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The Snow Arena


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*Peaks up from behind a rock and throws the dreaded yellow snowball or shield penetration, drilling THOR in the face*


Take that THOR!


"HARABEC WEATHER" :verymad: i yell and it shakes everything around us, and suddenly my power increases ten fold, and then releases a snowball so massive and "HARD" and almost ice like, it crushs you instantly :verymad: .




amune to snow and rocks increase my power ten fold :biggrin:

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As the ground rumbles I jump from my hidden perch on my tree un-affected by whats happening on teh ground. I slamm Thor from the back with a epic 3 foot round snowball. Then I pull a bruce lee and leap-frog Thor and jump on another very high branch on a tree. " Come and chop this tree down lightning boy!"
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