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The Snow Arena


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Mr.Man new to this game (and forum :lol:) quickly constructs a satellite equipped with huge mirrors and directs the raw power of the sun's energy towards the south pole. Melting the billions of tons of ice resulting in a catastrophic cascade of arctic water rushing towards the wartorn fortresses of his competitors.


With a grin of pure pleasure he pulls a strangely familiar pink floppy eared form out of the hard packed snow and ice "it appears I have a new member" MUHAHAHAHA!! (cough, splutter, gasp).

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Mr.Man laughs as the 2 foot hypodermic needle enters the pink bunny's defenseless flesh. Sir it appears that the rabbits have had a 58% increase in speed and strength. When equipped with the frost suits and freeze rays even the Moderators won't stand a chance. Good work leuitenant now I want a 50 megaton ICBM with a liquid nitrogen warhead armed stat. Aim it at that... what's his name again? Slugdewort? No No the other one. Marxist male without a father? NO! just aim it at that feathered fiend margarine. You mean Peregine? Ya whatever. Aye Aye sir confirm order for one 50 megaton nuclear device. Order confirmed. Send em to Hades leuitenant. She's hot sir firing in

3...2...1 BOOOOM!!!! na na na na na! eat it Peregrine :bleh:

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