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The Snow Arena


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Guys please don't let the snow arena die.I beg you :(


"Bah! The Snow Arena die?!" gman021 says to the "little" dragon. "Perposterous!"


OT: The reason I haven't been on as much, is because I have finals coming up on Monday. Kind of on Tuesday. Mostly Monday though. :ermm:


"I'll be back!" gman021 says again, like Arnold Schwartzenagger. (sp?)

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And suddenly, using a the element 153 as fuel, and using the Dark Matter Disruptor, Marcus and the wookie robbed 10 banks, 15 food stores and 65 military compounds.....all in a few hours!
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Spyro smiles:


"wooohoo!Thanks guys for a day or two i though the snow arena had died and stuff " :thanks:


OT i got finals as well but they are almost over,i also have a BIG exam on the 16th(well thats what they said)but until then expect me to be on from 11:00 CET(im CET +2 though)


From all the excitement our hero dances to his favourite song!!! :banana:


P.S. i love that banana

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"I know! The amount of loot we have is ridiculous!" Marcus said, as he and the wookie lounged around in their secret lair, which was filled with loot. "I have no idea what we're going to do with all this. Shall we dress ourselves all fancy, attend a rich snob's party, and act like rich snobs while we're there?"



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while hearing of marcus' vast quantities of loot, evilkoal opened a warp portal in the midst of the slightly used liquid rutherfordium and technologically advanced devices, causing it to dissapear, and appear in the deeply underground lair of his (now slightly brown) snow fortress of doom (among other things.) using his vast quantities of warp related powers, evikoal put up a shield around his lair that allowed nothing in or out through any mode of transportation so that he might create in peace.


OT: go check out HHO torches! i just made one yesterday haha

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While Lisnpuppy was walking around the courtyard of her snow fort,she herd a small crash coming from Spyro's room.She quickly ran to see what's going on.In the hallway the goddess saw a pile of multi colored gems and the "guide book".She took a look inside and saw Spyro in a giant pile of different types of gems:rubies,emeralds,sapphires,golden as well as strange light purple colored ones,but they were all shaped the same way even the ones made of gold.


"Hey Lisnpuppy could you hand me the book so that i can clean up the mess i made,oh and if you want take some of the gems if you like the purple one are the most valuable and dont worry i got an unlimited supply"

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"WHAT? Not on the guest list? What do you mean we're not on the guest list?"


"I'm sorry sir, but you're..."


"I heard what you said! This is ridiculous! He's only a man because of us, and he doesn't even put us on the guest list!"




"I'm sorry sir..."


And with that, bluff, they got into the party.

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(OT--Marcus...you seem to be doing your own thing that has nothing to do with the Snow Arena...please feel free to take off and make your own thread.. :biggrin: )




The Goddess looked at all the pretty shinnys that Spyro had. She sat down and pulled some gilded string from her pocket and began making jewelery.


"Wow Spyro...how cool is this! Thanks for letting me have some. I like the red and blue if that is OK?"


She also make Spro a fine looking collar...with his address on the back should he get lost again...


As the Goddess created....more and more stars began to appear in the sky...as if every jewel she tread upon her string was matched in the universe...


then she wondered how well the gems would stick in snowballs.......

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Spyro put on the color that Lisnpuppy made for him:


"thanks Lisnpuppy.Oh check this out"


Our hero puts out a strange looking chest that kinda looked like it was made of Spyro's dragon scales.And it suddenly opened itself and from inside it a pair of eyes showed.They looked like Spyro's eyes too.


"Whats that Spyro" said Lisnpuppy


"Well in this container i store some of the most valuable gems in the universe.Let me explain:"


Spyro pulled out a small statue of a dragon but the head looked like his.


"Remember when i first came into the Arena.Marcus killed me and I quickly revived myself.How?!I used one of these.They hold magical power that can revive any pure blooded dragon from any death situation,except from old age.Here you can have one as a suveneir(i know,i spelled it wrong)


OT:could someone PM and tell me how to post pics on posts or my signature.That way i can show you guys what i am usin in the arena like the guide book,the gems Lisnpuppy made a necklace of and those statues that i store in that purple scaled chet.You know just to let you know what they exactly look like

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