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The Snow Arena


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Lisnpuppy gets smacked in the side of the head by a snowball. She reaches up and realizes that her beautiful hair has been smushed to the side of her face and now lays drippping.


She narrows her eyes at tyreil and begins to cast a spell. As she cast she dances on one foot and begins to juggle some leftover gems that Spyro had given her.


Suddenly things began to get much, much colder.....

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Spyro finally summons the portal.He calls Lsnpuppy to keep the portal open.He quickly told her how to read the dragon runes in the "guide book".


"Ok,i need you to keep the portal open for a few minutes until i get out with the endless.Is that ok?"

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Marcus returned to consciousness. "And he accuses me of cheesewhizzing." Marcus kicked the Talos in it's weak spot (the heel) and caused 17 Olympic swimming pools worth of blood to gush out. "Hmm.....I wonder if that will satisfy Necromancer's bloodlust...."
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Tyreil pulls out a blue ball with a fuse sticking out


lights it and thows it by lisnpuppys feet before lisn can more it blasted her with snow! ( ooh im soo dead) the potals closes and Spyro is stuck!


Carth Onasi

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