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The Snow Arena


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*Turns around to see a giant snow ball 5 metres in radius rolling towards me at a varying speed*


*Gets distracted by trying to calculate the radius of the snow ball (pi times radius squared)*


*The snow ball hits the front of my body, crumbling into 6 rather large chunks, 13 rather small chunks, 1 radobal, and lots of dust, and because of the speed that the snow ball was travelling, hitting me didn't affect the direction of it*


*5 of the rather large chunks smash into Omeletter's torso, the other 1 narrowly misses his head*


*The 13 rather small chunks fly into him like 13 arrows being fired at 1 target, knocking him onto the floor*


*The dust loses altitude and showeres down onto Omeletter*


*radobal plummets down on top of him, burrying Omeletter deep into the snow*


*radobal bounces into the horizon*

Edited by martinthemage
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Suddenly my fist smashes through the top of the snow I was buried in. Then it follows by the earthquake.... Martin stands there watching.


And then, suddenly...







I blast out as the Spanish Inquisition appears, and after the fog clears up, they are gone, and I'm the one standing.


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*climbs out of all the snow he's been buried in*


DUDE! i could have sworn i saw the Spanish Inquisition. *shudders*

Awww, now my big snowball is no more. Not to worry, I'll create something else for you guys to have fun with:


A frikin' Nazi yeti horde! And Sauron! and a nuclear missile! and i'm not sure but i think they know black magic!


original image: http://www.up.iranblog.com/images/tjxiuqds639ycj1ihql.jpg


*Flees, finds an ice hill and takes cover behind it as the yeti horde marches into the battlefield*

Edited by vesemir the witcher
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Hey guys, where the fight at?


*Runs away*





Returns in this massive *Female dog* and is suddenly immune to everything you can think of.





Uses the claw to hurl a massive ice rock at theabyss's space station and sends it flying to earth in a glorious explosion, this of course, badly injures martin and Ves.

Then slowly drives backwards towards Ves, and drops all the pipes on him.

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*the yeti who felt like its my momma sacrificed itself so that i can survive the pipes*

*i climbed out of all those stuff*


*i can see the motherly yeti shedding a tear underneath the rubble*

*Awkward minute*

v--Well...erm..uh...thanks, maybe?

-weak growl.





*i saw that sauron had armed the nuke and was aiming it right at me, so i hid behind commander.*

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