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The Snow Arena


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I created an army of snowmen but they heard about world coming to the end at 2012 and they believed it so they became ineffective. I had no other choice but to curse myself from my stupidity about doing such foolish idea. An army of snowmen have never worked nor ever will. Maybe zombies next time? Nah. I gather a ball of snow to my hand and I throw it towards rebalious.

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I take out the Dagger of Time: The SNOW edition from my pocket and use surrounding snow of time to rewrite the history so that instead of throwing only one ball of snow I build a snow minigun and start shooting at rebalious with speed of 1200 snowballs per minute.
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@Shoren: Lol, I love Calvin and Hobbes


Aaaaaanyway, I decide to go for the classic approach.


Scooping up some snow, I use the greatest care in sculpting it into a ball. When I finally finish, I throw it at Rebalious, hitting him in the face. I use the line "Technology is obsolete."

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  • 3 weeks later...
evilkoal bursts through the interdimensional space-time weave, and starts shooting icicles at everybody :)
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"Aahhh!" cries Martin as a million spikes fly towards him. He dodges the first few but the next one shoots straight into him.


*rolls on the floor in pain* "ARGHGARGHARGHARGHAHRGHARGH"


He rips the spike out of him and casts some healing speels on himself. Turning to EvilKoal, he hurls the spikes at him and dives back into his bunker.

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