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The Snow Arena


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SkoomaCat arrives at the newly created rink, and sets up a stand renting ice skates and selling 'hot' Cthocoa and Rad-Away. Good thing I still had some of my secret ingredient left, he thinks.


While he waits for a customer to show up, he starts skating.

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SkoomaCat encounters a scarecrow and a lion. Judging by the look of his cape, which is painted a very dignified shade of red, the lion must be the leader of the pair --- but he cannot retain his focus enough to speak coherently on account of what appears to be a very bad case of indigestion.


The scarecrow seems willing to barter.

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  • 1 month later...

(note: it's considered good manners to at least put some effort into explaining how you survived an attack: in this case, a multi-gigaton kinetic strike capable of wiping out all life on an entire continent)



For a brief moment, the space outside Retribution was lit by the flashes of exploding frost atronachs. Retribution's point defense batteries had been designed to stop a full-scale salvo of shielded missiles closing at near-relativistic speeds. Against a horde of slow-moving and effectively un-armored creatures, the results could only be described as a massacre. When the hailstorm of anti-snowballs lifted, only a few drifting shards of ice remained, glittering in the harsh sunlight. It was quite pretty.



Basic rule of tactics, Retribution's commander thought as he keyed in the next salvo coordinates, control the high ground and win the war. The warship's computers had effortlessly traced the atronachs' path back to their origins. Within moments, another multi-gigaton sledgehammer obliterated all trace of the heretic's base, along with all trace of life in a thousand mile radius. It was a good year to be in the ice-skating business...



Everywhere and Nowhere, the Almighty Lord Peregrine contemplated the last series of moves. It was almost disappointing, He realized, that the only players of the Great Game to rival His skill were long departed. With a fatalistic sweep of a wing, He nudged another pawn, and another rival disappeared in a burst of Cleansing Fire. But His Heart wasn't truly in it, the Glorious Crusade had become almost a chore. It was such a lonely job being omnipotent...

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  • 3 weeks later...

All of a sudden, Grond Vern sails out of space on his magic snowboat. Upon reaching the surface of the most recent earth, he realizes a snow yacht isn't the best choice for ground travel, and it collapses into yet another giant snowbank. He emerges, and looks to the sky, at the monstrous flagship vessel hovering overhead. Oh no, not another one! he snorts I will have to take care of this! there was only one force in the universe capable of removing such a dire threat to mankind's freedoms...the power of gravity!

With that, he uses his magical powers to coalesce the water of the galaxies into a snowball. It grows, larger and larger, and denser, soon it is the size of the moon, the Earth, Neptune, the Sun... It soon reaches ninety times the mass of the star Antares. Under its own gravity, the monstrous snowball begins to undergo nuclear fusion, collapsing it into: The Incredible Celestial Snow-Hole! Now... Grond sneered Back to your dark leader! With a great heave, Grond hurls the massive ball at the ship, its gravitational pull distorting all reality in its proximity. The Retribution is immediately engulfed in the event horizon, never to be seen again in this part of the universe.

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  • 3 months later...

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