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The Snow Arena


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Hyperspace: Invasion -0:15 Hours


Peregrine, eager to get his hands on the ship that can dock/communicate/etc while in hyperspace, allows Acrid to land and enter. Now face to face with his old enemy, Peregrine can't help laughing. "So all that, and you just want a toilet???" Finally he gets control of himself long enough to say a few more words. "Second door on the right, down that hall." He points with a wing down a corridor leading away from the bridge.


Acrid, once he enters the door, finds a small room with a few seats along the wall. And as promised, a very small toilet crammed into one corner of the room. As he moves to sit down on the toilet, the floor shakes a bit. But he has more important things to do, and dismisses it in favor of other things.


Back on the bridge, Peregrine watches as the escape pod ejects from the ship. At the thought of Acrid trapped in hyperspace forever (unlike Acrid's ship, the escape pod is helpless in hyperspace), an evil smile appears on his face. "An appropriate justice for the death of a planet," he observes as he returns to planning his invasion.

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*Ancalagon, groggy from a hangover that lasted for a few days, yet felt like a few years, stumbles forward from the Baby Grand. He activates a viewscreen and proceeds to examine the carnage being unleashed upon the Universe by Mankind, and a crazy Bird man thing. He sighs.


'Figures, you dump a s***load of snow all over the Universe and what do you get? Complete and utter destruction of all things good and evil.'


*swigs some nightquil (the moonshine of cold medicines!) and pours himself a glass of Absynthe to calm his nerves. Walks over to Mojlnir and watches him type for a moment, then asks:


'Having any luck?'


*Ancalagon moves over to his enormous (understatement) battle cruiser, under which rests the Baby Grand and a cocktail bar, he lovingly runs his hands along the smooth dark matter plasteel hull and orders the peons above to name the ship 'The Hammer of God'. A insidious smile slowly spreads across his face.


'Soon, soon the final blow will be struck. And from the ruins of it all I shall emerge and all of Man shall fall under my Dominion while the Universe lasts. And when it ends, I shall remove myself here to Purgatory and await the creation of another, so that I may rule again indefinateley and the inhabitants shall see me as a God, and a God I shall be unto them, and they will worship me. Soon, soon doom shall fall and it will be by the hands of Peregrine, no less.'

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*Back on Earth III, Adam Neko catches a lift from a certain yellow space de-construction ship set, with the help of the ship's crew. However, upon being helped, the owners of the fleet decide to push him out the air-lock, which is unfortunately aimed into deep-space. Using the last ounce of snow remaining in his inventory, he smacks in the chest, eventually crashing right into Peregrine's Fleet after it departs from hyperspace. Using the only means of warfare he has, he boards the ship he colided with and hides for the time being. * "Hope Peregrine won't push me out the air lock."
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*Typing away, Mojlnir notices that Ancalagon has rousted himself from a drunken revry and is now swigging away at a bottle of Nyquil, and pouring a shot absynthe and knocking that back as well*


"Man, didn't you just wake up from a bender?" asks Mojlnir while he stretches his fingers "I'd think your liver would be about to go on strike at this point."


"Anyway, the papers are going well. Time is passing slightly faster than calculations had predicted, but sufficient time remains for me to complete the tasks at hand"


"By jiminy, I must be done by midnight Tuesday, because I have tickets to the midnight showing of Return of the King!


"Oh, by the way, if you make a giant ship and attack the world with it, it won't work" remarks Mojlnir "I tried that yesterday evening and woke up with my head encased in a giant ice ball"


"Just thought I'd give a heads up, oh and look out for some dude with spoons" calls Mojlnir "He's ruthless!"

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On Earth II, Cmac prepares for the coming scourge. A triple-layer snowfort, complete with many tower defenses and pit-traps, lie on Earth II, covering the expanse of many miles. Few dare enter its freezing boundaries. In mockery of the ships above, cmac tosses an iceball at the cruisers --clunk!--
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OOC> Guys if you havent posted here in a few days or there have been a few posts that you haven't read please read them as people cant be in two places at one (except malchik with the clones thing)


*shin wakes up to see his toilet room door locked with one guard standing there


"cmac i swear, you should stop cutting corners" as shin easily overpowers the guard and uses shins unlocking spoon to unlock the door


*shin sees that acrid has gone "i swear acrid if you blow anything up....."


*shin then finds cmac and sets a frost giant on him.....

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Thankful that, in spite of the snow, hell has not yet frozen over Malchik peers into his Scrying glass of Galadriel (second hand).


It appears that the multiverse has been destoyed and reconstituted several times in forty-eight hours!


He sends an enchanted email to ShinJiOh. "What have you done with Pack Rat's toilet paper?"


He them sends the flea army after Armenia using bats as hosts. They're going like bats out of hell. (Well they are!) The heat melts all the snow around Armenia. The flea-bat army them thunders off towards Mojlnir awaiting instructions.


Malchik clone has arrived where New Dehli had been before Acrid had destroyed it. He falls through a black hole and lands on Peregrine.


He begins to sing. "I'm dreaming of a white christmas."


Unfortunately he only has two notes in his voice and one of those is b flat!


Malchik finds it comfy in hell and is not inclined to move himself.

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