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The Snow Arena


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As Spyro was resting,he slowly woke up and wanted to get back to the battle.Too bad his right leg and his tail are in castings.with the help of Sparx,the young dragon started to get up slowly and then melted the ice casts with his fire(he was feeling ok by now)Spro went to look out the window to see whats happening and saw no battle...


OT:that last line was because very little people post here.Only me,Lisnpuppy,Marcus and nosinab made one post.And Marcus no offence but why arent you fighting all you do is your stuff but you hardly fight.I wonder what happened to those days when everyone was posting like mad

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Malchik clone 63bz alphacentauri mark2 repossessed appears from nowhere and throws a frozen daiquiri at spyro.


"Fightings's all gone to ground, mate. Eveyone's chilling out because global climatic change is gonna make that impossible in a couple of years. Best to chill too while you've got a chance."


Then the Malchik clone realising that it does not in fact exist has a sudden attack of OMGOMGOMGOMGWHOTHEHELLAMI disease and vanishes in a puff of dry ice.

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"Holy sh*t! This Ultra matter can create some seriously messed up stuff!"




"No, we can't destroy it! We'd destroy the whole universe!"




"But you're right, we do need to keep it out of the wrong hands....."


Marcus quickly called Steven Hawkings.


"Steven Hawkings? I have some Ultra matter. What will happen if I throw it in a black hole? Oh? Ok. Bye"


Marcus grabbed the mega cannon and launched the Ultra matter into a black hole......


"...where no fool will ever chase after it......"

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The Goddess continued to view Marcus in the magical Snow Globe....she laughed thinking how he traveled to and fro in a universe all of her making...never again to appear in the Snow Arena until she deemed it so.


Then she went to look for Spyro as she wanted another snow cone.

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"Snow cone?!?! I'll give you a snow cone! Wookie friend, prepare the Snow Cone of Doom Cannon!"




"What do you mean 'it's broken'?"




"AGH, you stupid stupid wookie! Do you know how long it'll take us to fix this?"



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As Spyro giggled at Marcus' situation he handed the goddess a snow cone.


"hmm wait here Lisnpuppy i got an idea"


He deploys his supercharge and vanishes quickly with sparx folowing.After several minutes he arrives with a snow cone machine and installs it in the frosty hallway.Several hours and 50 brain freezes the young dragon decides to warm up.But no only himself but wolfie's wookie buddy.Spyro uses the combo powerup so he can not only fire fireballs but fly as well(his wings are a too small to fly on his own yet)He flames up the wookie and also melts half of the snow cone cannon of doom :banana:


Long live Spyro


Moderator note:


Image removed.

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MARCUS...........IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO NOTHING BUT POST PICTURES I WISH YOU WOULD DO IT ELSEWHERE!! This is supposed to be an imagination thing. using words and creating a story. Not a signpost.
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The young dragon laughed greatly at marcus' pictures but remembers that isn't why he's here.He's here to fight with snow.So he quickly gathered up a large pile of snow balls enhanced with the power of the emerald orbs.(it should be pretty obvious who Spyro fired at)He the laughed harder than when he saw the "not so insulting,but actually funny" pics
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@ marcus wolfe


I have deleted several of your post, I trust my point is clear.


But in case it is lost on you, personal attacks are not tolerated and this thread is for story telling and not posting images to insult and demean other members of the connunity.



Moderator Note:


I have had enough of your arrogance, if you continue, I will make a permanent solution.



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