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The Snow Arena


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Home at last, Marcus got up.


Then the bomb went off.






There was a flash, pain, then Marcus was surrounded by mist.


"This must be the afterlife."


Well, at least he didn't have anything to worry about, being dead and all.

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BOOM Jojo turned his eyes northward and observed a large mushroom cloud rocketing into the cloudy heights as an ear-splitting roar came rushing from canada. "Got 'im!!!" Jojo exclaimed!
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Suddenly, after the dust faded, Marcus Wolfe was assassinated from behind. He was stabbed right through the throat by a knife. The assassin is Slyther's Shadow-cat. Now she takes ninja's place, has assassinated Wolfe. Then she warped through the ground, and the anti-Slyther campaign was put to an end. Obviously did Marcus little understand, nothing can condemn Slyther to the aftermath, even if he was in the explosion. Little does everyone understand, Slyther cannot be defeated by simple and advanced elements. Not that Kings of Gods can ever die..... Ever..... The evil Marcus Wolfe and Ninja Lord will darken the arena and threaten Slyther no more!!


"Here. I hunted you a wolf. Go ahead and rough him up, Jojo" Shadow replied as she warped down the ground and back to Earth.....

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Marcus wondered where his body was. The explosion hadn't actually hurt him in anyway, but the landing did. Interestingly enough, his body had been frozen solid, but remained undisturbed.


Where was he? Judging by lack of horny, hot bisexual babes, he obviously wasn’t in heaven. But then again, he definitely wasn’t in hell. He must’ve been in some sort of ‘middle’ afterlife for people who weren’t saints but weren’t satanic either.


He walked around, through the mist until he came to a long lineup that lead to several massive gates. Each gate lead somewhere: the realm of Hades, the Christian afterlife, the Jewish afterlife, one even lead to a wheel spun by a fat asian (who he assumed was the Buddah). He asked the guy at the back “Hey, how long are the lineups?”


“Anywhere from 5 to 10 years.”


Marcus sighed. He could never wait that long. He wandered back into the mist, hoping to find a gate with a shorter lineup.


Oh well, at least there was no pain in the afterlife.


Stubbing his toe on a rock, he realized that wasn't true.


"OW!!! F***!"


"Watch your mouth, the big guy doesn't like that."

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Marcus, my other char just assassinated you. You can't possibly stay alive after being stabbed through the throat. And you are not a God, and you didn't say you're a God. You misunderstand. Slyther is already the long dead, and has come from the heavens and can't be destroyed. It's not possible. I'm going to ignore your last post, because you couldn't survive the ninja attack.
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Is there some part of


"This must be the afterlife."


Well, at least he didn't have anything to worry about, being dead and all.


Marcus is dead, and currently wandering the afterlife. Although he is capable of feeling pain, YOU can't hurt him.




Disappointed by the lack of horny, hot bisexual babes, Marcus wandered the mists of the afterlife until he saw a very familiar face.




Yes, Marcus had at last been reunited with his childhood dog. The black lab was happy to see him to, and she licked him on the face.


"Oh, girl, I haven't seen you since dad told they put you to sleep! Maybe this afterlife is so bad after all....."


Molly at his side, he continued to wander through the mists.

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So the explosion killed you? I guess my assassin just stabbed a dead body through the neck. Very well then....


The dead could not be killed again, but Slyther could destroy souls because he's a King of Gods.



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If he can find it......hahahahahahahahaha!


In his search for women, Marcus met Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, Gary Gygax, and many other famous dead celebrities.


But none of them were women!


The irony.......

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(OK I know I dont belong here but I cant resist)



And GODDESS came down and said unto them, "Boys,Boys....forget thyselves and bow down to your GODDESS, lick thy boots and pray for thy own mercy..."



OK I will leave you alone! Har

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Slipping secretly into the confines of the Snow Arena, Doomjockey was quite content to spend his hours spectatcing, unnoticed from the sidelines while slowly consuming a delicious banana split.
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