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The Snow Arena


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Silvuru goes to Shin`s castle sneakse behind acrid and trying to drown him in the snow. Silvuru is in the castle now and he is going in to the toilet where he heard Shin poohing. Silvuru omes in to the toilet and takes shinus head into the toilet and flush.



(soory about my english I am 13 years old and from Norway)

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Dr. Corbett steps in a snow time machine back to about page two when people were still throwing snowballs at eachother... just as Pack Rat sets about construction of his first ship, a cleverly executed snowball attack catches him off guard and whacks right in the front of his/her robe! [should have been wearing something a bit warmer. :P]
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*Mojlnir awakens to darkness, very cold and somewhat wet darkness*


"I must be dead, its so cold and dark....wait a minute" says Mojlnir as it dawns on him that his head is stuck in a very large snow ball.


*As Mojlnir excavates his cranium from the ball of icey snow, images of screaming old ladies riding electric wheelchairs and flailing their purses flash through his head*


"What was that all about?" mutters Mojlnir to himself


"Oh well, I hope those Grannies didn't hurt anyone too badly" Mojlnir sighs to himself as he munches on a stale cavewich and decides that Purgatory is the place to be


"Got those term papers to write, yes I do" says Mojlnir to himself as he throws the rest of the cavewich and a snow ball in the direction of ShinJiOh's castle and the disappears through a portal into Purgatory


*the portal closes with a "snap' and Mojlnir is once again comfortably seated before his trusty Purg-a-tron*

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Earth II Hyper Limit: Invasion - 1:05 Hours


Its sensors still not quite operational, the massive battleship failed to notice the new jump signiatures appearing on the edge of the system. Just to be sure, the strike force activated its stealthing ecm, and began the long slow run into range of the battleship.


Earth II, Juggernaut Test: Invasion - 0:35 Hours


The first hint the Juggernaut got of the incoming attack was the opening missile salvo smashing into its shields. Before any of Juggernauts's point defense could come online, the second salvo hit, completely stripping away the shields. Noticing this key point, the strike group's commanders gave the order to launch fighters.


The kick of the catapault slammed Ryan Tabanne back into his figher's chair. As normal vision returned, the target became obvious. A slight nudge of the controls brought him on course for a bombing run against the battleship. As the six squadrons of bombers dove in towards the target, the first bursts of point defense fire began exploding in the formation. Here and there, a fighter was rocked by impacts, but their shields held. As he reached the marked point on his map, Ryan released his bombs, then pulled up at a sharp angle away from the battleship. Behind him, the squadrons did the same, scattering in a chaotic cloud that no gunner could score reliable hits on.


Only a few of the 144 warheads were stopped by defensive fire, the rest sliping through to hit. Well over a hundred snowion pulse detonations covered an entire side of the battleship. Within seconds, every electronic system aboard the Juggernaut was disabled, most of it permanently.


The fighers took up position outside Juggernaut's hangars, eagerly waiting for some fresh prey to launch. Back at the fleet, eight assualt transports with gunship escort began closing to dock with the battleship. The commandos and engineering teams they carried should be enough to capture the battleship, but the missile cruisers locked their full batteries onto the target. If Peregrine couldn't get the ship, their orders were to be sure Pack Rat couldn't either.

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*Acrid walks outside and see's all this chaos


*"hmmm, good just the way I like it"


*Acrid steals a snow cruiser (inerstellar snow fighter/bomber) and heads for Peregrines ship, coming to a stop when Peregrines ship send the warning to stay so far away, Acrid replys "oh I'm just a trader, I sell cavewitches" Peregrines incomptent security team allow Acrid to dock on his ship. Acrid makes his way to the command center dressed in snow-trooper uniform, Then they meet, finally Acrid and Peregrine face to face. Acrid takes off his helmet and says "Peregrine the toilet on earth is frozen do you got one here, I got to go real bad! like number two!"

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Cmac and a small troop of scouts stealthily sneak into Shin's castle. Acrid is gagged with a particurarly rubbery snowball, and tied with iceropes. Cmac's scouts, armed with Blades of Freezing Flame, override the castle's security system, locking Shin in a small room. Cmac himself appears, 15 feet tall in the castle entry, armed with a one-man arsenal of a Large Silvery-Chrome Deadly Ice-Shooting Gun. All cower.
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