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The Snow Arena


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In Utopia, Malchik prepares for his next move. He comes up with a brilliant strategy and whistles to himself 'Can't help lovin' that plan of mine' from the well loved musical Snowboat.


A dusky maiden presents him with the the account to date.


Malchik gulps but says to himself "It's just my bill!" and then adds reassuringly "It's only make believe."


However the need to get out of Utopia before the natives become restless is now imperative. Setting the flees onto the dusky maidens he fleas. (Er???) Well, something like that. He can stay with his old friend Pluto in hell. Yeah it's out in the Styx but whose Charon about that!


He ought to be safe for the night. None of the vicious tyrants scheming elsewhere will fire their weapons there. Everyone knows a snowball's chance in hell!


Pluto is not the wisest god, in fact he is so backward he usually spelled dog, in which guise he accompanies Michael Mouse. Much to the annoyance of Cerberus.


Still the warmth makes a nice change. He intends to rest for at least two days!


OOC> Have a good weekend y'all!

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*awaking from an intensely unpleasant drunken stupor, Mojlnir finds Milliway's nearly deserted*


*on the table is a note from Ancalagon and White Wolf*


'Mojlnir, we're outta here...got the old ache in the shoulder again. We tried to wake you, but the situation appears dire and...well...its kinda everyone for themselves at times like these. So...if you get this before everything goes a** over tits you might want to move your sorry carcass to safer climes...savvy?




Ancalagon & White Wolf'


*Mojlnir glances around slowly at the rest of the patrons of the restaraunt, and very carefully eases a little black box from his knapsack*


*pressing the button marked 'press here' Mojlnir opens the hidden gateway to Purgatory left by Ancalagon and, tipping backwards in his chair, falls through it*


*Floating comfortably in Purgatory, Mojlnir grabs a Purg-a-tron electric typewriter and begins to write the term papers he's been avoiding for the last week by hiding out at Milliways*


3 term papers in less than a week! Can he do it? Stay tuned for more work avoiding updates!

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Earth 1, Anti-ship Gun #47: Invasion -8 Hours


As the first light of dawn appeared on the horizon, few down below noticed the cluster of bright specks falling out of the sky. In the cockpit of his bomber, Ryan Tabanne had plenty of time to admire the quiet landscape below. Risking detection briefly, he sent a short radio message to the seven other fighters behind him. "Alright, coming up on primary target. Stay low on your approach just in case they've got some autoguns up. Come to vector 000-009-315 and start your run." The eight fighters shifted course slightly, lining up on the gun site now coming into view. As they came over the last hill before their target, each pilot released a pair of bombs, then pulled up in an almost unbelievably sharp turn. At that speed, accuracy couldn't be too good, but numbers more than made up for it. Sixteen anti-snow warheads blanketed the target, reducing it to a pool of boiling water. A quick satisfied look at his sensor display, and Ryan turned flicked the comm switch again. "Target's gone, straight course back to base." The few shots coming up at them from the now awakened defense gunners splashed harmlessly across the fighter's shields as they climbed back out into space, and the assault carriers waiting under full ecm just out of orbit. Behind them, the brilliant fireballs of more anti-snow explosions marked the sites of Acrid's other defense guns, as Peregrine's other fighters repeated the attack.


Antares Rift, Habassan Fleet Base: Invasion - 6:15 Hours


The carriers returned from their attack, docking briefly to replenish their missile supplies, then rejoined the strike formation. Behind them, the last few battlecruisers finished rearming. Only a few more hours, and the real attack would begin...

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*Ancalagon sees Mojlnir fall backwards through the portal. As Mojlnir begins to type his three term papers, Ancalagon (who is a bit drunk, not that the bottle of Cognac in his hand is helping) stumbles over to the Baby Grand and starts hitting random keys. Soon the 'noise' evolves into Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue' and Ancalagon plays it with one hand, while taking swigs of Cognac at regular intervals and breaks during the Music.


'THis is....some REALLY good s***, annd next *hic*, Imagonna doooo Beetofeenn...*hic*


*Showing incredible dexterity with his feet Ancalagon uses them to continue playing, while he opens up a portal to Peregrine's Command Ship, and looking down on the Bird-Man, he scoops a snowball and drops it on Peregrine's head. He then slurs


'Whoos the BOSS now? Thatss for ev'ry bird whoo decided my head....was a target! *hic*


*Analagon, rather drunkenly, closes the portal and passes out face first on the keys of the baby grand with a 'CLUNK'

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* With several new Armada's ready, Earth II launches an enormous fleet of carriers, battleschips and fighter wings. The massive fleet detroyed most of Acrids Armada protecting the wormhole to Earth I, Peregrines homebase. With all military activity eliminated the fleet withdraws, leaving a clear passage for Peregrines fleet... Pack Rat kept on constructing his new weapon. *


And finally the pink little tinkertoy goes beneath the radars......erhm...... did any1 see a pink tinkertoy?

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The cold stars shimmered in the night. Your breath rises from your mouth as you pant, running up the hill. The crunch-crunch-crunch of your snow and the panting of your breath is all you can see or hear in the boreal forest, but you know someone else is out there. There! That sound... like a voice in the night... you stumble and trip.


The last thing you hear before the cold snow-knife passes between your ribs is "Yarr..." ... as you fade into blackness, you think: "Ninja snow pirates? WTF?!"

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