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The Snow Arena


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Of course DragonFriend.


We must continue to build up our fortresses. We need large towers over which you can fly and upon which you can perch and keep guard.


What say you?


Shall we begin?

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Of course DragonFriend.


We must continue to build up our fortresses. We need large towers over which you can fly and upon which you can perch and keep guard.


What say you?


Shall we begin?


And so begins the Snow Arena... again.


Gman021 sees the mayhem down below, and takes a picture of the pretty snow before it is desecrated to a pile of slush. He then lifts off in his Zephyr, and says almost in a perfect imitation of Arnold Schwarzenegger, "I'll be back."

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Spyro holds his thumb up and uses the supercharge power-up giving him speed.He then gathers snow from everyone else's forts :whistling: to use it to fortify Lisnpuppy's fortress.Afterwards he combines his current power-up with the super jump power up,making jump high over the wall(with sparx following of course)


"phew that was tiring."


Without warning he loads the snow cannons,with a little smirk on his face :devil: .


"firing at your command goddess"

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Meanwhile, Marcus and the Wookie had built their own nuclear powered spaceship out of scrap titanium. They climbed inside the 'PWNZOR 35' and prepared for launch.


"Did we pack the meatloaf and potato chips?"




"Are all guns loaded and ready to fire?"




"Did we fill the tank with liquefied element 104?"




"Did we prepare the dark matter disruptor?"




"It's the thing that goes on the nose."






The spaceship launched itself beyond the atmosphere, leaving behind it a deadly trail of nuclear fallout. After a few minutes in space, Marcus activated the dark matter disruptor. A small wormhole was opened just briefly enough to let the PWNZOR 35 slip through it. Then it immediately shut at that end, only to have the other end open somewhere only Marcus and the wookie know.....

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"Did we fill the tank with liquefied element 104?"


OT: Liquefied Rutherfordium? That stuff has to be at 2400 degrees Kelvin just to melt (3,860.6 degrees Fahrenheit).


I don't think you could use it to power something like a space ship... it's too radioactive... and too unstable... :blink:

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Somewhere in the universe, PWNZOR 35 emerged from the wormhole. It landed on a cold, sunless planet. Some, strange trees grew on this world, and it reminded Marcus of winter nights at home in Canada. He and the wookie put on their parkas and unloaded some of their metallic cargo. After a few hours of work, they had turned a cave into a fully functional space pirate hideout. Then they unloaded their food supplies before blasting off into another wormhole.
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The 'PWNZOR 35' emerged near the planet Goshofia, which contained the galaxy's only supply of element 153 (damn right they haven't found any on earth!) Having already slipped behind the imperial defenses, Marcus and the wookie swooped down low, grabbed the element 153, and wormholed back to their secret lair.


"With this, we can fuel the fasted engine in the universe....." Marcus explained to his wookie friend.

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I go up the young dragon and put an arm aournd a wing.


"Don't worry child...we will be back soonest...just a little brain break!"

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