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The Snow Arena


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What have I become? What am I doing being evil? Why have I let my lust for vampire blood get the better of me?!




I must heal Marcus! (Heals Marcus with a lost magic spell)


I cant believe I lost it for a minute. (Turns back into a normal looking person)


I'll never find my family if I keep acting like this.


OT<Did anyone go to the Crusnik theme music at my post at the top of the page?

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OT> hey Necromancer G i had a great batlle in mind when you were out of control.I cant belive im saying this but i wish you were in Crusnik for a little longer,oh well who knows you might lose it again some other time.Cheers ;)
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While everybody was occupied Halororor saw a fire burning in the distance. Upon closer inspection he saw something that almost made his heart stop.He ran back to everybody to tell them.




OT: No cheeseWhizzing in this battle please.

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evilkoal remembered that he had some anti-matter stored in the vacuum that was his chest cavity. he took off his chestplate, and ripped open his chest. instantly a giant black hole erupted from his chest consuming all matter around him. evilkoal felt no remorse for his actions, and his dead eyes showed it. everything was gone, even evilkoal.




*since what black holes do is a great source of speculation, we are going to go with the idea that black holes do not turn everything that they come into contact with into a string of atoms, but transport things to another dimension.*


evilkoal came flying out of nothing into something, but it was too late. he was gone. luckily he had programmed his suit to become a universal snow machine if his pulse had stopped. the suit transformed, turning into a GIGANTIC snow machine, which began shooting out ginormous hunks of ice which explode, covering the alternate universe in snow.

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Get that muzzle away from me. Thats the only down side to my crusnik form is that the higher the power output is, the less human I become.


Umm, where are we? And can a vampire spare me some blood? Im kinda hungry. Or how about a ham sandwich?



OT< Here is a youtube link of 3 other crusniks namely my children.

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Suddenly several bottles of blood appear before NecromancerG. He hears the Goddess's voice in his head 'Take these bottles of my blood..freely given to you'


After she says this all around her was pulled through the black hole Evilkoal had created and pulled into another dimention. The Goddess and all others were pulled into this other dimentions with her. ( I know I am not supposed to direct others but we all need to go or its no fun)


THe Goddess looked around but all she saw was white. There was a snowstorm like none she had ever seen. The Goddess shivered from the cold and wondered where she was....

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Thank you for the blood. Now I can lure regular vampires out with this and I can feed..I mean feed them, yeah thats right, feed them.


OT< Did anyone go to the youtube clips of my darling children?

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