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Armiena stops by a store selling "TV"s , a primitive form of entertainment.

"Police have just reported that President Miller and the Vice President have been shot by unknown assailants. Both of them have been rushed to D. C. National Hospital in critical but stable condition. Their attackers are armed, and extremely dangerous, and should not be approached under ANY circumstances."

The article goes on predictably.

"Idiots. They're already dead." Armiena scoffs at this propaganda.


"I'm going to DC. The Chiefs of this nation-state have been killed. I'm getting a strange feeling. I think Peregrine's old followers are behind this."

"Sir!" Iglesias starts to protest.

"Stop. I need someone to look over the nightclub while I'm gone. I'll just take a couple of bodyguards with me."


She takes a pistol, an M-16 with a M203 grenade launcher, and a kevlar vest. Her two bodyguards take a couple of submachine guns, an LAW launcher,and pistols.

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New Earth; Amsterdam


The night has fallen over the Netherlands. In the industrial district some factories have a night-shift working. In a warehouse at the northern side of the industrial district a warehouse is still active. Several guards are too be spotted.


In the darkness 10 men, dressed in the uniform of the dutch intervention-team approached the warehouse. If you stood beside them you could hear the russian accents. The leader had a look trough the nightvision...

"Hmmm... Sergei, take your Dragonov and place yourself into those trees. Take down any man on the roof. And use your silencer!""Yes, Colonel..."

With those words Sergei sneaked away towards the trees, a Dragonov sniper-rifle bound on his back.

"K, the rest of you.. Boris and Dimitri, go get the truck but wait for my signal to move in! There can a lot of money being made with this job if my informations are correct."

Boris and Dimitri sneak away but after one meter Boris turns himself around.

"What if it isnt?"

Alexei tabs his weapon.

"In that case, our client will have some unwanted visitors... Now go!"

"Yes, sir!"

Alexei has a last look and then speaks into his radio.

"Sergei, make your move..."


From their coverage Alexei could see how professionaly Sergei carried out his task.

After several shots Alexei received a reply.

"You may begin..."

Alexei made some motions so everyone would understand his orders.

"Keep us covered... The rest of you girls, move in!"


As Alexei gave the order, the men moved towards their positions, keeping their silenced AN-94's ready.

Alexei had tooken the most dangerous position because he hated to send his men to the most difficult places.

As he leaned with his back against the gate, he slightly opened the door.

"Alright positions..."

"Red 2, ready!"

"Red 3 and 4, ready!"

"Red 5, all set..."

"Red 6 here, explosives are placed..."

"Red 7, No problem..."

Alexei knew they wouldnt have any problems so far, that is if Sergei kept them safe.

"Allright, gentlemen... You know the plan. From the moment Red 6 has destroyed their car park we wait till most of them come out. Kill them fast! After you have secured your entrance move in and clear the place out. You have 5 minutes to accomplish your goals. Red 6, start the fireworks..."

Alexei just finished his sentence as several explosions blew up the carpark. The guards inside came out and ran towards the explosions. Alexeis men took them out silently and quick. They moved inside and found an entire weapon production. Several scientist were at work and paniced as they thought the police was storming the building. Some raised their hands and surrendered but Alexei's men shot everyone who was alive. No witnesses... As they had made sure no-one survived they looked around. They noticed a truck inside the building.

"You two check it out!"

The men made sure first there werent any booby-traps and then opened the doors of the truck. They smiled as they saw the cargo...

"I didnt know Christmas was early this year."


The entire truck was filled with crates. Each crate contained weapons.

Alexei smiles.

"You like the extra money lads? Allright we've stayed long enough here, Boris and Dimtri, get over here with the truck! Ivan and Joeri, you two will drive this truck with the guns. The rest of you get into the other truck. Sergei, get over here, the police could be here anytime know!"


After 2 minutes the two trucks left the industrial district and headed for a secret airstrip where a cargo plane could easily land. The "Sovjets" had planned everything and their plans were always perfect. They landed on 60 miles from their base and drove the last piece of the trip. As they reached their base teh weapons were unloaded and moved to the storage room. They would sell the weapons to one of their customers and make some extra money this way.

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Smiling slightly at the thought that the air traffic controller would probably not sleep well for the next week, Mojlnir didn't notice that the convoy had stopped for a stoplight.


"Somebodies coming up to the car!" yelled G.K. as he pumped a round into the chamber.


"Relax, we know him. Let him approach." answered Mojlnir in a relaxed tone.


"Let me speak to Mojlnir." said the giant German in a rough voice.


As the giant introduces himself, the others relax and turn their attention to Mojlnir.


"Well, don't leave the man standing in the rain! Join us Slaiv, we are glad to have one such as yourself among us."


[/i"Many thanks my friend. My car..."


"Will be sent for later, we have other much more important things to deal with at this time."


The convoy is rolling again through the rain soaked streets of Seattle. Even though it is mid-January, the city is still amazingly green. The Emerald City, as it is fondly called, slumbers on as the Suburbans roll swiftly through it to the huge black skyscraper that sits like a citadel in the middle of downtown.


As guards meets them in the underground garage, an assistant runs up to Mojlnir.

"The four of you...Ahhh....good. You found him. The five of you are the first to arrive. The boardroom is prepared."


"Thank you." replys Mojlnir as he and the others walk to the elevator.


Once at the penthouse and boardrooms at the top floor, Rothgar, Loki, and G.K. go to their offices to check up on their responsibilities. Mojlnir and Slaiv walk to the floor to ceilling windows and stare at the rain-soaked lights below.


"I'm glad you're here Slaiv, we will need all the allies of old if we are to make this work. Have you heard from Shin or Ancalagon?"


The big German shakes his head, still looking into the night.


"I need you to take charge of corporate intelligence. Is that acceptable? The compensation is...well...sufficient, and you would work independently for the corporation, though you would need to be present at board meetings and keep me posted on what you discover." Mojlnir spoke, facing the glass, his eyes taking on a slightly bluish glow as he stared at the Eastern horizon.


Turning away to face the human mountain beside him, Mojlnir stretched out his hand.


"Are we agreed?"

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Malchik enters a large office marked Apocalypse Realtor. (ooc> is that the same as Estate Agent in the UK?)


He asks to be shown properties suitable for setting up a small manufacturing business.


The girl at the desk, a very striking redhead, advises that there are several places that might suit his need and wants to know what he intends to manufacture.


"Well, I haven't really decided yet. My friend Shin has a shop but someone blew it up. I wouldn't like to be in a neighbourhood that is unsafe!"


"Best place is outside the city completely," she advises.


"Show me a selection. And then afterwards maybe we could take in a movie, dinner?"


She gives him a quizzical stare "I'm not sure you quite realise who I am."


There is a moment when Malchik feels she is staring into his very soul. The feeling is less than pleasant.


"But I will show you the two most appropriate sites." She smiles again but there is no warmth in the smile. There is a pause before she adds with an odd inflection in her voice. "We'll use my car."


Malchik gulps.

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ooc> I've decided to call my base Sarajevo, please do not mistake this with the city. The city lies in Bosnia while my base is far more north.


New Earth; Sarajevo-base


As Alexei stared at the circling birds over the plains, he all of a sudden notices how the Peregrine male dives towards the ground. After not more 2 seconds the Peregrine flies up again, carrying a rabbit. Alexei smiles


"So fast... So deadly..."


It has not been more than 2 hours before he returned from Prague(city, not the planet...), where he has many important friends left from the former "old" days...

He sold the entire truck of guns they found at some friends who joined the maffia. They were happy to take it off his hands, he could imagine why.


As all of a sudden he hears and sees two tiger-helicopters. They were returning from their patrol. Alexei knew he didnt had much to fear out here. Hardly anyone would risk freezing to death. He notices how it's getting colder by the minute.


"The night is falling..."


He has one last look around and then he whistles. As if it were the most common thing all of his birds flew into a cavern that was locked of after every bird was safely inside again.

He couldnt get his mind of the assasinations that took place in Washington DC. Alexei didnt care that they murdered the president and the vice-president. In his eyes they were just another capitalists that were removed but he did wanted to know why... No ordinary assassin uses a tank to kill the vice-president... Something big was about to happen in the American politics and it interested Alexei.


He soon realised he had been standing daydreaming and that he still stood outside. He turned around and walked towards the gate. However while walking towards the gate he looked behind him one more time and smiled... Interesting times were to come indeed. He soon entered the cave that led to the underground base. While walking to the tunnel he looked at the men in the bunker.


"Close it..."


The gate began to close himself as the the tunnel was being sealed of.

He kept thinking as he marched deeper into the tunnel, deeper into the base.


"Very interesting..."

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>occ: well, you're 6'4" which is pretty tall, but you weigh like 280 which makes your character freakin huge


"I understand that you wish to run your own organization, with which I have no problem at all. I will contract my intelligence gathering to your corporation, if this is suitable?" asked Mojlnir.


"This arrangement works for me" answered the burly German.


"Good. Now we'll get the others in here and see what the current situation is. If you need to leave feel free, and we will stay in close contact."


With that Mojlnir patted the big man on the shoulder, and turned back to the conference table that occupied the center of the massive room.

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ooc>its muscle :D LEt's just say he dropped to 245, suddenly [He's basically an Immortal [a god], right?]


"I'll stay. I need to know what I'm doing before I can do it."


Slaiv unloads all of the ammuntion from his weapons, except for the 454 Cassuls holstered on his chest, and pockets it.


"Can't be too sure. Always gotta be ready," Slaiv says as he reveals the loaded Cassuls.

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*Outside of the Black Tower of Mojlnir's company, a figure approaches the double doors of the entrance. The figure is wearing a blacker than black trench coat, with a black fedora that has a silver sash around it. Underneath the coat, the figure is dressed in an elegant cross between a business suit and a formal wear (which is black as well).


Upon his hands black leather gloves, and a flash of silver appears from underneath his coat: a walking cane, elegantly hand carven from materials unknown. It appears to be wood but the sharp 'tap' of it against the concrete tells otherwise. Upon it is a Silver-White figurehead of a Dragon, with bright saphires for eyes.


A chill wind momentarily disturbs the coat and reveals that behind the high collar is a sword strapped to this interloper's back. It is of a strange and foreign shape, like a Japanese Katana but with a broader blade, and a greater curve to the blade. Leaflike in appearance. As the figure approaches the building, his footsteps echo louder and louder. He vanishes, and moments later appears unoticed in a darkened corner in the meeting room Mojlnir and the others are in watching from undeneath the fedora.


*He is also equiped with dual Desert Eagle .50, and two Ingram's across the small of his back.

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Looking with satisfaction at the dark figure seating himself in the corner, Mojlnir turned to the others in the room.


"Gentlemen, as you know, we have resurrected ourselves on this world and we are not the only ones who have returned. All of our old enemies are afoot, and though I sense that confrontation is still some way off, we must be prepared."


Mojlnir turns and presses a button on his desk, and as the lights dim even further, a giant plasma screen drops from the ceiling. With another switch, a global view fills the screen with some areas color coded and and small circles moving across the continents.


"The orange area to the south of us is an area known as Nevada that is controlled by Armenia. The green area in northern Eur-Asia is occupied Alexei... And most distressingly is this red area centered around Washington D.C. We are not specifically certain the extent to which this area in under control, or if this is even the central area...but this is where Parkes and Trayban have been operating...and where those two are...Peregrine himself cannot be far behind."


Turning to Rothgar, Mojlnir yields the floor.


"Slaiv, this is where we would greatly appreciate your assistance. We need to know what is going on on the Eastern seaboard. You are of course free top pursue your individual goals, but it is is critical that we uncover the situation out there. Do what you have to do. There is a plane at the airport which will remain at your disposal as long as you need it. You also have access to the full resources of this operation..."


Seating himself, Rothgar looks to Mojlnir, who turns his attention back to the screen.


"My people already know what to do, Slaiv if you need to get in contact with anyone here, use this cell phone." Mojlnir tosses a small silver phone to the big German. "It's encrypted, with continuously variable signal. Loose it and you'll have to come back for another. We cannot, and we will not, be compromised."


Turning back to the group, Mojlnir addresses them, "We are finished here for now, every one knows what they need to do. We'll be in contact."


As everyone leaves the room, Mojlnir walks to the window. After the last person has left, Mojlnir apparently addresses the window of the empty room.


"I had wondered when you would come. You are most welcome in this house, and I was beginning to worry that you would not join us. Come, sit with me and have a drink."


Mojlnir turns to face the man in the corner, filled with a sense of familiarity that he had not known since returning to the mortal realm.

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