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The Snow Arena


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and so evilkoal found his powerpack after so much time searching. he then used one of his (nearly unlimited) supply of koolaid packets to create a portal to the ship where everybody was. soon after walking aboard the ship, he saw a small dragon attacking the goddess with a snowcone and quiestions of portals to power some dragon holy book. (evilkoal thought she, chesto, and nosisab were all the chaos gods, slaanesh, nurgle, and tzeentch, respectively.) so he grabbed the small dragon with his powerfist, but not with enough force to crush said dragon, just enough to tightly squeeze his head and mouth. he asked the dragon "why, oh smallest of dragons, do you attack the goddess?"
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Marcus and the wookie tried to fend off the boarding space pirates, but there were far too many and they lacked skills with laser swords.


In an hour, Marcus and the wookie were in the brig of the giant spaceship.

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After barely managing to say something Spyro shouts:


"Hey lay off you rust bucket i was not attacking her.Lisnpuppy could you please tell this goon to let me go.As if the twilight gnorcs weren't enough"


Our hero tried to use one of his power-ups but evilkoal's grip was too strong for him to active it.

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"Evilkoal!" the Goddess yelped..."thank you for protecting me, but he is just giving me sugar- so lettgo! You want a Snow Cone? They have KoolAid in them!"




The Goddess then began eyeing Spyro's orbs again with interest. She really thought they were pretty....they would make a lovely necklace but she knew better than to bother a dragon's horde.


So instead she yelled to Gman..


"Hey--lets get somewhere already or I am going to drive the boat again. I dont think you want that do you?"


SHe then wondered where the Old One and his HUD had gotten to?

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Gman021 sees the rest of the crew in distress. He quickly comes to their aid.


"Okay everyone, we're getting out of here!" he yells.


He sets his ship to jump to Hyperspace, and just as he's about to hit the button, he sees an asteroid that looks like a space suit, floating in space...


He beams it up because he finds it interesting. He's a collector. :P


He then makes the jump, and they are saved.


"Okay everyone," he says. "Lets go to the Snow Planet."


"Except you, Spyro. Where do you want to go?" he asks the tiny dragon.

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evilkoal puts down the teeny dragon, and accepts a snowcone. "now i just have to figure out how to get it into my helmet :/" he thinks
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Well i got nothing to do here and back home we didn't have snow ball fights so yeah i coming with you guys.Who knows i might use the old ice power-up again :banana: but i gotta ask 2 things first:


1 Is there a technological portal around here i need to use is to further increase the power of my guide book with my 60 magical orbs(this is the fourth time im asking this and this time please answer)


and 2 can anyone get marcus over here i gotta bone to pick with him.He said we're going to the junk food planet and we aren't.I said if he was lying i'll burn him so much he'll never be cold in his life :devil:


OT i said i was as tall as a 15 year old's leg i doubt thats "tiny" just say "young" or "small"

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The Goddess looks at the Dragon with some anger...


"Leave sleeping wolves where they are..." she recommends.


"It is pleasant here for a change."

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The wookie knocked spyro into an escape pod, launching him to the nearest habitalbe planet.


"Awesome, dude!" Marcus said, giving the wookie a high five. "Now," he said, assuming a decidedly progressive stance, "let us go.....to the SNOW PLANET!"


And then he spent all day eating meat loaf and potato chips with the wookie.

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