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The Snow Arena


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The Goddess watched as Marcus once again made a complete butt of himself by attempting to blow the poor Dragon Spyro away with a machine gun. As the bullets hit Spyro she quickly froze all his molecules in place so that she could make a quicker repair of him.


The Goddess then turned her attention to Marcus. She was currently in all her glory..giant sized and shining with her magnificent power. She leaned down and picked up Marcus by his Machine-gun and pulled him to her.


"I tire of your antics little boy. Again with the blowing away of people. Again with the ending of all creative endevors. Can your little brain not think of something more imaginative than a machine gun?" As she spoke she twisted the machine gun out of Marcus chest and packed the bleeding hole with ice....she wouldn't let him die no matter how she felt. She was a goodess of light after all.


She then put Marcus and all his toys and his Wookie friend back into the magic snow globe. The Goddess shook it several times for good measure and hurled it several universes over. No matter what magic or technology Marcus tried it would be a long time before he made it back to the Snow Arena.


She then turned to Spyro and quickly put all his bits back in order..good as new. She patted her young dragon on the head. She then turned to Halororor..."Welcome new friend...I hope you you enjoy your time here. I hope that you choose to battle in good heart and with imagination."


She then invited them both to her new Snow Castle for Snow Cones.

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Yes.... a long time.....but I was traveling at the speed of light, so a long time for you is very little time for me.


Marcus uses Magic Missile!


(props to Halororor for reading my comix. Lisnpuppy is the spam goddess)

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The Goddess of Everything (including spam) swatted away Marcus's magic missles and again shoved him into the magic snowball and threw him many universes over.
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As Spyro entered Lisnpuppy's fort he thanked her:


"Thanks for the save my goddess,i owe you one."


He then went back to his room and started reading his "guide book".He turned to some of the last pages,there were some very odd pictures of different creatures.They all had the look of angels.


"Hmm they should do the job nicely.Hey Lisnpuppy mind if i build an altar room under the fort,i need to summon the "endless ones".They greatly increase our chances of winning the Snow Arena"


P.S.Marcus i read your comics shortly after i joined the Arena.And i have admit they were pretty funny.

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When Halororor saw Wolfe hitting a lady, and a beautiful one at that, he decide enough was enough and quickly built thirty enchanted snowmen wich then piled on top of Wolfe. He then helped Lisnpuppy up and cast a ray of rubbish healing spell on Spyro, wich didn't do much but he didn't know any other healing spells. At least you can see where Spyro's face is now, even though it is broken all over.
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"Hahahahahahahaha!" Marcus laughed from the top of the cliff. He fired the gerbil cannon, sending billions of gerbils to go high in the sky. This activated the flak cannons that shredded the gerbils to pieces. The blood of the gerbils froze into deadly sharp icicles and accelerated downward and 9.8m/s! (and they were several kilometers high when they started so...yeah. That's fast)
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Without any time to waist,Spyro quickly goes to a inner wall and starts digging a stairway to underground altar room.After 30 mins of digging with his supercharge power-up,he was finally done.The young dragon puts his tome on the altar and started skipping pages.He got to a page where it wrote "Extinct creatures of Avalar,by Bazil the explorer".The next pages contained paintings of strange creatures each with angel wings,as well and runes written in dragon language under the paintings.He then began quietly reading the writings slowly and calmly.After an hour of reading a constant magical flash began to shine in the middle of the altar room.It formed into a portal,from which came the same beings that were seen in the "guide book".


"Ahh excellent,the Endless ones.i have summoned you to this land to help me in a great battle.Fight everything you see except Lisnpuppy the goddess and the one called Halororor."


OT:Halororor,what type of character do you have.I am a dragon,Lisnpuppy is a goddesss,and Marcus is a....wolf i guess. :biggrin:

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