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The Snow Arena


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Malchik clone 000.66zqsnw3bounce appears in front of CrazyGilbert's itchy posting finger.


"Do you not realise the battle is taking place in virtual reality in YOUR HEAD ONLY! You don't really have any weapons, only a half melted icecream and a sausage sandwich. The world is as it was. Adras is still in his igloo. Here, have this potion of camomile tea of eternal optimism!"


The clone heals any wounds CrazyGilbert has but can do nothing about the craziness. Then the clone disappears into the ether.

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Raven watching from 42nd dimension, one of many she is capable of exisitng in, decides that although Malchik has dealt with crazy gilbert he may not have gotton the point across.


Now since this is the snow arena ,Raven, donnig her supernaturally fast snowboots of quickness ties Gilbert to a tree, pelts him with a million snowballs and then covers the mound of snow with hersey's chocolate hard-shell.


This all happens in a 1 billionth of a second. But to add to the scenery she add to it a +10 cherry of containment, that will ensure he is trapped in his chocolaty cell for a very long time.


Then she goes to Friendly's for ice cream.

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NinjaSalad was wondering around when he spys Raven through Friendly's window. He then spots a potent sploch of yellow snow by a tree, picking it up he balls it up and heads for the window. Not knowing the inpending doom, raven walks up to the counter to order her ice cream, she brings it back to her table and has a few mouthfulls, disregarding the aparent discoloration.


Having secretly snuck the yellow snow into the ice cream barrel, NinjaSalad jumps out from behind the counter and yells: "YOU JUST ATE THE YELLOW SNOW!!!!!!" eh then runs out side.

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Malchik, I amnd my blimp are all real...MUAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!


it is not virtual reality because I can pinch myself and it hurts see *pinch* *pinch*


now you will all suffer for not giving up and begging for mercy!!


*crazygilbert comands 100 kamakazee watermelons to explode when close enough to the igloo* the igloo will then melt away because of the extremely hot watermelon juices

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Gilbert, harmlessly stuck under a mound of chocolaty goodness, is still playing around in his virtual world constanly blowing up the earth and an indestructable ingloo.


Meanwhile Raven is now vigourously rinsing her mouth out with the mouthwash of purity to get rid of that awfull taste.


Now that she is done with that she slips into the 5th dimension takes a left at the bizzarro dimension and reappears unnoticed in the middle of the Adras's ingloo


Raven thinking to herself "I should have taken a left at albuquerque decides to make the best of the situation. She takes out her smowmaster5000 covers everyone in snow then disapears into the 3rd1/2 demension to find ninjasalad.

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Adras, brushing the snow off of him, looks to where Raven just was and said "What a bummer. I was going to offer chicken wings... Oh well, more for me." He then grabs a shovel and clears away the snow infront of the bar door, walks inside and eats more BBQ Chicken wings.
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sypron only just realised that someone threw a snow ball at him before so he gets his darkice armor and Sword of White Snow (trademark) and shops of the head of the little black bird thats always tring to impress everyone
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