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The Snow Arena


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Marcus whas so overwealmed by the fumes from the cheeze wiz can he thought he gave the Goddess a kick or three...really it was a now..very pissed-off mouse..the size of a bear from the chemicals all the cheeze wiz he ate!
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Then a portal opens up and Necromancer G comes out fighting what seems to be a doppelganger of himself, throwing energy filled snowballs at each other. The two then fall down into a giant fissure...fighting till no one can see them.
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Evilkoal, ignorant of everything that had happened since his disappearance, came out of his indestructible and slightly brown and now a faint hint of glowing green fortress of snowy doom and whatnot. he appears to have created nothing, but as he walks up to marcus and points his hand at him, all of the wolfe's hair burns away leaving him butt naked.


(OT: i made my car run off water! FINALLY MUHAHAHAHAHA NO MORE FCKN GAS!!!! also, i can now melt tungsten, possibly diamonds, gold, steel, bricks, granite, and burn off all of your hair with water lol)

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One of Necromancer G's minions runs and screams at the horror of Wolfe naked. It then commits Seppuku, but not before trying to hit evilkoal with a yellow snowball, which in turns hits the minion itself.
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The Goddess views Marcus's naked self with glee! "this is much more like it.." she says. She then forms a huge, sticky snowcone...takes a bite and then hurls the rest of it straight at Evil.
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Meanwhile from the fissure Necromancer G comes out comes out bruised, beaten and missing an arm but for some odd reason has a smile on his face. He gets a snowball ready just in cause some decides to try to pull a fast one on him.
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Halororor looked at all this with interest. After the dust(or snow in this case) started settling he opened up his magic container and took out his Quigil stones, the snow equivalent of Sigil stones. He then proceeded to give everybody one and took great care to give only the best ones to the godess, Spyro and Necromancer. "Enchant thy snowballs with these magical stones to recieve wonderful effects!".
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Necromancer looked up and thanked Halororor and said "This stone may have the power to release the ridiculously huge amount of curses, hexes, seals, etc that have been cast upon me."


Necromancer then conjured up ninja monkeys with snowballs to protect him while he started a ritual to cure himself using the Quigil stone.




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The Goddess quickly raises a ice shield to protect NecromancerG and begins to pummel the ninja's with many hundreds of snow balls in their little mean faces.
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