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The Snow Arena


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A sudden and completely unexpected bombing attack, apparently from south Germany, obliterates several cities in the north of Italy. When the dust has settled there is no sign of the culprits.
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Prague system: Planet Kiev



Prague, the once mighty last stand of the remarquebale battle between the Red Nation and it's enemies, the mad god Peregrine and the traitor Armiena, now lay in ruin. Occupied by those who are trapped onto the planet.


Admiral Nickolai, commander of the Novosbirsk, stood in front of his window on the new colonised planet Kiev. He remembered the slaughtering and the killing of the innocent people of the Red Nation. The Red Nation was gone... Disbanned and divided into new factions. Those very same factions now fought eachother to claim power over the Prague-system.


Admiral Nickolai was the leader of such a new faction. It's communistic ideals had remained but the security of the universe was the last of his worry's. Afterall, what was their reward for protecting the universe? Death, betrayl and defeat... Now Admiral Nickolai had become a mercenary, a pirate... Only carring about himself and his followers.


They serve who pays them, they take what is not theirs... The old hatred is gone alltough the slaughtering Peregrine caused shall never be forgotten, nor will the betrayl of Armiena.


Ah yes, they remember it very clear as it was yesterday. The forging of the alliance, a new hope for the Red Nation... But it could not be, Within two days Armiena betrayed and unknowingly destroyed the Red Nation.


Nickolai hated Peregrine because he slaughtered the weak and innocent but his hate for Armiena was much larger cause she had given them hope but then destroyed everything they had believed in, everything where they had faith in and abused their trust.



Treachery... So much worse then murder...

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Day ten



Orca dropships leave Earth with all the men present at the airstrip in Australia, all others left behind to the Oblitterated landscape of Terra (Earth).

The mars cannon crew are preparing the cannon for a shot.




THE TIMES monday 1:45 local time


A collum by James Harlock




Southern Germany has been hit with a giant snowball with the size of 4 KM3. Entire Europe is predicted to have Blizzards all month, also a new iceage has come on earth. Blair is reported to have fled to the side of Bush and now hides has Bush's dog.

Bush now declared war to frankly everything, wich he obviously had planned all along. All American military advisors are said to have commited suicide, God bless America. All over Earth there are Generals throwing snowballs at eachother with their armys, is this a joke? Will the Earth be destroyed by evil Peregrine or some other forces? TO BE CONTINUED..............



Day eleven



*see freakin newspaper article above*





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The consciousness of the Hellbird drifted across the universe. Now free of the Artifact's corruption, his mind was once again his own. He saw things with new clarity... he would not repeat his past mistakes.


But war and the fate of the universe could wait... Now his mind was occupied by thoughts of "springs" and "breaks"...

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I quote this from Peregrine in the important thread

Exactly... the true snowball fight didn't even last 3 pages before we brought out the heavy firepower and added a "snow" label to it to keep it within the rules. And by page 17 the starships entered the war... yes, over half the snow arena is dominated by them!


The snow is already long gone... And if I recall correct in the New Earth scenario we already used kalasjhnikov's and so on... So yes, you can come up with lasers...


Any of the mods will happily correct me if I'm wrong

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Day fifteen



Agri-systems on mars are now reported to be online, defence systems running at full capacity, no losses on mars YET. Finaly all Orca troop transports have arrived at mars, numbers of habbitants of Mars:


50 Earth caste (workers)

10 Water caste (negotiators)

30 Air caste (pilots)

750 Fire caste (warriors)


Company wich fell back from Earth surface and have arrived by now:


2689 Fire caste of 4000

2 Water caste of 20

7 Earth caste of 200

20 Air caste of 20


Estimated Reïnforcements


10.000 Fire caste

1.000 Air caste

2.000 Earth caste

100 Water caste


Heavy equipment

5 Emissary class cruisers and escort


ETA: 1 week


All normal weapons armed, no more high-velocity snowballs, this doesn't look verry good for you guys :rip: MUHAHAHAHAAAA.


Hope we survive long enough to serve the greater good :(

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Turning his attention to the reinforcement of the Mars contingent, Mojlnir decides that some recon work needs to be done. Not openly at war with anyone yet, Mojlnir decides that testing his enemies resolve is the best way to gain information about their intentions. Mars appears to be heavily defended, though not overwhelmingly so, and reinforcements are a week out. Now is the perfect time for an exploratory mission...


Mojlnir orders 2 carriers, 25 P5's (w/ full Marine contingents) and 30 K2-l battlecruisers equipped for defense/escort detail to the staging area on the opposite end of the small system Mojlnir controls. Addressing the whole battlegroup, Mojlnir urges them to exhibit caution initially but to respond with devastating force if provoked...


"Marines, today you embark on the first mission of our great cause! The Known Universes exist for us to conquer, regardless of who should stand in our way! This mission, at least at first, is to probe the resolve of our opponents...to determine whom shall stand beside us...and whom we shall grind into the blood-soaked soil of piss-ant planets across the Universes!! You are soldiers and emmisariers of the Greater Good!! Bring me the information I require...or bring me the skulls of those who refuse us!! Ride Horsemen, RIDE!!!!!"


The broadcost complete, Mojlnir returns to the windows of his command office, overlooking the still bustling shipyards. These facilities never sleep, nano-constructors turn out new ships daily, and the spawning facilities constantly reinforce the ranks of Mojlnir's Space Marines.


"We'll see what fiber this Elwe is made of...he may yet endure this conflict..."


Watching the display screens, Mojlnir grins as he ships reach the staging point and, as one, disappear into hyperspace as they jump for Mars nearspace.


"Ahhh....and so it begins....I want a cup of tea...."

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