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The Snow Arena


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"Is that dragon still around?"




"Well, whatever, we can't allow this to spoil our party...."


"It's them! The guys that robbed 10 banks, 15 food stores and 65 military compounds.....all in a few hours!"


As a the security forces rushed in, Marcus and the wookie rushed out...but not before grabbing some loot. Purses, earrings, necklaces.....whatever they could grab. Then they hopped on their ship and got the hell out of there.


"Good thing it was a primitive planet with no space craft, eh, my wookie friend?"



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The Goddess looked into the Snow Globe she held and observed the antics of Wolfe and his Wookie friend. She then smiled her glorious smile...and shook...really hard...
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Marcus and the wookie hid under their covers (although, for the record, they were in different beds) from the terrible snowstorm blowing outside.




"I know what you mean! Damn, some hot babes would totally warm up this joint......."

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After Spyro cleans his room from all of the gems he quickly grabs the guide book and goes on top of the fort walls.


"hmm i doubt it if fire will do the job"


He uses the snowball power up which for an amount of time gives him the ability to launch snow instead of fire.And to make the situation a bit funny he dashes to marcus' fort,breaks the window with his horns and fires a mini blizzard in the bedroom where wolfie and the wookie have been hiding.


"Hey marcus are you going to sleep through the whole season(not that there is another season since Its winter forever :D )


Marcus shows his head above the ice and just before he could say a word he gets hit in the face with another snowball :whistling:

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As Spyro began to launch another snowball..The Goddess held up a hand to halt him.


"As good as this is dragonfriend...watch..."


The Goddess held before him a glowing Snow Globe which held the...now possibly motion sick... hairy Wolfe and his even hairier cohort. She shook it again just for fun...then showed Spyro in her other hand a snowball made with gleaming ice and packed with the lovely gems she had taken from the Dragon earlier.


Using her magic the Goddess multiplied the gem-encrusted projectiles.....and launched thousands of them into the Snow Globe toward Marcus and the Wookie.


Putting her arm motherly around her young winged friend, the Goddess and Spyro sat down to enjoy the show.


As she watched she wondered what had happened to the Old One.

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The wookie wailed on the door, but to no avail. It was frozen in place.


"Damnations! The irony is sickening! Now we're stuck here with nothing but our food and our loot!" Marcus slumped in his chair. "And there is no point in having loot if you can't hock it."

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Spyro giggled for a while,watching Marcus and his buddy get owned.He also noticed the shiny gems in the snow balls so he tried it as well but this time he used them on evilkoal.but he didnt just throw them or hit them with his tail like a baseball bat.He used the guide book's magic powers on them and the launched as fast as nuclear missiles and just as deadly.He then remembers the story of the snow arena and how many have used actual ones and even how they destroyed Earth.Then someone used a magic portal to bring it all back...


OT:hey guys i changed my avatar.what do you think,should i keep it like this or bring back the previous one

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Our little dragon hero was not that much of a fool to just stand there and wait for ICBM's projectile to hit him.Using his guide book he unleashes the super charge power up that makes him very fast.But just as he began to sprint the ICBM strikes and Spyro's left leg and tail are both heavily injured and from the blast hes launched in the air but he's a bit unconsious he couldn't glide well enough to at least soften his landing a bit.He falls with great speed directly into Lisnpuppy's ice fort and makes a small crater.


"Spyro,...Spyro..can you hear me...Spyro!" Said Lisnpuppy with sadness in her voice


Our hero opened his eyes halfway,slowly but he saw everything blurry.All he could make out was the faintly face of the goddess above his own


"L..Lisn...Lisnpuppy?Is that you?I dont feel so bold anymore"


With those last words our hero fell into a deep coma.Spyro's friend Sparx shed a tear and landed with softness on the young dragon's front right claw.

In the distance Lisnpuppy could hear the evil laughter of Marcus Wolfie


"Buwahahahahaha" :devil:

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