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Abu's multiple selves are merely a superposition of an unobserved reality. Since the delusional madman exists alone in his own world, and lacks the mental coherence to observe it himself, Abu currently exists in all possible states...

Peregrine is penalized two turns for prying open his third eye.


SkoomaCat decides to go ahead and activate the Macroscale Position-Decoupled Pauli Amplifier.

The giant Wolfgang Pauli rampages through city streets, seeking revenge on the world for all the times he's been excluded in his life. "Pauli SMASH," he cries, as he rams his fist into the childrens' burn ward of the local hospital --- but as he turns around, intent on strangling an innocent puppy, he finds an entire platoon of the National Guard's most fearless and well-trained troops.


The lieutenant looks the giant square in the eye, and says, "your reign of terror ends here, Pauli!" With those words, he taps the side of his mighty tank, and a powerful shell is let loose upon the monster's chest. Alas, with the beast not yet vanquished, that round was only the first of many fired during the bloody battle that ensued.


At last, after sending twenty-three brave souls to their graves, Pauli falls. The lieutenant runs up to the beast, and assesses that its rampage is finally over. A woman falls at his side, and the man comforts her: "don't worry; the nightmare is over."


The arm candy replies, "but what if he--- what if the monster returns?"


"If that ever happens, then God help us... God help us all!"

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An interesting piece of paper falls from the sky into the pile of snow at s'ovohuloP feet. It says:

Power posing IS allowed

ovohuloP smiles...


ovuholoP barely has time to react as a Dark Matter Bolt smashes him in the chest. The shot came from orbit, from the largest spaceship anyone had ever seen, its name was The Noctisaddo (latin for nightbringer) The Vulture has returned.

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I R WINNAR? Huh? Did you say that you're constipated? Abu didn't go around killing like hell... lately... that he knows of. Abu also carries Abeathade on his belt, to. He would have known if you took out his weapon. And wouldn't anti-matter destroy the universe if it touches matter? If so, I don't suggest using any anti-matter to destroy me. Of course I'd just be reicarnated, but you'd kill all the citizens of Abir.
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The resurrected Abu puts his Order of Power (with The Vulture and Abu included, with all their personel) in the service of Peregrine. If The Vulture disagrees with this action, he may succeed from Abu's magnificent rule.
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Abu didn't go around killing like hell... lately... that he knows of.


Remember the fleet you blew up? "I kill the fleet, kill the pods, kill the commander, I win!"


Abu also carries Abeathade on his belt, to. He would have known if you took out his weapon.


God, remember? Peregrine simply turned the blade into something else. "Taking out" is for mere mortals.


And wouldn't anti-matter destroy the universe if it touches matter? If so, I don't suggest using any anti-matter to destroy me. Of course I'd just be reicarnated, but you'd kill all the citizens of Abir.


Are you alive right now? Yes, I notice you are, therefore antimatter does not destroy the universe if it touches matter. Scientists have produced and used antimatter (in very tiny amounts) already, so I think you need to go study physics a bit more.


Besides, didn't I already happily massacre the citizens of Abir a few times anyway?





Satisfied with His results, Peregrine again departs the mortal realm, leaving His new priest Abu to deal with mortal affairs. Though He could easily crush the mere mortal with a thought, it amuses Him to leave Abu alive and in His service. Besides, the mortal world is far beneath Peregrine's lofty status, and He has already allowed it to corrupt Him too much recently.


But Peregrine hesitates a moment for one last action before He departs. Abu finds himself in posession of a planet-sized idol of Lord Peregrine, Almighty Hellbird. Inside the idol are countless smaller idols and sacred texts, all Abu needs to start a proper crusade to convert the universe to Peregrinism.

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Abu orders his fleet of warships (that he reincarnated with a scroll he found in the Idol) to depart, first to attack the planet Hrekton. However, he first communicates with the leader to see if they will surrender their beliefs to the almight Hellbird Peregrine. They don't. Abu aims his guns at the leader, the Hreton, and fires, destroying the planet. He rediscovers his immortal weapons, and puts on one of the Rings of Death. He goes to the next planet, Earth. However, he hasn't heard from The Vulture. Abu asks The Vulture if he succeeded from his rule (now Peregrine's rule). He already heard from the leaders of all the other countries, and they said yes. With all the immortal power he has left, he recreates his universe with him as a leader. Any non-believer in Peregrine is stripped, whipped, and hung.
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Abu finds himself in posession of a planet-sized idol... Inside the idol are countless smaller idols and sacred texts, all Abu needs to start a proper crusade to convert the universe to Peregrinism.

Peregrine is awarded 250 XP for making the best piñata ever.

olohuvoP revives himself with the... snow of life?


olohuvoP smashes 'da uber piñata' and countless small idols fall from the sky. Gotta catch them all to become the master!


While catching them with Snowballs, olohuvoP also wonders what happened to the good old snow weapons and once again totally ignores all the mass destruction around him.

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