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The Snow Arena


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Marcus's photon beam hit Evil but only made him more shiny and pretty.


meanwhile the Goddess decided it was time for battle once again. She looked around her at the confusion....snow, hairy bits, wings everywhere.....and decided she was never to proud to call out for reinforcements..after all..she didnt want to break a nail.



So in a booming voice that could be heard throughout all creation she shouted....



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Spyro used "super charge" to quickly gather snow and built it into a snow fort.Its walls were ice reinforced.Unfortunately the fort was 100m away from the goddess and Halororor.


Then the young dragon remembered the Endless,they didn't go through the portal.He the used the "guide book" to make a portal.But a portal that goes to another dimension would take and hour to do so.Spyro needed someone to protect him during the summoning,as well as keeping the portal open while the young dragon goes in it.

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When Halororor saw that the goddess had returned he decided to come out of hiding again for the sake of helping her. He then saw what Spyro was up to and told the goddess: Come my lady, let us lend our assistence to Spyro who is in need of it.


As he was walking towards the dragon an arrow flew past his head. The bandits had recovered and found them at last. This was going to be a bloody battle.

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Necromancer was in a battle against thousands of his friends and his family that shook the plains of existence themselves.

Necromancer changed into his true form and started charging up a giant energy ball. One that could end everything. Powered by energy he had built up in his body from his 50000 years of existence.


No one can stop me from achieveing my goal of all worlds and realitys combining into one with me being the supreme and unchallenged ruler


Then a beautiful woman appeared from within the thousands of people.


I cant let you do that. I must stop you even though you are my husband. No that I still love you.


Necromancer looked at her and everyone behind her. He then smirked and said


As I cant hurt my friends and family. This battle against all of you was ill fated for me from the start. Know that no matter what you do to me I will always love you...Lily


The woman looked sad and said


Whatever happened to you, I know you are the same man I married. Kind, caring, funny, intelligent, protective. Know that I still love you...Garrett.


The woman then threw a gigantic spear, charged up with energy from all of the others that was fighting Necromancer, at him and he then seemed to slip into a different dimension, in pain, suffering, angst. Alone now....lost in the void


The woman then cryed and disappeared, along with all the people.

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Spyro has been casting for about 30minutes.When the portal opens,he has to go inside and get the "endless".He'll need help to keep the portal open while he's inside,or...he'll be trapped inside for eternity.
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