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The Snow Arena


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Day three



Earth's Airstrip has been reinforced, treaty offered to sludgeworth.


The great snowcannon ran a few tests today, the cannon hit the moon of Terra (Earth).



Day six



Tiny organisms are reported to have started growing on the moon now that there is water (stupid earthlings haven't thought of this ,have they?).






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Four battered looking starships approach Xeniorn's cannon. Though barely more than old freigher hulls with some welded on weapons, their massive mile long size still gives them considerable firepower. The four ships approach in perfect formation, each ship at the corner of an invisible square. When they reach comm range, a single message goes out from the lead ship.


"We are the navy of Lord Duskrider. We seek alliance against Peregrine. He has destroyed our world. These poor ships you see here are all that is left of our civilization. Please, allow us this final revenge."

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Uncoded Message



Hello Duskrider,


I have provided you with some space for landing and for building area on the two moons of Mars, if you wish I will send escort troops to your sector. Please do not engage the creature as this would enfury it and it WILL attack you. Report ever possible sighting of the creature.

If you are interested in my offer please let me know. Do know we will not be hostile if you station your ships in Xionith's sectors.


Ethereal Ëlwe

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Guest Guest

Coded message to Ëlwe:


Oh, what is this?I sensed some changes in this universe...Has it begun...WITHOUT me? hmmmmmm, soon i will reach the bounderies of the alternative universe, entering yours...My fleet stands ready...The tormented souls hunger for flesh...but i expect them to wait until the attack, it would be sad if they tore your men inside out now wouldn't it?...Ëlwe, with your permission i would like to dock at your plantet...i guess it is not to small...


I say we make ourselves equal partners in this fight...if you need anything, then im at your assistance...



The Black Tail.


I eagerly await your response.


End of transmission.

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Peregrine watched as force after force joined the alliance against him. This new arrival "Lord Duskrider" concerned him most... the others he had known of since his awakening. What more suprises would the universe give him before his enemies fell?


The lines had been drawn now, each side taking its opening positions in the game for the final fate of the universe. Peregrine sent out new messenger fragments to his allies, shifting his plans to take advantage of the most recent events. In only a few days, his first attacks would reach their targets...


BCG Stormwind: Hyperspace


Captain Tabanne's flagship led a solid wedge of battlecruisers and their flanking escorts. Their course would take them right into the heart of their enemies forces, with no hope of return if things went badly on the other side of the hyperspace wall. Peregrine's plan looked good on paper, he thought, but it depended on far too many things...


But they were well past the point of no return.... and now the fate of the universe rested on his far too small fleet. He returned his attention to his simulations, running through the entire attack plan again and again looking for the fatal flaw the universe said every plan must include.

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"My last Mortal existence ended with a laz-gun shot to the back, as I crouched over a fallen Peregrine gloating at the brand still sizzling on his chest..."


Mojlnir, once again cloaked in mortal form, said to the emptiness of his newly completed fleet headquarters.


"Those eyes, so full of terror, hate...and understanding. Afterwards I wandered long in the solitude of the Blessed Realms, though they have long since fallen from the minds of mortal men."


Turning, Mojlnir surveys the south end of the final assembly area of his massive new shipyard. Tried and true, Mojlnir's engineers have resurrected some of the fiercest starships ever to menace the stars of the Known Universes. In the yard, 75 nearly completed P-5 class heavy troop assult platforms were covered by clouds of nanite constructors. Off planet, 25 of the massive assult ships floated in pratice formation, their full compliments of 5,000 Space Marines (armored in Ragnarok-2rW reactive sno-armor) carrying out rigorous training exercises.


Also nearing completion were 125 K-2l anti-ship cruisers armed with high-density rail guns capable of turning fully armored battlecruisers into cosmic dust. Another 75 of these were stationed, fully cloaked, in defensive positions around the planet. Turning from the window, Mojlnir walked to his monitoring station and dialed in the yards on the opposite side of the planet. His grin was evil as the holo-cam presented 50 fully completed c4v-17 anti-planetary, quite possibly the most terrifying weapon to ever have existed durning the Snow Wars.


"Peregrine remembers these ships, of that I have little doubt. I think he will be most pleased to know that this time, they will not be directed against his homeworld..." muses Mojlnir to himself darkly.


The other ship never had time to reach completion in the original Snow War, a massive capital-class fleet carrier, the vaunted FC-7t. Impressive at nearly 2 miles in length, the carriers held 4 full wings of fighter and escort craft apiece. Heavily armored, the carriers were capable of surviving serious attack even if their escorts and the other cruisers were incapcitated.


"All together a most impressive array of weaponry..." said Mojlnir to the steward who brought him a cup of tea, "And with similar forces at my several other bases, this conflict is about to become more than interesting..."


The steward nodded in agreement and marched from the room, glad that he had the honor to serve with Mojlnir, a martyr of the long ago Snow Wars.


Satisfied, Mojlnir turned from the screens and took a seat in his command chair. Sipping his tea, he opened his mind to the Realms from which he came, sending out a message to Peregrine, who he knew to be listening...


"Preparations are moving quickly. The time is nigh for your reappearance. My facilties are secure and possess the necessary materials, should you choose to use them as a temporary base of operations. You have but to ask...."

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Day eight



The Ethereal was shocked to hear the news that space marines entered combat zone, to compensate reënforcements have been requested from the Tau empire. After the Damocles gulf crusade the Tau refuse to trust the Imperium. The limited expedition force of Ethereal Ëlwe grows smaller each day, let us hope we live long enough to tell our tale to the reënforcements,wich will arive in a minimum of two weeks if they come at all.

The Mars cannon has been completed and defensive colony systems are now active, barracks have started traning of of fire caste warriors.

The campaign on Terra (Earth) have been halted, mayor retreat as been signed. All forces are heading for the Airstrip in Australia.




Reply to MydogsTale:


Hello commander MydogsTale,


We have been monitorring your actions, you appear to have some resemblence to our friends, the Kroot. But back to the subject, becouse you wish to join the glory of the Greater good we accept you as ally.



Ethereal Ëlwe

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Coded message to Ëlwe:


Thank you most hounarable Ëlwe.

I will be joining you in two weeks...


end of transmission.


MyDogsTale made a hole trough the boundary and his armada flowed trough...he made his course...and nd traveld on...he had now fully developed, and was now no more than a shadow, transforming in to form at his own wish.

The souls screamed, the Titans cracked their whips and at his throne the dark tale sat...waiting...

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Violence erupts in Italy (on new Earth) against all non-believers (that is, those that don't belong to Armiena's perverted version of the Catholic church). Dozens of Protestants and Muslims are brutally beaten. The leaders of the Anglican church, several other major Protestant churches, and Sunni and Shi'ite Islam mysteriously disappear over the course of a few days. In their place are installed a few of Armiena's closest followers, carefully versed in the gospel of their respective faiths.


A large number of predominant secularist politicians are invited on a luxurious cruise trip in the Caribbean. They have the time of their lives, smoking fine Cubans, getting tipsy on specialty drinks, until they take some time to shake off their hangovers and seasickness in a South American port. A Colombian rebel sneaks aboard their cruise ship, and plants a tiny bit of anti-snow in the engine room.


A few hours after it leaves port, it blows up spectacularly, killing several and sinking the ship. The nearby shark population has a feeding frenzy of biblical proportions.

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