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The Snow Arena


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Crazy Gilbert and his blimp comes over the people of "snow arena" and tells them to surrender or all of his soldiers will launch the cannonns poking about the blimp. at the front of the blimp a large thing that looked like a tuning fork charged up with a blue/ red glow ready to blow up everybody
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Gilbert Starts to scream in anger than he unleashes his minons who flew around in high speed blimps at abramul firing evil hashbrowns at him!



I Give you one more chance to give up orI will destroy you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Crazy Gilbert launches his Big Plasma Radiation gun at abramul blasting him into little bits than CrazyGilbert and his minions play super loud supertramp songs to deafen the whole universe while they sing....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!
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Chaosmaker stand's in aw of what just happened to Abramul. Then he thinks he'll come back soon.


He then think's it's time for revenge. He jumps out of the snow and makes an Acme order for a bunch of Snowzookas. Roadrunner come's speeding by with a box of snowzookas, and a litlle present for CrazyGilbert. He then offer's the Snowzookas to Adras Gabbe_master and Sypron. "Feel free if you want to join me for target practice."


He jump's onto his antiblimp snow-cannon.


"Say hello to my little friend." (In a Scarface Tone) :D

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The_Thing is on the battle feild and has no idea what's going on. He walk's to the side of Chaosmaker and take's out a Snowzooka.

"Don't mind if I do." He turn's on Chaosmaker and blow's him of the Snow Cannon. He then jumps on and take's over shooting at what ever he is shooting at.


"Ha Ha Ha.... The_Thing rule's all."

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