 50 turns for "mission accomplished!"

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Now our forces are one i shall unleash the greatest creature known to mankind. The shadow of Thurosherock. An ancient beast so powerfull the most powerfull seers had to cast it into oblivion. It was known to have disapeard and gone for ever. Now moloch is its new leader. He commands it to reach a planet known as Tenteave 6. It kills all the local inhabitants and uses there bodys to create new creatures. An image of himself and sends them forth to kill all in there way. My Necron fleet may be destroyed but the source is stil operational. A new warrior has been built his name is Cashesh-Delave. He is a god among those who fear death. He is making a new fleet to destroy anyone who stands in there path.
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Slightly irritated at the mere mortal's continued defiance, Peregrine re-writes the laws of the universe, stripping Abu's Paradise of its protection. Because gods just do that sometimes.



A few seconds later, a spray of anti-ice shards impales Abu. He has barely enough time to scream in pain before the matter/antimatter reaction vaporises him, along with his entire realm.




(What's wrong, it isn't so much fun when you're on the recieving end of these kind of posts?)


The Vulture, moves the massive crystal in his base, and with a pinpoint shot, he takes out the anti-ice shards , he then turns the crystal on Peregrine, the crystal was made by a god so it can destroy one, but instead of destroying Peregrine it strips him of his immortality and god powers, The Vulture collapses. he then realises that he absorbed Peregrine's Godhood.


p.s taggart the greatest beast known to mankind wouldn't be that impressive

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