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The Snow Arena


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In the forgotten realm were Moloch was sent to dwel for eternity his lord speaks to him. "moloch you have failed me. I will give you one more chance. Take this blade and seek revenge."

A bright red light pores out of the source of the noise and there is the new blade.

Power overwhelmes it and it gives of a black esence of darkness. As he grasps the handle he is transported back into the battle. The blade speaks to him. He names this blade Crusherex.

As he looks for his first victim it says to him "seek out the Peregrine and slay him for he has done you harm in your past life."

So obeying the sword he runs and does an unatural jump and rips him down and slices his wings but leaves him....... for now..........

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Abir detects the counter-invasion of Abir from a 10 light years away. He orders his Khatines to defend the planet. They all fire at Admiral Aleksi sar-Ryskin's incoming forces. The plasma blows up all the ships in Admiral Aleksi sar-Ryskin's fleet, but some drop pods are released. He puts up the shield around Abir that vaporizes any enemy that comes through. He also starts firing more plasma at Admiral Aleksi sar-Ryskin's Hellbird forces. One hits a drop pod, and obliviates all the drop pods. Abu gets in his FA-105V and takes off to destroy Admiral Aleksi sar-Ryskin's flag ship. When he reaches the Admiral's flag ship, he destroys it with his Dark Matter Machine Gun.
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The Vulture will allow Abu to relieve himself in Canada, The Vulture sets out into space with his vulture army, for many months he travelled in the void, but he comes accross a strabge phenomon, a black hole with a moon orbiting it. The Vulture finds out that there is a massive power source inside keeping the moon in orbit around the black hole, The Vulture sets up camp, and digs into the moon trying to find the power source, when he finally gets to "Point Zero" he harnesses the power of this strange crystal, and uses it to clone his army, but the crystal overloads and makes to many, there is now 2345968793748458577489558 trillion Vultures all over the Univers, he gets report of The sith getting beaten by the Vultures, and Klingons engaged in warfare with The Vulture's massive army, he now controls the Universe. mwahahaha, and thoughts of th wildlife foundation's probable extinction of the vultures ha id like to see them try. The Vulture looks down on his ally Abu, his army is puny compared to his, but The Vulture has a thing for cats, so he lets him live.
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After Abu destroyed the Admiral's flag ship, he came to Canada in ten seconds. He found a flag pole, and went there. He tries to find a source of duplication, so he accelerates to warp two hundred. He goes sees a moon with unatural power surrounding it. Abu blows it up, and uses the Power on himself. He can now duplicate himself! He sends power to all the members of his army, destroying the Power. All the members of his army can now duplicate. They all duplicate (permanently). The duplicates duplicate, and so on and so on. He has an army that is greater than The Vulture's amount. Abu orders all of his enchanters to create the ultimate weapons, the Amulet of Life and the Rings of Death and Strife.


Abu lays down his guns, and creates backups of the Amulet and Rings. He puts on one set out of the infinite he has. He also orders his enchanters to create a robe that will protect him from anything- the Robe of Infinite Aegis. He creates backups for it, too, and puts on one of the infinite Robes he has, and some gold trimmed shoes, and sets out to destroy anyone who opposes his magnificent rule.

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olohuvoP starts building a snowman he calls ehT drihT muidimuN, also known as nahkalukA owT. Anyone got a heart?

olohuvoP encounters a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion. The lion drags an oversized satchel behind it, containing the remains of a young girl the party had to eat --- and her little dog, too.


The lion is willing to barter.


I would think that if a chicken is traveling at sufficiently high velocity, and isn't frozen, it could kinda squish into a gun barrel.

Abramul is penalized two turns for consulting with an avarian engineer, and gains an envelope with calculations written all over the back.


Abir detects the counter-invasion of Abir from a 10 light years away.

Sadly, because information cannot travel faster than the speed of light, his warning is ten years too late and the planet is destroyed.


...A black hole with a moon orbiting it.

That's no moon... It's a space station. The Vulture gains a massive headache from hearing millions of voices suddenly cry out in terror.


Pop pop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is! The Vulture is penalized 1 turn.


...There is now 2345968793748458577489558 trillion Vultures all over the Univers, he gets report of The sith getting beaten by the Vultures, and Klingons engaged in warfare with The Vulture's massive army...

Sadly, that number is by the short-scale reckoning, and The Vulture finds that his perfectly-balanced forces are, in fact, outnumbered one million to one.


After Abu destroyed the Admiral's flag ship, he came to Canada in ten seconds.

Abu's class is now "Tourist." All skills and attributes reset to 0.


Abu is penalized 25 turns while taking pictures. He gains 342 trapped souls.


He tries to find a source of duplication, so he accelerates to warp two hundred. He goes sees a moon with unatural power surrounding it.

Because Abu's warp speed and pop culture references skills are now 0, warp 200 is 5 km/h on a stolen moped, and he finds only a space station. Darth Vader finds his lack of faith... disturbing.


Pop pop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is! Darth Vader is penalized 1 turn.


[The identical clones of Abu, all level 0 tourists] all duplicate (permanently). The duplicates duplicate, and so on and so on.

It is now tourist season. Players may receive their hunting licenses from Admiral Aleksi sar-Ryskin, since he's still bitter about his flagship being destroyed all those years ago (it was past-tense, remember?).


He has an army that is greater than The Vulture's amount. Abu orders all of his enchanters to create the ultimate weapons, the... Rings of Death and Strife.

Abu's order for a set of paired engagement rings is currently being processed.


Abu is penalized 16 turns for FedEx overnight.


the Robe of Infinite Aegis

Unfortunately, Abu's lack of proper calculus results in him making infinity out of zero divided by zero. The robe disappears in a puff of smoke and is replaced with an unidentified Robe of Aegis.


It looks like a bathrobe with a toy missile launcher in the pocket, but he can't be so certain of that, because his robe inspection skill is so low.

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Marxist male without a father is told to vulk off by M'aiq the Liar because he is taking his job.


Meanwhile, with a stare, Abu vaporizes Marxist male without a father's Candyland board. The board attempts to vaporize Abu, but his robe deflects it and vaporizes the board. Little Marxist male without a father goes and tells his mommy on Abu. His mother spanks Abu, but Marxist's mother is spanked in the long run. Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...!!!


The fatherless child is also told that Abu is only in eighth grade. Abu wonders why it seems like most people are to popular to be smart.

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Everywhere, and Nowhere


Peregrine sighed and contemplated morality as the delusional Abu flung his useless attack at 6th Fleet. A quick thought blinked the fleet out of the mortal world. Though it had been perfectly safe in hyperspace, it would now wait while he considered his next move.


The problem of Abu might demand a little more precision than a planet-destroying fleet. His incoherent ramblings were troublesome, but should an entire world die for the crimes of one man? Peregrine considered for a moment, then returned the fleet to its home. In its place, he conjured a tiny anti-snowball. So pretty, he thought, as the single flawless antimatter snowflake floated befre him in the void.



The anti-snowflake entered the mortal world in the exact center of Abu's brain. The results were quite messy, but effective. As the poor insane mortal's head exploded in a fine red mist, the rest of his delusions disappeared from the world. Finally, there was peace.



(Note: it's generally considered very poor manners to post long "I kill you, and you, and you, and you, and you" posts without giving anyone a chance to respond between kills.)

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Now moloch finds a book of unknown age and power. As he reads the words a huge bang can be heard from lightyears away. A new planets has been formed. Not one made of soul and water but of metal. A evil hord has been summoned. Metal skeletal creatures have been formed. There name is Necron. Many people have heard of these beings and fear them. Now they are heading in there ships to there new master..... Moloch.
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