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Attack on our beloved leader!


Today a pathetic and cowardly attack was attempted on our brilliant leader. The "name-not-to-be-realeased-assosiation" party was rather eliminated quickly and our leader was not harmed. His comment on this attempt:" I'm still looking for toilet paper "

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*Acrid turns over all ships to the communitys of earth2 and allows passage to earth1, also allows tranist to earth3 and back, Acrid then goes to his castle and wait's knowing many of his enemys wont be able to resist pelting him with snowballs.
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OOC>D@mn right


*shin sees that acrid has returned to his castle. shin goes up to acrid who looks anxious


"hey acrid, remember that time i said i had a bone to pick with you, well this is it"


*almost instantly shin produces a compact ice bat and breaks it across acrids face, snapping his jaw.


*shin throws a spoon of healing down,now we're even. "home run" as shin retreats back to his undefended castle in wait of another snow ravaged maniac :nazgul:

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*Acrid heals with the spoon, and then sit's down and waits for the next one...... "damn I was about to launch a massive attack on Peregrines forces and then turn around and attack pack rat, It was going to be the bomb...."


*Acrid starts drinking heavily

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*Acrid see's IamthatisMatthias walk in, he was buried under a rock and has no idea of history.


*Oh come in, just what I need, a ally, here take this ultra ice beam hand cannon and go kill the following people, Peregrine, pack rat, shinjioh, mojlnir and Malchick, thanks;) Oh hand don't forget the dark one, he's a easy target.


*Acrid hides deep in his castle, he then see's the Dark One and nails him in the side of the head with a icey snow ball and poor spelling! ha ha takke that!

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