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The Snow Arena


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*Shin wakes up in his castle and is suprised that there has been no attack on him during the night. Shin walks out of the castle to see what has happened lately and sees I Am That Is Matthias firing a caanon at acrids castle.


*Shin slams a snowball into the back of I Am That Is Matthias' head temporerly paralyzing him.


*Shin grabs Shadows gun and takes fire upon cmac as acrids castle defenses block most attack.

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*Shin laughs "you forgot about the spoons" says Shin as he reincarnates himself and builds two ice hills next to each other and smashes them together where Shadow is standing.


mmmmmm..................... cavewich


OOC> if you have no idea what im on about read the last couple of pages

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Antares Rift: Invasion - 1:10 Hours


The fleet hung motionless in space, alone except for the chaotic energy band behind them.

In the command center of Peregrine's flagship, an officer made a simple report. "All ships standing by to execute invasion plan on your order." Consideration was simple and quick for Peregrine. "We'd hate to keep them waiting...." A slightly evil laugh. "Proceed as scheduled."


As the fleet's commanders gave their final orders, Peregrine turned a thought towards Shadow. "Ah, you never give up, do you..." For now, he would be content to watch as others had their fun with Shadow. For now....


Reality distorted, and the fleet jumped to hyperspace. When the last streaks of light faded, all trace of human involvement was gone.

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"Bloody ****... we're stuck here, aren't we?" Armiena curses as she realizes her ship has been frozen to the ground.

"Yes sir."

"Da**. Fire the engines. If they start to overheat, or we take damage from the shock, cut them immediately." Armiena plans to melt the ice with her engines, though the procedure does have some "minor" risks.

"Um.... yes sir." Her navigation officer reluctantly issues her orders to engineering.

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Armiena's ship shudders... then the engines suddenly explode.

"WHAT THE ****!! Did something hit us?"

"I.... I don't know. There's a lot of.... stuff flying around. An explosive must have hit them."

Armiena curses again.

"Very well, I suppose we'll have to abandon ship. Tell the whole fleet to abandon their ships, then meet at these coordinates." Armiena recites the location of her former base. "Move."


30 minutes later, the fleet self-destructs, leaving only dust behind, while Armiena puts her drones to build a new base.

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Shin stays in his chair looking outside, sipping brandy. When all of a sudden earth II shakes unexpectantly.


*Shin looks at the area where it is coming from.


"wtf? fire on an ice planet?" Shin looks at his brandy, and throws the galss behind him, ok no more of that.

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Earth II's temporary tranquility is abruptly disrupted when the B7HH21 Sattelite of Ice, Snow, and Cold Destruction, floating in the void above, adjusts its bearings a 450/th of an inch. The sattelite's icy beam rips through Acrid's castle. Armenia's ship is frozen solidly to the ground.
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