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"You are all food to me." Necromancer was now taken over by his thirst for blood. I have not drinken in over 5000 years. I am the top of the food chain. I am the first and last of my kind....A Crusnik Lord



"Crusniks are the vampire of vampires.... Someone had to create crusniks right?" Thats probably what all of you are thinking. I am a vampire of everything and anything.

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Spyro,still lying on the bed waiting to recover,looked out the window.He saw Necromancer G.He feared he'd forget who he was and attack all those around him,even his allies.The dragon tried yet again to stand up but his wings still needed more time to recover...
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The Goddess appeared before Spyro and his little friend who landed on her shoulder. She bent down and kissed Spro on the forehead and watched as a healing spell took hold on him. It quickly repaired his damage and made him once again whole.


"Quickly now young one..we must haste to battle..how may I help you..."

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Its was so sad. Having to kill all of my crusniks to keep all of you mortals alive. They turned against me but I stood between them and all mortals...I now have to be the balance between good and evil. And it seems there isnt any evil here.


Do any of you want to know my powers?



OT> Crusnik theme music- theme song

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Marcus suddenly remembered he had a jet pack on and activated it. He donned a pair of titanium gauntlets and gave the super-vampire a double titanium uppercut.
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Marcus stopped his jetpack and grabbed onto the back of the flying demon.


"You may be extremely powerful, but can even you withstand the airless vacuum of outerspace?"


With those words, he strapped the jet pack to the demon and set it to maximum speed, and let go. The demon went soaring into the cold, darkness of space, while Marcus fell at an every increasing rate.

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Actually yes I can, One of my children went insane and his brother and sister managed to trap him in an airlock and jetted him into outerspace. Then burnt up in re entering the atmosphere but he came back to life even after being a pile of ash!


Now Im really hungry.


Please donate some blood. Im asking nicely.


And only half of my soul is evil, the other half is holy. But my body is that of a crusnik's.


OT< Your comic is really good Marcus. I love it!

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But ask yourself do you really think Im an evil man? I mean my father was the being that created evil, and he tried to kill me but I killed him first....Then there was those ten worlds but they were evil. Im just really hungry and grumpy from not drinking blood for so long.


You would be kinda evil too if you hadnt eaten for awhile Marcus!

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