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The Snow Arena


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Tau fire warrior Shas'la Ukos spots a light in the dark sky, wait there are more, funny though they seem to head straight for the Mars surface but any normal Tau knows these are just Meteorites going way around Mars. His Night watch is near an end, the sky is glowing orange showing the sun is almost comming up. Ukos thinks of his family lightyears away, of the friends that had died in the battle for Terra (Earth). All of a sudden Ukos sees like 200 lights coming out of the sky, this are the Orca transports from Terra. Some ships look like they where moving targets all the way, black spots everywhere some small holes wich did not penetrate the thick armor of the ship.

It is wonderfull to see all these men step out, dozens, hundreds, thousands it reminds Ukos of the day he left his homeworld Sa'Cea, it was a delightfull thing to see though this looks horrible, some badly mutinated warriors are rushed to medical facilies and you can see the morale hanging by a thread though there is also a small fire in their eyes for they have survived to fight another day, wich is a common thought of the Tau empire, do not waste your men unneededly...

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ooc - Elwe, I didn't attack you yet. My ships are just jumping into Mars Nearspace, no actual assult yet... Also, my troops are called Space Marines because they're in space and they are Marines...not after the WH40K Space Marines (though they may appear close at times) I am familiar with the basic Tau outline and you are of course free to follow it...though my vehicles and troops will carry names that I create for them. If you want to clarify the exact names and such, send me a PM



Mojlnir's battle group appeared in Mars Nearspace just as the last of the Orca transport ships dropping into the Mars atmosphere. With the planet now garrisoned the Tau defensive weaponry comes online at the appearance of the strange battlegroup in their nearspace.


The commander of the battlegroup, Thor Hammasson, opens a commlink with the Tau command center...


"This is Battlegroup Fenrir's Revenge Commander Hammasson, who is in command of this planet? I would speak with your commander!"


As the dialogue begins, the battlegroup fans out into a defensive formation. The ships are spaced far enough apart so that there is not chance of explosion jumping from ship to ship. All shields are on full power and the area shields generated by the carriers provide additional protective cover for the troop assult ships. Battlegroup Carrier Valhalla deploys 3 wings of fighters (total of 750) for anti-ship/anti-missle defense and the rest of the battlegroup goes to full alert.


In the command bridges of both the battlegroup and the Tau command center, it is so quite that the men could hear a pin dropping. Thousands of lives depend on the conversation about to take place...

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Suddenly a soft voice of a Tau answers the call: We have misunderstood the situation, you are not the Space Marines we are looking for. Though we will fight you if you attack us, I tell you, you do not want us as your enemy.


Ethereal Elwe


P.S. A nice picture of the Tau attacking WH40K Space Marines.




And Tau fighting Imperial Guard



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I'd like to know one thing... Are you guys in a total different world or do you continu the original clone wars?


Cause if you are, I'd hate to say that Earth, Mars and all the other planets in our system are gone...


If you aren't carry on... ^_^

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<ooc: wouldn't be the first time they'd been rebuilt....>


Peregrine's soul continued its wandering through the universe. The conflicts around him caught his attention for a moment, but not for long. His part of the war had not yet come. He returned to contemplating "springs" and "breaks."

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Assault Carrier Guardian, Mars Orbit:


Captain Aseir Mristar watched with satisfaction as the defending fleet drew closer to the attackers... and farther from the planet it was supposed to be defending. His four stealthed carriers slid silently into one of the gaps the coming battle had opened. Finally, he found the opening he was looking for. "Launch the attack."


Mars Surface:


A cloud of brillaint points of light moved across the sky. But few saw them, and even fewer guessed their true identity. They knew the battle was elsewhere, and their attention was locked on Mojlnir's attacking fleet. And so as the first bombers began lining up for their attack runs, only a handful of defense guns opposed them. Energy bolts splashed harmlessly off their shields, the density of fire far too low to be a real threat. And then it was too late for the guns as the bombers released their weapons.


48 anti-snow warheads scored direct hits on the defense systems, in an instant reducing every one of them to massive fireballs. The troops in the base sat helpless for the next wave... and the six squadrons folowing the initial strike were armed for anti-personnel strikes. The 72 ships and their interceptor escorts spread out to cover the entire base, no longer needing the tight formations and fast attack passes now that the defense guns were all gone. As they flew over the base, they released a cloud of cluster bombs. The small anti-snow charges were little more than grenades, but there were a lot of them. The exposed troops suffered almost 80% casualties in the first pass. But the fighters were not done. External racks empty, they turned around and made one last strafing run with their internal guns. Energy bolts that would tear apart starship armor effortlessl vaporised their human targets. When the last fighters finally left, barely 10% of the ground force remained alive.


CVA Guardian:


Captain Mristar was a very happy man as the fighters returned to his carriers. Their strike had been a complete success, and parts of the defending fleet were now turning to attack him. They'd never make it, of course, his ships were only minuites away from hyperspace. But the unified force that had been moving to intercept Mojlnir had been disrupted, and his allies now had a much better chance of success here.


The last fighters finished docking, and the four carriers pulled out of orbit. As the first desperate shots exploded around them, they entered the safety of hyperspace.

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The Mars Cannon had now been upgraded to a Mars Railgun, the most powerfull weapon in the Tau arsenal, it fired a few rounds at the capital ships of Peregrine. Becouse he was far away a few shots missed their target, damage is still to be reported but hits they where and fine ones too.

The just returned warriors now ran towards the bunkers as they saw threath coming. The etreal and his Military advisors had now been summoned to discuss the situation, no immediate action was taken for that would be suicide and such is not the way of the Tau.

Anti-Air guns appeared useless and Railguns are now being atached to them as that would be more likely to penetrate shields an layers of iron than the Ion cannons. Becouse Anti-Air guns are disabled there will be 2 Tanks with missiles and Rail gun standing guard in the base, 20 crisis batle suits (look at massive droid like units on first walpaper on my link earlyer) and at least 200 Fire warriors wich are no longer allowed to stand still on open ground.

A uncoded message has been sent and will be sent every hour with request for aid in these dark hours, as the reenforcements will arive in a week or more.


P.S. Railguns are massive guns wich might vary in size (from portable rocket launcher size to tank size and even the size of a 5 story building (Mars Railgun). Railguns fire high-velocity projectiles wich are able to penetrate almost anything but fire slowly. like this:

Boom 1 2 3 4 Boom 1 2 3 4 Boom

at max rate (Mars Railgun fires more slowly ofcourse).



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Somewhere in space, inside the Maw...


Brevet Captain Laurela was far from happy. She had spent most of her life in the group of asteroid bases that Armiena had set up in the Maw. Of course, happiness wasn't the goal of a clone. She rounded the track, sweat pouring off of her body, to see a superior waiting for her, arms folded.


She stops, and salutes "Sir?"

The officer says nothing, but returns her salute, and hands her a datadisk. "Orders." He says in a gravelly voice. He left quickly, not even saluting.


Laurela showers off, and plugs the datadisk into a terminal.


That "evening" she blasts off for space with a large fleet, searchign for disturbances that may be related to Peregrine's return. Just for fun, she blasts an meteor to atoms with a snow-powered energy weapon on the way out.


She sets course for Mars, where a number of anti-snow explosions have been detected.



OOC: the Maw is just the ring of black holes that my base is in.

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A squadron of cruisers and gunships appeared on the outer edge of the Earth system. They watched the battle around Mars, but were too late to join it. Whatever happened would be long over before their slow drives could get them there. So they watched and waited. If Mojlnir won, they could jump out without delay. If the attackers were pushed back, they would provide badly needed reinforcements for Mars.
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